Saturday, September 25, 2010


I've done a whole lot of different things in my lifetime and, most recently, I've become General Manager of a start-up company in the geothermal energy production business.  As such, and also because of my travels, I've become aware of a parallel between us and nature. 

Now, right away I suppose I'm going to be confronted in that statement by someone who doesn't understand the picture of modern day life and who will insist that we mortal beings are, in fact, a part of nature.  I want to lay that argument promptly aside.  There was a time in our evolution when we were a apart of nature, I will agree.  But, nature has a certain order about it; in more recent years, it seems tome that we have lost our "order."  Stick that in your navel and contemplate on it for a tad. 

All you have to do is take a look at what is going in in Washington these days and you will have no choice but to agree with me. 

Now then, there is a lot of geothermal energy around the world; we all know that.  Most of us have seen the hot springs of murky water steaming up along roadsides here and there.  For many years, we just thought it was hot, murky water, but we now know and understand that its heat comes from hot energy generated deep within our earth's core.  Normally, that energy is contained below the surface, but it does erupt into volcanoes now and then.  That same volcanic heat boils the water that we see in geysers at Yellowstone and in other places and also heats the murky water we spot in artesian springs.  Once in a while, the energy shifts a bit and another volcano kicks off or water in the springs becomes super-heated.  

What we see around the country right now is that our citizens have become super- heated.  They're sick and tired of what's been going on in Washington and they are bound and determined to do something about it.  In the past, like geothermal springs, people have cooled back down and things have gotten back to normal; not this time.  Those who consider themselves to be in charge of how we live our lives are awakening to the fact that we are independent souls and we want to be in charge of our own lives; we don't need someone in Washington to tell us what to eat or when to go to bed, and we're most certainly getting sick and tired of paying people who think they have the right to do so. 

The cauldron is brewing.  Expect an eruption on November 2nd.  

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