Saturday, May 16, 2015


Presidential candidate Marco Rubio said Thursday that our foreign policy should be guided by our American moral superiority: “Our idea of freedom and liberty is a superior idea and everywhere it’s been tried in the world it has led to prosperity,” he said. “We know it is a superior way of governance and the natural right of man. And the same is true with our conflict with radical Islam. Our conflict with radical Islam is simple—we believe everyone has a right to worship as they please.  And they believe unless you worship the way they want you to worship, it should be punishable by death. And we are morally superior to them in regards to our view versus theirs, so it is a conflict of both culture and moral principle, and our foreign policy should be guided by that.”

Wake up, Marco.  Our “moral superiority” has been heading down the commode for over six years.  The real message to be delivered is: “Unless we take positive, proactive steps today to reverse the decline of moral superiority in this country, our country is going to right down the same commode.” 

Q. You haven’t weighed in on the fact that Hillary is only paying her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar their male counterparts get paid.  (Bonnie ~ Albany, OR)
A. I think that’s terrific.  Maybe, if she wins the presidency, she’ll get rid of all male government employees and replace them with women, thereby reducing the national debt. 

Q. Do you think the world is safer with Osama Bin Laden being gone?  (Dora ~ Smithfield, UT)
A. It is far more dangerous, as far as terrorism goes.  That’s solely because Obama has squandered our strategic advantages. 

Q. Are you glad Tsarnaev got the death penalty?  (Cleotis ~ West Seattle, WA)
A. He is an admitted killer, virtually from the get go.  He is a terrorist, brother or not.  My regret is that the hundreds of thousands of dollar spend on attorneys in this particular instance had to be spent.  And I also regret that the Judge did not have the discretion to determine how the death sentence should be carried out.  I would favor pushing him out of airplane in a strait jacket at 12,000 feet… with a stick of dynamite stuck up his rear-end and a long, lit fuse attached. 

“Revenge is sweet, and not fattening.” ~ Alfred Hitchcock


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