Friday, July 31, 2020


Why do we allow one man, George Soros, to have more control over what goes on in our country than we allow the entire Congress or the President to have?  More control than even all of us collectively have together?  Why?

If we can't have a fair election in November, why have an election at all?

Why are America's professional sports teams going to such lengths to stand behind Black Lives Matter when BLM is burning down buildings and conducting warfare against our cities? 

Why won't the Democrats at least pass a bill to give citizens a stimulus check?  Why do they have to insist on getting their pork first? 

Why did a Florida man fire a gun inside a Miami Beach hotel?  He was angry that a mother and son weren't social distancing. 

Why can't President Trump change Election Day?  The Constitution gives Congress the authority to determine Election Day and they statutorily set it for the first Tuesday in November.  Only Congress can change it.  

Why is Trump so afraid of rampant election fraud in November?  Because, without such fraud, there's no way the Democrats can win.    

Why is Vice President Pence just like Jerry Nadler?  Both were involved in vehicle accidents this week.  

Why did the Surgeon General of the United States call President Trump a "badass" to his face?  Because the President was wearing a face mask.  “You look badass in a face mask!” 

Why are we sending another Rover to Mars?  We're looking for a place to send all of America's domestic terrorist Democrats.  

"There's no way I'm going to talk about my relationship with the Clintons!" ~ Jeffrey Epstein

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