Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Word coming out yesterday, after Obama’s speech of Monday, is that we may provide the rebels with arms, that we may actually end up with American boots on the ground and that NATO is not ready to take command. This news directly contradicts what Obama had to say.

First of all, let me say that we are in Libya, whether we want to be there or not. We cannot now back out. Having made that commitment, we are no longer in charge of events; the events will now be in charge of us. Plus, the fact that we are now also engaged with Al Queda in this quagmire further complicates the issues. Obama, as I answered a question yesterday, never tells the truth about anything.

Q. My sister says the only reason we are in Libya is because of oil. I disagree, because I think we want Ghadafi. Who is right? (Leon ~ Perry, UT)
A. We didn’t go into Egypt and have stated we will not go into Bahrain, Yemen or Syria. None of those countries have very much in the way of oil, but Libya is the 10th highest producer of oil, ahead of the U.S., China and Mexico. Iraq is a top producer, as is Kuwait that we rescued from Saddam. The list of the top ten countries with proven oil reserves, in order of the size of their reserves, is: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Canada, Iran, Kuwait, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Libya. I tend to agree with your sister, no matter what Obama would have us believe.

Q. The Congress is still screwing around with the budget. Why? (Georgette ~ Palmdale, CA)
A. The new dogs want to put the U.S. on the road to fiscal recovery and debt reduction and the old dogs don't have the courage to wean themselves off of spending our money.  

Q. The national housing crisis continues to worsen. There are other signs the economy may tank again. What do you think? (Jerry ~ Chico, CA)
A. Rising gas prices will certainly push us in that direction. And, the word is that the White House wants higher gas prices in order to force us out of SUV’s, whether we like it or not. The problem is that lower gas sales means less fuel taxes for states, and they are already in trouble. Obama should have taken at least one course in economics while he was at Harvard.

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.” ~ Alan Greenspan


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