Monday, July 28, 2014


At long last, both the House and the Senate may have reached a deal to breathe new life into the Veterans Administration.  Essentially, the deal calls for $10 billion in immediate emergency spending and $25 billion in improvements over the next three years, including the purchase of some more clinics.  Vets would be able to go to private doctors in the event of unusual delays or if they live more than 40 miles from a V.A. clinic. 

This all sounds too good to be true.  In the first place, the news comes after they spent the weekend in a rush deal to get the problems addressed before going on summer vacation; whenever Congress starts moving faster than a snail’s pace, we end up getting things like… ObamaCare.  Secondly, there is a huge problem with the antiquated V.A. medical computer system that needs to be fixed before anything else stands the slightest chance of working, and we need to keep the gurus who designed the ObamaCare website away from that project. I have my hopes, but I’m not holding my breath.   
Q. Congress is going on vacation for five weeks. The border problem continues.  Do you think Obama will try any executive order type moves?  (Olan ~ Las Vegas, NV) 
A. I don’t think he will try a declaration of amnesty; there is growing concern that impeachment proceedings are just around the corner.  However, there is growing use of the word “refugee.”  If he declares all of the illegals who are here to be refugees, that move would certainly thicken the plot. This is almost better than watching J.R. Ewing…

Q. I hear a lot of discussion about Dr. Ben Carson for President.  I like a lot of the things he advocates, but how can he effect any change in Washington with the way things are being run? (Alma ~ Durango, CO)
A. Well, that’s a $2 million question.  The only possibility is if we manage to replace virtually every incumbent who is running for reelection.  We have to remove the current Washington “culture.”  It might be easier to convince Al Gore that there is no global warming. 

Q. What do you make of North Korea’s missile test over the weekend?  (Bob ~ Clackamas, OR)
A. With everything that’s been deteriorating on the international scene, I’ve been wondering when we’d hear from that sawed-off little runt again.  Well, you don’t really need to test a missile unless you intend to use it, do you? 

“The lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis is plain: Strength prevents war; weakness invites it.  We need a Commander-In-Chief who understands that – and who won’t leave us facing a foe who thinks he doesn’t.” ~ Arthur L. Herman


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