Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The House passed a bill yesterday to extend temporary funding for three weeks while shaving another $6 billion in expenses.

Let’s see… They did two weeks the last go-around and cut $4 billion, so that makes $10 billion and five weeks, or $2 billion per week they can cut. That’s .0001 of the national debt. Gosh, what progress! I think I’d rather watch the grass grow.

Q. Why are they having so much trouble in Washington getting a budget passed? (Steve – Reno, NV)
A. Show me a politician who is willing to quit spending our money and I’ll show you a politician who’s been dead at least 1,000 years.

Q. Starting yesterday, we hear some scientists saying there is nothing to worry about with the nuclear power emergency in Japan. Who’s right? (Lenora ~ Susanville, CA)
A. I’ve heard comparisons to Chernobyl, that only a relatively few people were affected, maybe 1,000, and only ten deaths. If you remember back, the Russians were keeping a top secret lid on casualties and cancers. I don’t think I believe these light numbers. However, if it turned out to be a massive problem, I think that would have leaked out by now. Scientists will tell you that any radioactivity above normal has increased danger to some extent and, when a situation is bad, governments have a tendency to withhold the facts. As for me, I’m staying away from Japan; my personality is glowing enough already.

Q. Obama’s popularity keeps hitting new lows. Is he finished? (Warren ~ El Monte, CA)
A. Not yet. Snakes don’t die easily.

California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange. ~ Fred Allen


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