Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The President of the United States, embroiled in a growing series of controversies and embarrassments in Washington, elevated himself to being the leader of the entire world while in China yesterday. With China’s leader at his side, Obama promised he will take immediate action to rally the world to a solution of global warming. Obama has been pushing for a global climate treaty that could cost the United States many hundreds of billions of dollars on top of the costs of Health Care, stimulus, and bailouts already being spent. The money would be used to mitigate the effects of global warming allegedly being caused by developing nations and would be in addition to Obama’s proposed domestic Cap & Trade legislation.

Is this nothing more than a blatant redistribution of general American wealth, already mortgaged to pay for future tax increases, from the United States to other countries and one step closer to creating a World Order Government with Obama in charge?

Q. I hear that Tim Geithner is been fingered for mismanaging the bailout funds authorized by Congress at the end of last year?
(Dawn – Spokane, WA)
A. The former tax-cheat claims that he was too busy in his job with the Federal Reserve and in handling the complexities of the financial mess, and therefore should be excused for his incompetence. At least one financial institution, AIG, was grossly overpaid during the TARP bailouts and there is finally a move on in Congress to shut the program down before the end of the year in order to keep Geithner from further bungling.

Q. I was reading your website, MY AMERICAN OPINION yesterday. It says that the Administration has been misrepresenting the number of jobs “saved” by the stimulus package. In light of all of the facts and figures that have been released by the White House in the past and subsequently changed, how can we trust anything Obama and the White House says?
(Gretchen – Corte Madera, CA)
A. We can’t.

Q. Do you think that all of these revelations about the White House, about the people working there, about its associations with ACORN and SEIU and Maoist teachings and phony math are all deliberate, or is Obama just surrounded by nitwits?
(Chet – Maxwell, CA)
A. It kind of reminds you of the comic strip, “BIZARO,” doesn’t it?

“Most consequential choices involve shades of gray, and some fog is often useful in getting things done.”
~ Timothy Geithner


The Administration announced that those Guantanamo terrorist detainees not being sent to New York for trial will be transferred to a northwestern Illinois maximum security prison, and sent a delegation to visit the prison to examine security systems and to confirm that it would be acceptable. The Illinois government went into a state of chaos, with the Congressional delegation against it and the Governor for it.

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