As far as I am concerned, this death lays at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama and the Congress of the United States and the damned Judge. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. Several years ago, I read somewhere that scientists had been able to go back in time and establish four basic roots of DNA, but that they had not been able to narrow it down to two, being from Adam and Eve. What’s the latest? (Mack ~ Douglas, UT)A. There are more theories than there are scientists. The predominant theory now is that Adam and Eve lived on different parts of the planet thousands of years apart. That would seem to blow the Biblical story of begot and begat. There is other evidence to show that mankind existed before Adam and Eve and that some event caused the extinction of that species. There is also supposedly a 5th DNA that has only been found in parts of Michigan. Whenever they do figure it all out, they will undoubtedly discover that Nancy Pelosi has no DNA.
Q. I understand that Arnold Schwarzenegger now wants the courts and the law to allow same sex marriages again, even when the recent court decision is up on appeal to the 9th Circuit. What’s your opinion? (Walker ~ Tyler, TX)
A. As long as there is an appeal process underway, I do not believe the status quo should be changed; you’re only opening the legal can of worms about what to do with those who marry if the Supreme Court upholds the voters’ mandate. Arnie should stick to the movies; he obviously doesn’t know how to govern and knows even less about the fundamental principles of law.
Q. Who do you like in the California Governor’s race? (Sandy ~ Bella Vista, CA)
A. No one.
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” ~ Adolf HitlerTODAY’S VIDEO:
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