Monday, July 27, 2020


Democratic Mayors and Governors have made it clear: not only will they tolerate riots and violence in their cities, but they will go to any lengths necessary to keep the federal government or anybody else from interfering with it.  They are even brazen enough to go onto the streets and cheer the anarchist thugs on!

The November elections are no longer about Democrat vs. Republican!  They are about evil vs. good, and the Democrats are making it clear that they do not stand on the side of good!  Remember, that when you stand in the voting booth, we Americans must stand up for our country and our children and preserve our freedoms!
Some citizens in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Utah, Virginia and Washington are receiving mysterious packets of seeds in the mail from China, marked "jewelry."  Don't open them, don't eat them, don't plant them.  Authorities caution that we do not know if they are laced with cyanide, contain deadly toxins or germs, or are an invasive plant species.  Thanks China... we already have enough of your biological warfare! 

Mitch McConnell seems to be doing everything he can to keep conservatives out of the Senate.  He needs to be removed from office!

One thing is for certain: If the Democrats win in November, graft and corruption will rule Socialist America forever. 

Gun sales are up 95%; ammo sales are up 139%!  Support your local police and protect yourselves and families.  Get trained! 

"I still have a chance!" ~ Hillary Clinton

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