Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The $1.7 billion sent by the Obama Administration to the Iranians was sent and structured in such a way as to skirt U.S. anti-money laundering laws, according to a recent NEWSMAX report. 

I don’t care how you try to spin it.  Hillary set up her private email server to cover up her Clinton Foundation “pay for play” scheme because it’s illegal, and Obama set up a structured, money-laundering scheme to get money to Iran because it was illegal.  When the Chief Executive of the country is a criminal, we have a problem.  Do we really want to replace him with another crook? 
Q. I understand that Hillary is still coughing?  (Helen ~ Reno, NV)
A. Coughing is associated with Parkinson’s disease, where the individual has trouble swallowing or clearing their throat.  Due to her ultra-quick recovery from “pneumonia,” and the fact that Secret Service didn’t take her directly to the hospital when she collapsed a week ago, I’m sure it’s evident that she has something else, and Parkinson’s seems to be the most likely culprit.  So, her coughing fit as she left the stage over this last weekend tends to back me up.  Either that, or she needs to give up cigarettes. 

Q. Hillary has accused Trump of treason?  (Mike ~ Schenectady, NY)
A. She says that his calling out radical Islam for the increase in terror attacks around the globe gives them “aid and comfort.”  “The language that Mr. Trump has used is giving aid and comfort to our adversaries,” Clinton said, citing an article by former head of a counter terrorist center, Mike Olsen, citing Trump’s tough rhetoric as fueling Islamic state recruitment. She described Trump as a “recruiting sergeant” for ISIS.  She really needs to check into an asylum. 

Q. Why do you suppose the Emmy’s had such a low viewership?  (Vi ~ Logandale, NV)
A. Three reasons: (1) NFL football, (2) people were glued to their TV’s over the ongoing New York City terrorist bombing, and (3) people are sick and tired of Hollywood’s vast left-wing conspiracy. 

“When Obama speaks, it’s like the wind, rustling through the trees.  The branches twitch, the leaves shake and all of the squirrels play with their nuts.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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