Monday, July 11, 2016


WND.COM is reporting that F.B.I. Director James Comey has previously made decisions which benefited the Clintons.  For example: Sandy Berger was charged with removing classified documents involving the Clintons from the National Archives and Comey limited the scope of investigation.  Berger, Loretta Lynch and Cheryl Mills all worked for the law firm which prepared tax returns for the Clintons.  Lynch and Comey also worked together in several matters. 

There they all are, cozy as bedbugs in a rug.  And we had Democrats and Republicans alike extolling the virtues of Comey?  Washington makes me puke. 
Q. With the growing threat of terrorism in our country, with the past history of violence at Trump rallies and with racial tensions at an all-time high… I’m concerned about the safety at the Cleveland Republican National Convention.  (Lehigh ~ Saint George, UT)
A. Fear not; Obama will make Cleveland and the entire area into a “gun free zone” and that will take care of that problem.  You should be more concerned about global warming, because that is a far bigger threat.  Yes, siree. 

Q. I understand that after Roger Ailes claimed Gretchen Carlson was filing sexual harassment charges against him because he had fired her, at least half-a-dozen other women have come forward with similar allegations.  What does this portend for FOX NEWS and Ailes?  (Akako ~ Belmont, CA)
A. These latest allegations all appear to involve conduct that occurred many years ago.  Ailes is claiming they never happened and that Carlson is stirring them up because she is attempting to try her case in the court of public opinion.  Ailes has had such a successful run at the FOX NEWS helm that I suspect it will be slept…. excuse me…. swept under the rug. 

Q. Did I hear that Hillary had Huma Abedin burn all of her daily schedules, and why?  (Dinah ~ Birmingham, AL)
A. She burned most of them, apparently because she didn’t want a record showing who she met with.  It could be very embarrassing if, for example, some billionaire contributed millions of dollar to the Clinton Foundation on Monday and had a private meeting with Hillary at the State Department on Tuesday, followed by some favorable treatment by the Department of State on Wednesday.  But, like all truly dirty things in Washington, that story will probably never see the light of day. 

“In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people.  If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways.  Our major social problems are not the cause of our decadence; they are a reflection of it." ~ Cal Thomas


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