Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Shepard Smith said on FOX NEWS over the weekend that former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was out of line for saying, “All lives matter.”  Smith insisted that such language is divisive. 

I do not agree with or respect Smith for saying what he did, but I sure as hell respect and support his right to say it.  People want him fired.  They’re idiots; they are the ones who are divisive.    
Q. I’m upset at Ohio Governor Kasich for refusing to stop people from openly carrying guns at the Republican National Convention.  He says he has no authority to even temporarily suspend Second Amendment Rights.  You’re a gun owner; what do you think?  (Luttrell ~ Indianapolis, IN)
A. We both know that there are going to be protests at the convention and we are both prepared to say there are likely to be violent confrontations.  The cops have enough to deal with; they don’t need to be worrying about every macho, gun toting jackass in the country showing up in the middle of all of this.  I believe strongly in the Second Amendment, but given the circumstances we are faced with in 2016, given Dallas and Baton Rouge, Kasich is stubbornly wrong and probably secretly hopes that there will be gunfire on Trump’s parade. 

Q. Some radical Blacks say they should have their own nation within the U.S.  What are your thoughts?  (Gerry ~ Deming, NM)
A. Maybe we could do to them what we did to the Native Americans in this country?  We could find some barren land out in the middle of nowhere with no natural resources and leave them to fend for themselves?  I’m all for it. 

Q. I cannot understand, with all of the ugly truth about Hillary Clinton, how she even continues to register at all in the polls, let alone beating Trump.  Do you think they might be rigged?  (Kim ~ Campbell, CA) 
A. You’re not accusing the left-wing media of distorting the facts, are you? 

“The malcontents of this world belong on a different planet.  Mars would suffice.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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