Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Up to 40% of the calls to Veterans Affairs hotlines go unanswered due to poor employee work habits, according to the hotline’s former director, who says that some employees answer as few as five calls a day and leave early when call volumes increase. 

You can’t fire them.  They’re civil service employees working for the V.A. and they can do whatever they want.  Lady, I don’t care if your brother goes ahead and commits suicide after trying to get help or not.  That’s not my problem… Barack. 
Q. Hillary says Trump would try to blame her for everything that’s gone wrong and he says “Why not?”  I thought that was such a great response, because it’s right on.  (Pawnee ~ Moore, OK)
A. Isn’t she the one who wants to know why she’s not 51 points ahead of Trump in the polls?  Maybe she should sit down with a pastor and do some soul searching, if she knows one. 

Q. Keith Lamont Scott did have a gun, I’m convinced of it.  He was told over and over to drop it; he didn’t.  Doesn’t that mean the cop's shooting was justified?  (Mavis ~ Lonnie ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. When I look at the video, I don’t see Scott raising the gun; I do see him with his arms down, backing off.  Under those circumstances, he was not life-threatening and under those circumstances, they had no right to shoot him, unless there’s more to the story we don’t know about.  . 

Q. I understand that there have been cyber intrusions into some voter registration rolls.  I also heard that we don’t have worry about computer hacking affecting the elections.  That doesn’t make sense to me.  (Georgia ~ Shasta Lake City, CA)
A. There are three ways hackers can really screw our elections up.  One is by inserting algorithms into the software that count every 8th vote for one person as a vote for the opponent.  The second is to simply change the totals in the system after the votes have been tabulated. And the third is to insert names of a bunch of fictitious voters onto the rolls so that people otherwise not entitled to vote can come in and vote.  So, we very much do have to worry about election fraud. Does it concern you that Clinton supporters are saying, "Don't worry about it?" 

“This election is about who is NOT going to be the next president of the United States.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


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