A reader forwarded the following information which is interesting. I pretty much suspected the content, but most people don't know how our Presidents stand on any issue, let alone the environment. Not that I'm an environmental wacko, by any means, but I am well aware of the fact that we, as individuals and businesses can and should do more simple things on a regular basis to protect and preserve our environment for our children and grand children.
The environment is a lot like our government; if you don't take care of it, it soon becomes polluted.
"I thought perhaps you'd be interested in sharing this article with your readers? After having followed your blog for a while, I feel that this one article would align well with your blog's subject matter. If interested, here's the link for your convenience:
"Either way, I hope you continue putting out great content through your blog. It has been a sincere pleasure to read. Thanks for your time!"
And, thank you, Ron!
Here I squat ever so gently upon a rotting log atop Mt. Burney in Northern California, gazing across the endless landscape below as the rays of all of the energy in the universe permeate every pore and cell of my body. I am the great Burney Mountain Guru Hermit and you, my lucky friend, have arrived at THE blog of pure, unadulterated and untethered wit, satire and veracity.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I've done a whole lot of different things in my lifetime and, most recently, I've become General Manager of a start-up company in the geothermal energy production business. As such, and also because of my travels, I've become aware of a parallel between us and nature.
Now, right away I suppose I'm going to be confronted in that statement by someone who doesn't understand the picture of modern day life and who will insist that we mortal beings are, in fact, a part of nature. I want to lay that argument promptly aside. There was a time in our evolution when we were a apart of nature, I will agree. But, nature has a certain order about it; in more recent years, it seems tome that we have lost our "order." Stick that in your navel and contemplate on it for a tad.
All you have to do is take a look at what is going in in Washington these days and you will have no choice but to agree with me.
Now then, there is a lot of geothermal energy around the world; we all know that. Most of us have seen the hot springs of murky water steaming up along roadsides here and there. For many years, we just thought it was hot, murky water, but we now know and understand that its heat comes from hot energy generated deep within our earth's core. Normally, that energy is contained below the surface, but it does erupt into volcanoes now and then. That same volcanic heat boils the water that we see in geysers at Yellowstone and in other places and also heats the murky water we spot in artesian springs. Once in a while, the energy shifts a bit and another volcano kicks off or water in the springs becomes super-heated.
What we see around the country right now is that our citizens have become super- heated. They're sick and tired of what's been going on in Washington and they are bound and determined to do something about it. In the past, like geothermal springs, people have cooled back down and things have gotten back to normal; not this time. Those who consider themselves to be in charge of how we live our lives are awakening to the fact that we are independent souls and we want to be in charge of our own lives; we don't need someone in Washington to tell us what to eat or when to go to bed, and we're most certainly getting sick and tired of paying people who think they have the right to do so.
The cauldron is brewing. Expect an eruption on November 2nd.
Now, right away I suppose I'm going to be confronted in that statement by someone who doesn't understand the picture of modern day life and who will insist that we mortal beings are, in fact, a part of nature. I want to lay that argument promptly aside. There was a time in our evolution when we were a apart of nature, I will agree. But, nature has a certain order about it; in more recent years, it seems tome that we have lost our "order." Stick that in your navel and contemplate on it for a tad.
All you have to do is take a look at what is going in in Washington these days and you will have no choice but to agree with me.
Now then, there is a lot of geothermal energy around the world; we all know that. Most of us have seen the hot springs of murky water steaming up along roadsides here and there. For many years, we just thought it was hot, murky water, but we now know and understand that its heat comes from hot energy generated deep within our earth's core. Normally, that energy is contained below the surface, but it does erupt into volcanoes now and then. That same volcanic heat boils the water that we see in geysers at Yellowstone and in other places and also heats the murky water we spot in artesian springs. Once in a while, the energy shifts a bit and another volcano kicks off or water in the springs becomes super-heated.
What we see around the country right now is that our citizens have become super- heated. They're sick and tired of what's been going on in Washington and they are bound and determined to do something about it. In the past, like geothermal springs, people have cooled back down and things have gotten back to normal; not this time. Those who consider themselves to be in charge of how we live our lives are awakening to the fact that we are independent souls and we want to be in charge of our own lives; we don't need someone in Washington to tell us what to eat or when to go to bed, and we're most certainly getting sick and tired of paying people who think they have the right to do so.
The cauldron is brewing. Expect an eruption on November 2nd.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I recognize that there are some people out there who question the lucidity of the Burney Mountain Hermit. Over the years, I've come to determine that they are, by and large, liberal Democrats who think that those of us who want good government are less than human beings. These guys are going to have their heyday when I make my next statement; they'll think I've gone totally around the bend.
Back after 9/11, we Americans showed our patriotism and love for our country by displaying the American flag. It was in front of every business and most houses, as well as decorating cars, buses, bridges...our flag was everywhere. Slowly, over the years, it has disappeared. Now, I know that people didn't just throw their flags in the ash can. They still have them. That leads me to this pronouncement.
Every American who has a flag should fly it from now until the day after election day and they should fly it upside down.
The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. To the contrary, here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress:
Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10
As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress
Approved July 7, 1976 You and I both know that this country is in great distress. The only way we can resolve our distress is to vote our positions on November 2nd. Flying the flag upside down will remind people of what our government has done to us and will encourage us to show up at the polls on November 2nd to do something about it.
Back after 9/11, we Americans showed our patriotism and love for our country by displaying the American flag. It was in front of every business and most houses, as well as decorating cars, buses, bridges...our flag was everywhere. Slowly, over the years, it has disappeared. Now, I know that people didn't just throw their flags in the ash can. They still have them. That leads me to this pronouncement.
Every American who has a flag should fly it from now until the day after election day and they should fly it upside down.
The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. To the contrary, here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress:
Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10
As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress
Approved July 7, 1976
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
When I heard that, I emailed them the following:
"Why do you insist on punishing the masses for the sins of a few? Taking OTC cough medicines off the shelf and making them by prescription only because 1% of the users abuse them is an example of misguided thinking. If that's what you believe, take ALL OTC medicines off the shelf because someone, somewhere, will abuse them. Bye-bye aspirin."
To which they imperiously replied:
"Thank you for writing the Division of Drug Information, in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
"The FDA appreciates the time you have taken to submit your comments. Please be assured that they have been noted.
"This communication is consistent with 21CFR10.85(k) and constitutes an informal communication that represents our best judgment at this time but does not constitute an advisory opinion, does not necessarily represent the formal position of the FDA, and does not bind or otherwise obligate or commit the agency to the views expressed"
Gosh, gee whillikers. Doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart?
"Why do you insist on punishing the masses for the sins of a few? Taking OTC cough medicines off the shelf and making them by prescription only because 1% of the users abuse them is an example of misguided thinking. If that's what you believe, take ALL OTC medicines off the shelf because someone, somewhere, will abuse them. Bye-bye aspirin."
To which they imperiously replied:
"Thank you for writing the Division of Drug Information, in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
"The FDA appreciates the time you have taken to submit your comments. Please be assured that they have been noted.
"This communication is consistent with 21CFR10.85(k) and constitutes an informal communication that represents our best judgment at this time but does not constitute an advisory opinion, does not necessarily represent the formal position of the FDA, and does not bind or otherwise obligate or commit the agency to the views expressed"
Gosh, gee whillikers. Doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tomorrow morning, (Sunday), is the regular monthly breakfast in Burney put on by the American Legion. It is from 9:30 AM till 11:30 AM at the VFW Hall and includes a full breakfast for just $4.00. Food costs are generally donated by a local business or a Post member and the profits are used for youth activities which the Post sponsors during the year.
I mention this because this is the weekend anniversary of 9/11, that infamous day when Americans were shocked into the reality that we are not invincible against attack on our own soil. Over the course of over two hundred years, we had become somewhat complacent in the belief that no one would ever dare to do such a thing to us.
In the hours, days and weeks following 9/11, we depended on our servicemen and servicewomen to come to our aid, to re-secure our nation and to chase down the enemy. Like millions of Americans had done before. these young men and women stepped right up to the task at hand. While too many have lost their lives in the pursuit of the goal, tens of thousands have come home safely and many of those have joined worthwhile organizations such as the American Legion and the VFW.
We shall forever be grateful for those who risk their lives to keep our country strong and free.
See you for breakfast.
The Hermit
I mention this because this is the weekend anniversary of 9/11, that infamous day when Americans were shocked into the reality that we are not invincible against attack on our own soil. Over the course of over two hundred years, we had become somewhat complacent in the belief that no one would ever dare to do such a thing to us.
In the hours, days and weeks following 9/11, we depended on our servicemen and servicewomen to come to our aid, to re-secure our nation and to chase down the enemy. Like millions of Americans had done before. these young men and women stepped right up to the task at hand. While too many have lost their lives in the pursuit of the goal, tens of thousands have come home safely and many of those have joined worthwhile organizations such as the American Legion and the VFW.
We shall forever be grateful for those who risk their lives to keep our country strong and free.
See you for breakfast.
The Hermit
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Have you ever considered that, if you were in an automobile traveling at the speed of light, there is not a cop in the country who could catch you except, of course, in Bend, Oregon?
Did you know that more than 68% of the people drawing Social Security benefits are American citizens?
Has it ever occurred to you that a politician can change his opinion on any given subject in the same sentence; really skilled ones can change their positions several times in just one word?
Have you ever wondered what a famous politician would be doing alone in a hotel room with a masseuse at 2:00 AM?
If 2 million or more gallons of oil can leak from a well in the ocean for 100 or more days, how can you make it disappear overnight? Haven’t you ever heard of Houdini, the President?
You know why Hurricane Earl skipped Washington, D.C.? Blowhards don’t like to be seen with blowhards.
Since you may have to make the choice, would you prefer a Mosque at the site of the World Trade Center or the holding of the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohamed there?
If the Muslims want to take over this country, all they have to do is close all of the gas stations and convenience stores.
Once you get everybody onto unemployment, the numbers of people signing up for unemployment will decrease.
Don’t you wonder how you can tie your shoes or send text messages without the benevolent help of Nancy and Harry?
Those are important questions which arise when you live on a mountain.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
One always supposes that life as it is today will always go on forever. One is never geared for change and change usually comes when you least expect it. Such is the case on the Burney Mountain.
I had settled into a routine that I could see lasting for many years when, out of the blue, things changed. I've been shanghaied back into a full-time commitment which wile likely last for several years. I'm taking over as General Manager for a geothermal energy development company that is on the verge of taking off and running.
I'm excited, of course, to have the opportunity to participate in a venture that is environmentally friends and that will help to decrease America's reliance on fossil fuels. But, I have less time to devote to blogging and other things I have come to enjoy. With five blogs, I had to make a cut somewhere and this, a daily blog, seems to be the most effective spot from the standpoint of time.
In the future, I will post here from time to time, but not on a regular basis. Of course, I will regretfully have to drop the response to reader's questions and to change the format.
The important thing that absolutely must be considered by all readers is that we, the people, have to keep our eyes and ears open and we have to pledge to make changes in Washington with our votes in Washington. We have to continue to question everything that we hear and to dig for the truth, because there are few in Washington right now who have the courage to tell it to us. They are all going in their own direction, a direction which we have come to learn is leading this country over the cliff.
My sincere wish is that we will rout them all out in November and send a loud and clear message that we we're sick and tired of their cavalier attitude toward us, their employers, and that we are not going to put up with "business as usual" any longer.
Be well.
The Hermit
I had settled into a routine that I could see lasting for many years when, out of the blue, things changed. I've been shanghaied back into a full-time commitment which wile likely last for several years. I'm taking over as General Manager for a geothermal energy development company that is on the verge of taking off and running.
I'm excited, of course, to have the opportunity to participate in a venture that is environmentally friends and that will help to decrease America's reliance on fossil fuels. But, I have less time to devote to blogging and other things I have come to enjoy. With five blogs, I had to make a cut somewhere and this, a daily blog, seems to be the most effective spot from the standpoint of time.
In the future, I will post here from time to time, but not on a regular basis. Of course, I will regretfully have to drop the response to reader's questions and to change the format.
The important thing that absolutely must be considered by all readers is that we, the people, have to keep our eyes and ears open and we have to pledge to make changes in Washington with our votes in Washington. We have to continue to question everything that we hear and to dig for the truth, because there are few in Washington right now who have the courage to tell it to us. They are all going in their own direction, a direction which we have come to learn is leading this country over the cliff.
My sincere wish is that we will rout them all out in November and send a loud and clear message that we we're sick and tired of their cavalier attitude toward us, their employers, and that we are not going to put up with "business as usual" any longer.
Be well.
The Hermit
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