Wednesday, July 27, 2016


A man entered the women’s restroom in a New York Macys.  A woman, who was in the restroom with her daughter, complained.  A senior store detective removed the man from the restroom, who immediately said he was a woman.  The store detective got fired.  The detective, Javier Chavez, says he was never told about any policy that would allow men to use women’s facilities. He also said any store policy that would allow men in a woman’s restroom violates his Catholic faith but he would abide with store mandates.

Macy’s deserves to go out of business.  I will never shop there again. What in hell… I mean WHAT in hell… are we turning ourselves into? 
Q. Whatever became of the criminal charges against the investigative team that uncovered the selling of fetal baby parts?  (Ty ~ Henderson, KY)
A. The Judge dismissed all charges.  It is interesting to note that the mainstream media is not covering this story.  Obviously they and the Hillary Democrats who control them are okay with selling fetal baby parts and conducting abortions for the sake of harvesting those parts.  It’s disgusting, isn’t it? 

Q. Why aren’t they even mentioning I.S.I.S. at the D.N.C. Convention?  (Harley ~ Carson City, NV)
A. Because I.S.I.S. doesn’t exist; it is only a figment of Donald Trump’s imagination.  Given the past history of how Obama and Clinton have dealt with the subject of I.S.I.S., I don’t blame them for not mentioning it at the convention. 

Q. The Colorado delegates refuse to stump for Trump.  Bush, Kasich and Cruz are refusing to support him, even though all three pledged solemnly to support the eventual winner, no matter who it turned out to be.  Ryan is hiding in the House bathroom.  What’s going on?  Are they all so afraid of Trump that they are willing to let Hillary win?  (Kerry ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. They WANT Hillary to win; that’s the only way they can save face.  None of them yet understand that they don’t know their asses from the Grand Canyon when it comes to listening to the public.  And therein lies the reason that we don’t give a hoot about them, either. 

“A politician who refuses to listen to his constituents will soon be on the outside looking in.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


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