Thursday, February 12, 2015


Obama has come out in a strong condemnation of the office supply company Staples.  He says they should be ashamed of themselves for deliberately cutting employee hours to be under 30, so that Staples does not have to pay health benefits.  “I haven’t looked at Staples stock lately or what the compensation of the CEO is, but I suspect that they could well afford to treat their workers favorably and give them some basic financial security.”

The facts are: (1) Staples is on the verge of bankruptcy and is merging with Office Deport; (2) Staples initiated its part-time policy back in 2008, long before ObamaCare was ever conceived; (3) having part-time jobs makes it easier for college students to bring in some income, and (4) he’s the one who wrote the law the way it is, so that it encourages businesses to cut hours.  This guy has never had a good word to say about anybody except, of course, Kamala Harris of California. 

Q. What do you think about the fact that both the House and the Senate passed the Keystone Pipeline Bill?  (Georgia ~ Kerrville, TX)
A. That’s not the real question.  The real question is this:  Obama is asking Congress for some so-called war powers; how will they respond when he vetoes the Keystone Pipeline? 

Q. Do you think it was fair for NBC to suspend Brian Williams for six months?  (Kelly ~ San Carlos, CA)
A. What’s NBC?  Who is Brian Williams? 

Q. The Pentagon spent over $500,000 on Viagra last year plus more on Levitra and Cialis.  What is going on?  (Jennifer ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. The money was budgeted for “Troop Support.”  How’s that for a tongue-in-cheek response?  Evidently, it is true that our military is getting soft. 

“I am not overlooking any mail.  I’m looking at all of it.  I even wrote back to the Viagra people.” ~ Randy Newman


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