Monday, November 16, 2009


There is growing indication that Americans are fed up with “change” the way it is being delivered. The skyrocketing national debt, the health care bill, the background news coming out about Fort Hood, the pending cap and trade legislation, unemployment, the failed stimulus plan, and the Administration decision to bring top terrorists from Gitmo to New York for trial… all decisions that have been made against prevailing public opinion… are contributing to an up swell of criticism of Obama and Congress.

The theft of other American rights such as Freedom of Speech, and the marginalizing of Freedom of Religion, are adding to the disgust. It is nice to see some new people step forward, such as Carly Fiorina former CEO of Hewlitt Packard, to announce that they are going to run for office in an effort to run this worse-than-senseless-beings out of Washington. I urge more new blood to get out there now, Democrat or Republican, to get the incumbents fired. The earlier you start, the better your chances and, if you are a genuine American Patriot who is willing to put country and the people first, you should be a shoo-in.

Q. What do you think Obama will accomplish in China?
(Prentice – Daly City, CA)
A. Gosh, wouldn’t it be too bad if they decided to hang on to him as collateral for our debt?

Q. Do you think there is any chance that any of the top terrorists being brought to trial in New York could get off?
(Manny – Las Vegas, NV)
A. Yes. There are a whole lot of very left leaning and liberal Federal Judges in New York.

Q. The anti-gun lobby is screaming for gun control because of the Fort Hood shootings. What is your opinion?
(Felix – Montecito, CA)
A. If those who got shot had been armed, I don’t think Major Hasan would have even thought about doing what he did.

“But the basic difficulty still remains: It is the expansion of Federal power, about which I wish to express my alarm. How easily we embrace such business.”
~ Everett Dirksen


The decision was announced Friday, November 13, 2009, to try 9/11 terrorists in New York in Federal Court. This new addition to the Burney Mountain Hermit will have updates until the last trial is over. As of this date, Americans are very upset with the decision which was made although public opinion has been predominantly against it.

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