Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The word coming out of Iran is that it is developing a drone aircraft capable of delivering a nuclear warhead over significant distances. 

What is notable in this revelation is that Iran is relying less and less on the technology of other countries as it builds its weapons program.  In doing so, it becomes less susceptible to sanctions; who cares if they can’t get aircraft parts if they can manufacture their own?  This is an ominous sign and does not bode well for the future.  But then again, neither does the fact that this country chose to allow Iran to progress with its nuclear program. 

Q. Isn’t it dangerous for Americans to be in Mexico right now?  (Benjamin ~ Johnson Park, CA)
A. Yes, and it’s not just the water. 

Q. The tenor has changed dramatically in recent weeks.  Now I hear openly that certain factions within this country have joined those who claim that the United States bears significant responsibility in the 9/11 hijackings.  Where do they come up with this stuff?  (Carolyn ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. The fact that our government has frequently done dirty deeds over the decades lends some credence, on the face of it, to such speculation.  One such fact is that very heavy steel beams in the towers were melted by the heat of burning jet fuel, which is essentially kerosene; such fuel does not burn at high temperatures.  This has not been adequately explained away and conspiracy theorists have been coming out of the woodwork.  The problem with this line of thinking is that it would put us in collusion with Osama and his pals to bring down the Trade Center, and I find that difficult to believe, even after being into the scotch. 

Q. You keep saying the economy is going to tumble again, and it will be a disaster this time.  Has your position changed?  (Lance ~ Redding, CA)
A. No.  I don't like being the harbinger of bad news, either.  Don’t pay any attention to what the liars and manipulators in the White House are saying; learn about economic indicators. 

“Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.” ~ Milton Friedman


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