Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Within hours of the news that the Japanese nuclear power plants were in trouble, and within minutes after the Gore Group claimed it was all due to global warming, those against nuclear energy in this country started beating their drums against future U.S. nuclear plants. Every minute, the news becomes more ominous and the drum beating grows louder.

Coal and gas fired power plants are just as dangerous, if not more dangerous for the workers, than any other kind of plant. They spew their toxic particles into the air religiously. Only hydro plants, geothermal, wind and solar pose little danger. On the other hand, electricity itself is a very dangerous commodity. People get shocked to death every day by electricity. Fires start. Transformer explosions occur. So, the real argument should be about outlawing electricity. That would solve everything…no more pollution, no more nuke plants, no danger, no energy crisis and the price of gas would certainly come down. But then again, how could you pump it?

Q. Did WikiLeaks really cause any damage to the U.S.? (Jodi ~ Westminster, CA)
A. Absolutely, and the true damage won’t be known for several years. It could even be worse than dog leaks.

Q. Is Obama really against guns? (Shelly ~ Evanston, WY)
A. Does cherry pie ala mode taste good? Yes, I know that he issued a carefully worded diatribe in an Arizona newspaper about how we need to make sure we have more responsible gun owners, but his past track record, (read his speeches and remarks before he decided to run for reelection), indicates a deep hatred for gun owners. I think every NRA member agrees with better enforcement of the existing laws and better methods to prevent “nuts” from gaining access to guns. By the way, the criminals don’t care one way or the other.

Q. Since they are so much alike, do you think Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen will ever get married? (Martha ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. That would certainly be a match made in heaven. The paparazzi would be beside themselves.

“It wasn't about the money. I just wanted them to admit it was their fault.” ~ Barry Sheene


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