Friday, July 25, 2014


Russia started firing heavy artillery into the Ukraine yesterday in response to Obama’s placement of more sanctions.  Russia is also dramatically increasing its shipments of arms and supplies to the Ukrainian separatists. "We have new evidence that the Russians intend to deliver heavier and more powerful multiple rocket launchers to separatist forces in Ukraine and have evidence that Russia is firing artillery from within Russian to attack Ukrainian military positions," according to a State Department spokesperson.

Yesterday was a bad day for both Obama and Kerry.  Kerry showed up in Tel Aviv in an attempt to broker peace and Hamas killed 15 children in an attack.  Both Israel and Hamas basically told Kerry to take get out of town.  Israel discovered huge, sophisticated tunnels fortified with concrete leading from Gaza into Israel; the tunnels are capable of storing rockets and hiding terrorists for weeks at a time.  It should be noted that Obama continues to send aid to Palestine which is undoubtedly ending up in the hands of Hamas.  What a sad sack of manure we have for a President.    

Q. We had another botched death sentence the other day.  Why do we have to have a death sentence anyway?  (Karen ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. Oh, yes, those poor, mistreated murderers on death row.  It is such a crying shame; I wish our government would just commute their sentences, credit them with time served and release them, don’t you?  As a matter of fact, maybe you would consider taking one of them in.  You know, these guys who get sentenced to death have committed some of the most brutal, cold-blooded beatings, rapes and murders in the history of mankind; you can feel sorry for them, but I do not. 

Q. What do you think about the V.A. claims that they may have to close their doors if we don’t fork over more taxpayer money?  (Henry ~ Salinas, CA)
A. Poppycock.  That seems to be the only answer Obama has to anything: “Give me more money.”  Now, I’m a veteran and I’m damned upset at what that agency has done to my fellow veterans, but I’m not in favor of forking over a dime until we have a full and complete investigation on the status quo and a full and transparent report to the American public, all accompanied by a responsible plan to fix this mess. Why throw crisp, $100 bills onto a raging fire?   

Q. What’s the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant?  (Barb ~ Santa Ana, CA)
A. The Japanese now acknowledge that crops some 20km from the plant were destroyed by radiation.  They are currently trying desperately to stop the flow of radiation from the plant into groundwater by building a huge underground freeze field.  Back on July 6th, they had to stop pumping water into one of the reactors due to leaks and the danger of a meltdown rose dramatically.  Finally, they’re reviewing current exposure limits for workers at the site with the possibility of raising them.  I guess the United States isn’t the only country with a jerk in charge. 

“You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline.  It helps if you have some kind of football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.” ~ Frank Zappa


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