Friday, July 17, 2020


Given the news eking out yesterday about at least 15 ex-cheerleaders alleging sexual misconduct by the Washington Redskins, perhaps they should be renamed the Washington Foreskins?  Jest sayin'....
The story making the rounds Wednesday was that several Twitter accounts of famous people, such as Biden, Obama, West, Bloomberg, Bill Gates... among others... were hacked.  People received tweets saying that if they sent $1,000 in bitcoin to a certain account, it would be matched in the amount of $2,000 for a total of $3,000.  As of post time, the illustrious Joe, who has moved so far to the left that he's fallen into the basement, has nothing to say. Maybe Hunter needs the money for attorney fees?

Florida proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you cannot... cannot... trust Covid-19 "statistics."  And they plan to have pregnant Chad count mail-in votes in November? 

California restaurateur: "I'm losing my livelihood, my business, everything I've worked for all of my life!"  Governor Newsom: "Put on your mask, sit down and shut up!"

How to subjugate the masses: Make them all wear an article of clothing that advertises the fact that they will do as they are told. 

The Dems are afraid that students going back into the classroom will allow them to learn real truths.

Every indication is that BLM, Antifa and Anarchist riots and murders in our major cities are being financially and logistically supported by Soros-funded "front" organizations.  They may also be orchestrated by the "Organizer-In-Chief," Barack Hussein himself.

Even State Troopers don't want to be stationed in New York City any more!  They're asking to be removed from DeBlasio's cesspool of crime and anarchy.

California's big box stores get to stay open while small businesses have to shut down again?  Smells like graft and corruption to me.  What say you, Premier Newsom?

Walmart is now requiring that all shoppers wear masks.  The rumor is that they're also selling masks made in China for $9.95 at the front doors...

Things are about to turn into chop suey in the South China Sea...

If mail-in ballots will not be counted if they arrive after Election Day, what's to keep the post office from delaying their delivery? 

The Iranians are complaining that someone has been sabotaging their ships and secret military facilities.  Talk about the kettle calling the pot black! 

So, the Russians have been hacking away again?  This time, they are said to be interfering with the development of an anti-Chinese Virus vaccine.  I'd be willing to bet China is also hacking away... trying to get us to develop either a vaccine that won't work, or a vaccine that will poison us!

"They make you wear a mask when you visit a bordello!" ~ Bill Clinton

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