Tuesday, July 1, 2014


REUTERS is reporting Iran has been using extensive schemes and false “front companies” to secure conventional arms in violation of the U.N. Arms Embargo established due to their continued nuclear arms program.  40 M302 rockets and fuses, including four different variations of the rockets; 181 120 mm mortar shells; roughly 400,000 pieces of 7.62 caliber ammunition were discovered in a recent shipment of “cement.” 

And we’re still negotiating, still talking about a nuclear arms agreement while they continue to get closer and closer to nuclear arms capability day by day.  We’re even considering becoming partners with them in the Iraqi situation?  Obama needs to call in a carpenter… he’s gone off his beam. 

Q. Knowing what you do now, would you have gone into Iraq in 2003?  (Don ~ Ethete, WY)
A. This is a qualified yes: I would have gone into Iraq 9-12 months earlier, I would have fought a “no holds barred” battle, and we’d be occupying Iraq today and probably for another 20-30 years to provide a more meaningful transition into better self-government.  The costs for doing this would be reimbursed through Iraqi oil sales.  Barring any of this, I would have dropped a nuke or two and headed to New York City to sip on a 32 ounce soda.  Our quick pullout set the stage for the success and advent of I.S.I.S. 

Q. Why isn’t the press giving any coverage at all to the White House admission that the V.A. is “corrosive” and definitely not taking care of veteran needs?  (Chloe ~ Fargo, ND)
A. Because, as anyone knows who studies these things, when you have an embedded attitude or culture, whether it be bad or good, it inevitably starts from the top.  The press and media are in Obama’s pocket and don’t report on anything that might make him look bad; they learned their lesson from the Associated Press scandal, which they also ignored. 

Q. Do you believe the information in those “lost” IRS emails is strong enough to cause Obama to be impeached?  (Pioneer ~ Great Falls, MT
A. Yes, and so is the bottom-line answer of the Benghazi Massacre story.  That’s why the serious refusal to cooperate and the obvious cover-up.  Speaking of global warming, it’s got to be pretty damned hot in the Oval Office lately…

“Go after the illegal employers.  No free stuff.  Take the handcuffs off law enforcement.  They’ll go home.  They’ll self-deport.  The problem today is they break the law; they come across the border.  And again, what’s coming across the border today are bad guys!” ~ Russell Pearce


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