Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Don't like wearing a face mask?  Just do as I say!  I'm in charge here, not you!  Officials in several liberal Democrat counties, including Orange County, are working to make it a criminal offense if you refuse.  How in hell are they going to enforce these dictates if they're intending to defund the police? 

Sheriffs in other counties have a different take, intimating it will be a cold day in hell before they enforce Newsom's orders.  My, my.  
Which begs the next question: what is going to happen in November with mandated mail-in ballots?  Will the polls be closed?  You can't vote unless it's by mail?  If you show up to vote in person, you'll be carted off to sit in jail next to your neighbor who was caught without a face mask?

California's unemployment rate is still above 16%, but... who cares? 

Between April 6 and June 6, agents in the LA/Long Beach Seaport intercepted 19,555 pounds of prohibited pork, chicken, beef and duck products arriving from China... probably from a wet market.  If they can't steal our technological secrets or kill us with the Chinese Virus, they're bound and determined to poison us to death.

If two Black felons invade my house and rape my wife, and I shoot them dead, how many years will I serve in San Quentin for racial discrimination?

Where else in the world could you get sentenced to life in prison for a heinous crime and then be let out on day-one because of Covid-19? 

I'm beginning to wonder if there aren't some Chinamen running around the country spraying the air with the Wuhan virus.  

"Jerry Nadler is such an important, self-absorbed little old man." ~ Nancy Pelosi  

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