Wednesday, May 6, 2015


The FBI had reportedly spent nearly a decade investigating one of the men who attempted to attack an event featuring cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, it was revealed as investigators attempted to determine whether the attack was actually directed by any overseas terror groups. 

The F.B.I. blew it; they should have known that the Texas attack was coming.  Remember, this is the same F.B.I. that was all over Jimmy Hoffa like glue when he disappeared into thin air, right in front of them. 

Q. Now that we have more entries into the GOP presidential nomination race, how do you feel the election is shaping up?  (Ronnie ~ Sepulveda, CA)
A. I sure do like the GOP field, particularly Huckabee, Carson, Rubio and Cruz; it’s way too bad that the Republican hierarchy is dead set on Bush and Christi.  That almost guarantees a Clinton win, no matter how bad she is, because one helluva lot of Republicans will be staying at home and being very angry about the process on Election Day.  That includes me; I’d rather be watching reruns of the “ABBOTT AND COSTELLO SHOW” than to be at the polls voting for Bush or Christi.    

Q. Do you believe Hillary Clinton will really tell the “whole truth and nothing but the truth” in her testimony before Congress?  (Sebastian ~ Jackson, WY)
A. That depends on what her definition of “is” is. 

Q. California Governor Jerry Brown is considering mandating that homeowners and businesses switch from lawns to artificial grass.  Is he out of his gourd?  (Paula ~ Palm Springs, CA)
A. Why do you think he got the nickname “Moonbeam?”  I don’t think there’s enough artificial water around to keep an artificial lawn green. 

“The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare.  Just the opposite!  We need more welfare and fewer jobs.” ~ Jerry Brown


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