Monday, June 22, 2020


It doesn't seem to matter whose statue they remove these days, or whether or not the person represented was for or against slavery and racism.  They seem to be hellbent on just removing statues.  
They are using our freedoms against us, and we are letting them get away with it! 

The Sacramento County Sheriff agrees with me: he's not going to enforce Governor Newsom's mandatory face mask rule.  After all... we're all adults.  We know what the risks are.  If we're so dumb as to not be able to figure these things out, we deserve to be in the Democrat Party!

There was a shooting and a loss of life in Seattle's "CHOP" autonomous zone and everyone is bellyaching about it.  Reporters are complaining about being harassed and threatened.  Here's the skinny: cops aren't going in there!  Fire trucks aren't going in there!  They are all aware of the dangers and choose not to expose themselves to life-threatening situations.  If someone gets shot and killed in there, they have no one to blame but themselves.  

Biden thinks he's going to be inaugurated in October.  He's already putting together his transition team.

The Trump campaign has now taken to sending out EMail requests for money every damned hour! 

In a Twitter post, AOC claims the Trump campaign was scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online, then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.  There's more than one way to stifle freedom of speech!

Along that vein, can you image what tricks they're going to be pulling with mail-in balloting?  

There has been a shooting in Minneapolis with one dead and a dozen injured.  I wonder if the defunded cops even bothered to show up? 

"If you have a list of Republicans and Democrats, and if you are requiring voting by mail, then all you have to do is trash any mail from any Republican to the registrars of voting.  That's how Democrats win in 2020!" ~ James Carville

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