Friday, April 17, 2020


Both the U.S. and Canada have been funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology from which the Chinese Virus spread, either accidentally or deliberately.  This revelation comes after recent reports, including from the Daily Mail, of millions of dollars in U.S. government grants funding research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology over recent years.

The big question here is: Why... WHY was the U.S. funding a Chinese lab to do research when we have hundreds of labs here capable of doing that same research?  
It appears that George Soros is funneling vast amounts of money into AOC's reelection campaign.

Speaking of money, California's Governor Newsom is throwing it around as if he had it to spend, vowing to help the illegals with stimulus money.  Yes... this is the same guy who pleads every day that he has to raise taxes because there's just not enough money to go around.  That $500 of MY tax money that California Governor Newsom is going to give to every illegal in the state?  I say that's an illegal use of my tax money and I have every right to quit paying California taxes.

Who's WHO?

Researchers now suspect the Covid-19 has mutated and won't be hurt at all by proposed vaccines currently being developed.   It also appears that people can get it more than once.  Pelosi is immune: she has Mad Cow Disease. 

Wednesday was the day that most stimulus funds were slated to be deposited into Americans' bank accounts.  First thing in the morning, everyone awakened to check their accounts and all bank websites crashed.

The mainstream media, parroting the Dems and their relentless stupidity, demands to know why President Trump didn't shut the country down earlier, as in January for example.  How can you shut down the nation when there are no known cases and no deaths?  Yet, they persist in their never-ending insanity... 

Alyssa Milano contends that citizens who stockpile guns and ammo pose "dire consequences" for the future of our county.  It is she, and left-wing would-be dictators who pose dire consequences to our Union.  In the meanwhile, California Assemblyman Miguel Santiago is insisting to Governor Newsom that all gun and ammo sales in the state be suspended immediately and indefinitely due to Covid-19.  We on the west coast are going to hell in a hand-basket. 

"We're going to donate 85% of the hundreds of millions of dollars in funds left over from the Clinton Foundation to actually help illegal aliens." ~ Hillary Clinton

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