Friday, July 10, 2020


Immediately before the Nazis took over Germany, Antifa was disrupting that country.  It is the stated objective of Antifa to eliminate our government and install their own brand of Fascism.  One way or another, we must remove the scourge of Antifa from American lands... immediately.  
Ilhan Omar wants to get rid of our political and economic system.  Ilhan should pack up and go back to the jungle; she's not welcome here! 

Kanye West hopes to draw enough votes away from Trump in November to deny him reelection.  I guess Kanye has decided he wants to see our system of government dismantled, too?

All we've been hearing about for the past two days is that 3 million, (gasp!)... three million people in the United States have been infected by the Chinese Virus! Chicken Little, the sky is falling!  Here we are, five months down the road and 3 million people have or have had the virus.  Here's the cold hard fact: in a nation of 340 million people, that amounts to 0.8% of the population.  So, Dr. Fauci... up yours with the fear mongering!  

For an interesting read on the Chinese Virus, go to: 

A sure sign that Kamala Harris will be the VP pick by Biden is that they are scrubbing anything negative about her from the Internet... just like they did with Barack Hussein.  

You have all of those murders and associated crime going on in New York City, thanks to Bill DeBlasio and defunding the police.  But... wouldn't you think the citizens would want to stand up and stop it? 

Judge Emmett Sullivan says it will be a cold day in hell before he dismisses the Flynn case.  He's ignoring a three-judge appellate court ruling directing him to do so and appealing to a higher court.  His ignorance of the Constitution and prosecutorial discretion is exceeded only by his patriotism to the Democrat Party and Barack Hussein.  

"The entire Chinese Virus thing is an elaborate hoax designed to remove Trump from the White House." ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci

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