Monday, January 21, 2013


Word came at the tail-end of the week that House Republicans will vote to raise the national debt ceiling for enough to last another three months when the country runs out of money next month. 

This move was evidently in response to Obama’s snarling that he would not negotiate on raising the national debt, that spending cuts as part of the package would not be allowed.  Obama further threatened to cut off military and social security paychecks if the House didn’t do as he demanded.  Let’s get serious; we all knew what the prognosis was going to be when the House caved on the “Fiscal Cliff.”  This whole thing is nothing but a wild political charade.  Let’s just go ahead and raise the debt ceiling to $25 trillion and let Obama spend whatever he wants.  We don’t have to pay for it anyway and we won’t be around to face our great grand-kids when the taxes get up to 75%.  Let’s just quit the fight and take the easy way out; after all, isn’t that what America is all about these days?  I mean, isn't it written in the wind anyway? 

Q. What do you think about this Te’o story?  (Gordon ~ Overton, NV)
A. If the girlfriend ever existed, O.J. was indeed innocent. 

Q. There’s this rare spider that exists down in Texas that they discovered while in the process of building a highway overpass. As a result of the discovery, construction on the overpass has been halted and they’re designing a new location.  Haven’t we gone around the bend?  (Charlotte ~ Moore, OK)
A. In the evolution of life, the dragon and dinosaur have disappeared.  It is a natural occurrence that some species cease to exist.  Yes, some demented segments of our society have gone around the bend.  I would place anyone who voted for Obama’s reelection in that category. 

Q. Is law enforcement going to enforce anti-gun laws?  (Telva ~ Diamond Bar, CA)
A. Probably not, and they have good precedent because, the Federal government is not enforcing immigration laws. 

The president of the United States, on Inauguration Day, takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws. Those are the laws that are passed by Congress. ~ Jim Sensenbrenner


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