Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Dr. Manny Alvarez is warning on FOX NEWS that the country may be on the verge of a major health crisis brewing at the Mexican border where illegal immigrants are being housed in close confinement before being shipped off to other locations around the country.  “Modern public health policies clearly describe conditions which could lead to mass outbreaks of diseases, and what’s going on now is the perfect storm. State health officials touring one of the detention centers in Texas recently reported several issues including a lack of medicine for children, and insufficient medical screenings and testing for vaccinations or tuberculosis. They also noted that the children in the facility ate, slept and used the bathroom in the same crowded areas with no running water or soap for proper hygiene to prevent the spread of disease.” 

Don’t worry.  ObamaCare will save us. 


Q. Why are the left-wingers like Harry Reid so venomous against the Koch brothers?  (Cheri ~ Bishop, CA)
A. Because the brothers represent success and the socialist-communist left wingers are steadfastly against individual success, (there can only be success of the commune as a whole).  No matter what penalties are involved to the advancement of mankind, Reid and his family of loons firmly believe we should all be riding camels, making the same amount of money, living in government-mandated row houses and eating horse meat for dinner.  Please pass the horseradish.  

Q. What are the odds that anew state called Jefferson can be carved out of northern California and southern Oregon?  (Boss ~ Lockwood, NV)
A. About the same as the odds that Scotland can divorce itself from the United Kingdom.  Can you picture the Brits without scotch for their tea? 

Q. There’s a big ruckus brewing over solar energy.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and animal activists claim that solar farms are killing and maiming dozens of bird species.  They don’t like nuclear, coal or gas-fired plants, either.  Where do they expect us to get our energy?  (Julie ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. Hydro is out as well; it kills fish.  That leaves geothermal, and I expect the Gore Zombies would complain about bringing the heat of the earth’s inner core to the surface.  So, it’s back to the dark ages we go.  I wonder how we’ll survive without our laptops and TV’s. 


“Patriotism means to stand by the country.  It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official.”  ~ Theodore Roosevelt

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Chicago, the nation’s gun control capitol…)

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