As in the case with more and more cities, counties and states, San Francisco is facing serious budget cuts due to declining tax revenues in a worsening economy. Mayor Gavin Newsom’s response to the crisis has been to cut 500 jobs from city payrolls and the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) took to the streets in rush hour traffic demanding that Newsom change his mind. Police made dozens of arrests.
No group or faction of American society deserves to be immune from the adverse effects of government mismanagement of our economy, and that includes close friends and associates of ACORN.
Q. Why is the price of gold and even silver soaring? (Skylo – Burlingame, CA)
A. Because there is a lot of dental work being done. Actually, Americans don’t trust their own dollar. If the government is going to print large volumes of money, inflation is going to kick off; it’s already starting. With interest rates at banks being low, the stock market rising again to unsupported levels and real estate in the tank, the only real hedge against the declining value of the dollar is investment in precious metals. In other words, the smart guys know that more bad, and possibly disastrous financial times are coming.
Q. What does John McCain mean about Congress selling out to special interests? (Marie – Prescott, AZ)
A. Congress and the President have been ignoring the will of the people who elected them to office and abiding by the wishes of the special interests that financially supported their elections. Although he was pointing his fingers at the Democrats, the Republicans have historically been just as guilty. We need to get fresh blood into the halls of Washington to change the laws and restore the ethics.
Q. What do you want for Thanksgiving? (Billy – Fall River Mills, CA)
A. I’d like to see Americans give Congress the bird.
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Nothing worthy of comment.
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