Wednesday, June 17, 2020


These niggardly thugs petrifying Americans with their riots, arson, beatings and statue removals have yet to dynamite Mount Rushmore. 
I don't know who to believe about anything to do with the Chinese virus.  There's so much conflicting advice and stories out there, I no longer believe anybody.  

The main reason the Democrats are fuming at Trump's upcoming and now sold out rally in Tulsa is that they know if they put Joe Biden in that venue, he couldn't even draw flies.

Things are getting hot everywhere.  There has been a skirmish between Indian and China, killing over 20; the North Koreans blew up a South Korean liaison building; we have riots and protests, murders and mayhem throughout the United States; and Roger Goodell wants Colin Kaepernick back in the NFL.

What in hell makes Republican's in Congress think they deserve MY vote?  I'll definitely vote for President Trump, but that's it.

For those idiots who demand the Washington Redskins change their names, why don't you just quit watching their games, sit down and shut up? 

The Democrats keep squawking about racial injustice in America.  They are the ones who started it by seceding from the Union because America wanted to free the slaves.  And they haven't stopped treating Blacks and Native Americans like dog dung ever since.

To those beer brewers who face the dilemma of having a huge inventory of stale beer on hand, why not give it away for free as a promotion?  My number is 555-555-1212.  

"To brew or not to brew, that is the question." ~ Samuel Adams

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