The time is drawing near when we are going to have to deal with these orangutan Muslim terrorists once and for all. And any so-called peaceful Muslim who refuses to join us should be considered to be the enemy as well. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. Should the President have asked Congress for permission before we went into Libya? (Juanita ~ National City, CA)A. Only if he wants to obey the provisions of the Constitution. While he refused even to consult with Congress, he did manage to consult with the United Nations and Arab states. Maybe he feels we should be subservient to the Nation of Islam? I’ve said, even before he was elected, that he thinks our Constitution is in his way, and this is not the first time he has ignored it. But, thank God, even the liberals are waking up to that fact, believe it or not.
Q. Now that they have power at Japan’s nuclear sites, will everything get under control? (Wylie ~ Truckee, CA)
A. Take a look at the video below and you will have a better understanding of what they are up against. A lot of pumps are not working, and that means continued trouble. Now, even Tokyo has radiation in the water. The news, however, is being buried on page three while we pursue Ghadafi, or Gawdawful, or Meathead, or whatever you want to call him.
Q. I hear that the pressure for public employee unions to give up some pension benefits is causing more people to retire early under the theory that their benefits can’t be touched once they retire. Won’t that increase the budget strains in those states affected? (Doyle ~ Redondo Beach, CA)
A. Yes. Something has to give, and they all want it to be you and me. I don't know about you, but I gave at the office.
“Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.” ~ Ogden Nash TODAY’S VIDEO:
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