Monday, April 6, 2020


We all know of the horrendous numbers involving Coronavirus and we all know that the vast majority of U.S. cases are in New York.  Given that knowledge, how can Governor Andrew Cuomo still adamantly refuse to allow the use of hydroxychloroquine in his state?  And people actually think he should be on the Democrat ticket for President?  
More evidence is emerging that Covid-19 originated in a virology lab in Wuhan, China.  The question now is: should we nuke them or just give them a slap on the wrist?

This move to require all big box stores to stop selling non-essential items is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.  It's just another economy killer.  If you have to go to the store to get essential items, you should be able to pick up other items as well.

Some idiots in Great Britain theorized that Covid-19 was brought on by new 5G cellphone technology.  So, they evidently set fire to come cell towers.  Those silly Brits... always thinking like Democrats.

There's a flap going on in northern Nevada about a huge Russian cargo plane which landed in Reno amid a shroud of secrecy.  My conclusion is that it was full of Russian vodka on the way to Nancy Pelosi in exchange for some N-95 masks... hence, the secrecy.  

You ask: Do you need to wear a mask during Coronavirus?  Well... most of your friends say you would look better if you did.

"Why don't you just go f*** yourself, Nancy?" ~ Donald Trump

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