Monday, April 20, 2020


While small businesses are permanently shutting their doors by the thousands, Senator Chuck Schumer is demanding more spending be included in any relief package.  They are going to insert it into the bill's language and that is all there is to it.  Go along with their demands or let the damned businesses die. 
City officials in San Clemente buried the local skate park in sand to keep bored teenagers from violating stay-at-home orders.  Maybe the city council should go pound some sand...

Someone should stick a lump of coal in Pelosi's ice cream. 

Hunter Biden is still listed as being on the board of directors of that Chinese equity fund company he promised to resign from back in October.  I'm sure it's just an oversight... absent-mindedness seems to run in the family. 

A Florida inmate was released due to the Chinese virus scare.  The very next day, he murdered someone.  The Democrats win again...

I can't think of one legitimate reason why the U.S. should not sever all ties with China and ban American businesses from operating there.  If Walmart goes under, so be it. 

Empress Nancy Pelosi has laid down her iron fist: She will not allow President Trump to cut off WHO funding.  Period.  End of that story. 

California guv Gavin Newsom is giving each illegal alien $500 of taxpayer money, which means that an illegal who files a tax return also gets $1,200 from the feds.  How nice. 

What's worse... dying in the hospital from the Chinese virus or dying at home of starvation because you can't go to work? 

"Let them suffer." ~ Chinese President Xi Jinping

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