Friday, February 20, 2015


Chris Ruddy, CEO of NEWSMAX, has reportedly donated $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.  He’s also said that Hillary would make a great President and supports her candidacy. 

NEWSMAX is considered to be a conservative organization by most accounts.  Ruddy has the right to his opinions and the right to spend his money as he pleases.  But, if this is his thinking, I believe he should not be running a conservative magazine and network. He is merely a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and we have to accept that their editorial policy is shaped and influenced by his beliefs. 

Q. There is such a small number of Muslims out there who have been radicalized; why are we blaming them?  (Iris ~ Denver, CO)
A. Two reasons: (1) there are bad guys in every segment of society, usually about 1% of them; there are 1.57 billion Muslims in the world, which translates to 15.7 million bad Islamic guys.  (2) Thus far, few Muslim clerics or leaders have stood up to denounce I.S.I.S. and similar terrorist butchers.  Does that means we have to round up all Muslims in the country and send them off to Japanese-style internment camps?  Not yet, but I do have to say they’re skating on thin ice; they’re either for us or they are against us.   

Q. Rev. Franklin Graham says Obama is “giving a pass” to I.S.I.S.  Do you agree?  (Tim ~ Las Vegas, NM)
A. Yes, I agree.  Obama hasn’t even bothered to draw a “red line” against I.S.I.S.  I believe Obama hopes I.S.I.S. will grow and unite with Iran to take out Israel.  I therefore believe he deliberately wants to set up our response to I.S.I.S. to fail.  Nothing in his reactions indicates otherwise.  

Q. Lenovo is selling computers that have spyware on them? (Jules ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. Yes, on their laptops.  It’s called Superfish and tracks your keystrokes and on-line searches so that it can target online ads to your computer.  This is sneaky and totally unethical, and convinces me I would not do business with them even if they gave away their computers for free. 

“Advertising is legalized lying.” ~ H.G. Wells


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