Thursday, September 29, 2016


About a month ago, Hillary Clinton participated in the Commander-In-Chief forum and pictures taken of her clearly showed she had a listening device in her ear, for which there has been no denial and no explanation.  Video of her left ear taken during the presidential debate seem to show the same earpiece. 

This means that someone offstage was feeding her lines during the debate.  The FEC has not ruled out such outside help; and it looks like the FEC is controlled by the White House.  In other words, she cheated… again… and got away with it… again. 
Q. How do you feel about the ability of 9/11 victim families to sue Saudi Arabia and the Congressional override of Obama’s veto?  (Tess ~ Garland, TX)
A. It’s way too sad that it took 7-1/2 years for Congress to override one of Obama’s defiant vetoes.  One of the underlying principles of our legal system is that if there is a wrong, there should be a redress.  Prevention of 9/11 victims to seek a remedy against Saudi Arabia was a violation of that principle.  Now as to whether or not they can prove their cases or, if so, obtain compensation from Saudi Arabia, that is a major question.   

Q. What’s the story behind that Miss Universe contestant that Hillary claimed Trump abused?  (Charles ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. During the debate, Trump said that the woman, "Miss Piggy," was very troubled.  As it turns out, she was charged with threatening to kill a Venezuelan judge regarding a case involving her boyfriend, who was accused of shooting and injuring his brother-in-law. 

Q. Was Cheryl Mills actually carrying around classified material on her laptop?  (Billie ~ Redding, CA)
A. Yep… all over the world.  But, there’s nothing we can do about it; she has immunity. 

TODAY’S QUOTE: Oh yes we can…
“You can call us wrong.  You can call me a fool. You cannot call us weasels.” ~ James Comey, testifying before Congress. 


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