Saturday, July 19, 2014


A large number of Southside Chicagoans protested last weekend over government spending on illegal immigration while native Chicagoans suffer.  “Barack will go down as the worst president ever elected,” one man said.  Others compared the modern situation in Chicago to the slavery of yesteryear. 

Hmmm… I wonder why that didn’t make the news.  You’d think MSNBC, CNN or one of those outfits would have reported on it. Check out the video, below. 

Q. I hear Obama enjoys a high percentage of favorability among the Muslim population?  (Chuck ~ Coalinga, CA)
A. A recent report shows that 72% of the Muslims give him a high rating.  So here’s what this means: our nation is led by a man who enjoys by far his highest approval from a demographic that descends from an ideology which has been in conflict with the Judeo-Christian ideals of Western Civilization (aka American Exceptionalism) from its very inception.  At the moment, less than 1% of the country is Muslim.  That translates to .72% of the population thinking he’s doing a great job.  Wow… bowls me over!

Q. What do you think of Chris Christie’s chances of getting the Republican nomination for President? (Violet ~ Roy, UT)
A. He has stated that he is not against gun control.  Being ambivalent, he’s also said he’s not for gun control.  As far as I am concerned, anyone who says he’s not against control is for it.  I think the NRA will be all over him.  I also sometimes think he is a closet liberal.  That all being said, the Republican hierarchy is dumb enough to put him on the same ticket as Mitt Romney.   

Q. I’ve heard more than one person say that the Congressional investigations into Benghazi, the I.R.S., Fast & Furious, the V.A…. they’re all just dog and pony shows.  I think I saw you say it once or twice as well.  What do you base that on?  (Seth ~ Burns, OR)
A. If they were serious about it and not getting responses, like they are not, they could start defunding the White House.  They don’t need the Senate to do that and it would force things straight into the Supreme Court.  But, they just keep on sending out subpoenas and accepting the Obama’s middle finger.  This thing about suing the President is, to me, a blatant sign of impotency.  I think Obama called their bluff when he said, “So sue me,” and what did they decide? 

“Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.” ~ Ronald Reagan


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