Sunday, November 15, 2009


Scientists have verified that there is water on the moon as a result of results beamed back from its instrument crash on to the moon’s surface.

If they’re worried about having water on the moon for colonization and further scientific exploration, all they need to do is to take along a few politicians, who have ample water on the brain.

Q. Is there any particular reason to make the announcement now that they are bringing terrorists from Guantanamo to be tried in New York as opposed to, say, announcing it in December or January?
(Ina – Bangor, ME)
A. You are astute. The President’s Government-Run Health Care Plan is in trouble and, by letting the trial cat out of the bag, Obama may be trying to refocus our angst so that he can have a better chance of getting his health care passed.

Q. Do you really think that the anger about the economy, health care, and cap and trade goes beyond the Republican Party?
(Karl – Vista, CA)
A. I just visited a very blue state that has voted Democrat for decades. Everyone I met there is ticked off about losing liberties and about the economy and they all said they would not hesitate to vote Obama out of office, if given the chance.

Q. Since Obama seems to be ducking the terrorism issue in the United States and vacillating on the Afghanistan decision, do you think he would approve of Truman’s decision to nuke Japan?
(Kyle – Tallahassee, FL)
A. Don’t ask Obama; he’ll duck that question. Something tells me that he would not use the A-Bomb, even if Japan invaded the U.S.A. mainland. Such a move would upset Jeremiah Wright.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “Historically, terrorism falls in a category different from crimes that concern a criminal court judge.”
~ Jurgen Habermas


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