Friday, December 1, 2017


Word late yesterday is that North Korea is feverishly preparing a site at its missile launch center for another launch.   Sanctions seem to be working really well...

Judging by the way things are going, I think the sexual revolution has just revolved again.

John Conyers is in the hospital with "stress problems."  I don't know what he could be stressed about, unless they discover that he and Pelosi had an affair...   The other day she was glaring mad because we were picking on that celebrated Democrat "icon," and yesterday she said... he's gotta go bye bye. 

I'm not saying Kim Jong Un is short, but I sure would appreciate it if someone would pound his sorry butt another three feet into the ground and then he'd be totally buried.   

In reading about alien's in history on, I discovered that scientists exhumed Napoleon's body to see if they could figure out why he was so small and they discovered a microchip in his skull, somewhat akin to microchips you plant in dogs.  Now, how could this happen that many years ago, even before microchips were invented?  Of course, this all begs the question: does Barack Obama have such an implant?  I mean, Napoleon and Barack both had a lot of dogs, that is. 

I guess it's now official: Al Franken is a breast man. 

How long do you figure Ryan, McConnell and Schumer can keep their mouths shut over these Congressional sex scandals and the top secret slush funds?

I keep getting emails from Trump's campaign team... It's my last chance; If I don't pony up by midnight, they won't allow me to contribute ever again. 

"The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.  

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