Friday, July 22, 2016


Researchers from St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto have discovered that the brains of those with histories of concussions change in size, blood flow and brain connections months later.  In some cases, those changes emerge years later. 

Perhaps that explains Ted Cruz’ recent actions. 
Q. I was reading that some of the world’s top Rabbis feel signs are growing that the Messiah is coming.  What do you think He would do if He did?  (Chris ~ Bullhead City, AZ)
A. The very first thing He’d do is get rid of all of the frauds, liars, crooks, atheists, terrorists, politicians and other scum on the earth.  Then, you and I could go, unfettered by the masses, to the nearest bar and party to our endless content.  

Q. The government is using outdated computers, some going back into 1980’s technology.  With all of the dollars they spend, why are they using old technology?  (Brandon ~ Blaine, WA)
A. Believe it or not, they want to use the old tech.  Why?  Because when you file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the law says that they must “make reasonable efforts to search for the records in electronic form or format.”  Newer technology would make it far easier for them to search for files and contents, whereas the older tech makes it tedious, labor intensive and “unreasonable.”  That’s how they skirt the law.  That’s why they’re the only guys in the universe who don’t want a new computer and Windows 10. 

Q. I hear there is a big corruption scandal involving U.S. dollars and Syrian relief programs?  (Guadalupe ~ Belen, NM)
A. A recent audit shows that U.S. dollars are being sent to some Syrian relief agencies that engage in bid-rigging, bribery and kickback schemes and our government is doing absolutely nothing to stop it.  Now, I’m not being facetious or sarcastic when I wonder how much of that money is ending up in the coffers of the Clinton Foundation. 

“All new states are invested, more or less, by a class of noisy, second-rate men who are always in favor of rash and extreme measures; but Texas was absolutely overrun by such men.” ~ Sam Houston


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