Thursday, July 21, 2016


The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a Texas law requiring voters to show government-issued identification is discriminatory and therefore illegal. 

How many times can illegals now vote?  Who’s going to stop them?  No wonder citizens are arming themselves!  Think about it: An illegal Syrian terrorist can now come to this country, blow up a bunch of people and then go to the polls to vote.  Something is wrong with this picture.  
Q. How do you feel about the Civil Service Union and federal government employees?  (Phillip ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. There was a time when all federal employees were subject to firing at the whim of politicians and for no reason; that’s what brought on the union in the first place.  Now, however, it’s virtually impossible to fire a federal employee and they have created a haven for the lazy and incompetent, and the result is that innovation and excellence have become stifled.  There are almost three million federal employees doing the jobs of 16. 

Q. Newt Gingrich is saying he thinks Trump might get 60% of the vote in November.  Do you think that’s possible?  (Blanche ~ Winslow, AZ)
A. Since I cannot believe Americans are dumb enough to elect a liar, someone who allowed Benghazi to happen and then covered it up, someone who put C.I.A. operatives at great risk by using an unsecured Email server to transmit their names… I think Trump might win with 70% unless, of course, Barack gets to count the votes.    

Q. Do you think the use of Michelle Obama’s speech lines in Melania Trump’s speech was deliberately done?  (Chaz ~ Napa, CA)
A. Absolutely.  Nobody makes that kind of error when the stakes are so high… unless they’re secretly a Democrat.  Now, Melania did say that she wrote most of the speech herself.  I suspect that she asked for some ideas, liked the sound of what she was hearing and did not have the political savvy to question her sources.   I bet it won't happen again. 

“The greatest threat to the constitutional right to vote is voter fraud.” ~ Lynn Westmoreland


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