Thursday, March 31, 2011


Reports yesterday morning were that the Libyan rebels had lost a lot of ground and were getting into serious trouble.

If the rebels lose and Gaddafi stays in power, the U.S. will be sorely embarrassed. There was already serious talk about providing the rebels with weapons and on the ground training. If Syria or Iran or Russia provides Gaddafi with weapons and support, what then? It seems almost a certainty that we are going to be there a very long time, with more American military lives at stake. Whether we are under NATO command or under our own command is a moot question; we’re in charge of the NATO troops. So, we are now in another war and, once again, it is a war that we are not committed to win and that our President did not have the proper credentials to get us involved in.

Q. What do you make of John McCain defending Obama for acting in Libya while not consulting with Congress? (Anna ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. That’s pure bull. Obama could have at least pulled leaders of both parties into the Oval Office; the fact that he didn’t do at least that speaks to his intent to disobey the law. That McCain is defending him is one of the many reasons I didn’t like him running for President, either. This country needs a real leader.

Q. Will California’s new governor, Jerry Brown, be able to deal with their severe budget crisis? (Tyrone ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Already high taxes and a lousy business climate have caused an exodus of people and businesses to other states, consequently reducing the tax base at the same time. Brown wants to make some token spending cuts and add more taxes. The Republicans are refusing to cooperate and Brown has called off budget talks.What do you think? 

Q. Why did that escaped snake in New York create such a news frenzy? (Simone ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. Because it’s not that often that you see a snake outside of Washington, D.C.

“When we were at peace, Democrats wanted to raise taxes. Now there's a war, so Democrats want to raise taxes. When there was a surplus, Democrats wanted to raise taxes. Now that there is a recession, Democrats want to raise taxes.” ~ Ann Coulter


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Word coming out yesterday, after Obama’s speech of Monday, is that we may provide the rebels with arms, that we may actually end up with American boots on the ground and that NATO is not ready to take command. This news directly contradicts what Obama had to say.

First of all, let me say that we are in Libya, whether we want to be there or not. We cannot now back out. Having made that commitment, we are no longer in charge of events; the events will now be in charge of us. Plus, the fact that we are now also engaged with Al Queda in this quagmire further complicates the issues. Obama, as I answered a question yesterday, never tells the truth about anything.

Q. My sister says the only reason we are in Libya is because of oil. I disagree, because I think we want Ghadafi. Who is right? (Leon ~ Perry, UT)
A. We didn’t go into Egypt and have stated we will not go into Bahrain, Yemen or Syria. None of those countries have very much in the way of oil, but Libya is the 10th highest producer of oil, ahead of the U.S., China and Mexico. Iraq is a top producer, as is Kuwait that we rescued from Saddam. The list of the top ten countries with proven oil reserves, in order of the size of their reserves, is: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Canada, Iran, Kuwait, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Libya. I tend to agree with your sister, no matter what Obama would have us believe.

Q. The Congress is still screwing around with the budget. Why? (Georgette ~ Palmdale, CA)
A. The new dogs want to put the U.S. on the road to fiscal recovery and debt reduction and the old dogs don't have the courage to wean themselves off of spending our money.  

Q. The national housing crisis continues to worsen. There are other signs the economy may tank again. What do you think? (Jerry ~ Chico, CA)
A. Rising gas prices will certainly push us in that direction. And, the word is that the White House wants higher gas prices in order to force us out of SUV’s, whether we like it or not. The problem is that lower gas sales means less fuel taxes for states, and they are already in trouble. Obama should have taken at least one course in economics while he was at Harvard.

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.” ~ Alan Greenspan


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The news coming yesterday from Japan is foreboding. Plutonium, in levels high enough to kill a person in 15 seconds, has been discovered in the ground around Reactor 3. It is believed three of the six reactors have suffered at least a partial meltdown and the temperature in one is quickly rising. All containment pools are full; water leaking from the reactors is spilling over into the nearby ocean. Steam is carrying radiation into the atmosphere and levels have risen to 100,000 times normal. The U.S. is now acknowledging that radiation is reaching the U.S. in supposedly “safe” levels.

The government doesn’t want a panic, and for that reason alone we cannot trust what they are saying. From what I have seen on Radiation Network so far, levels are elevated up and down the West Coast, but not into the dangerous level. This is new; there have been pockets of temporary increases before, but not this many stations at once. Sources now say radiation has been detected in rain on the West Coast and there is some indication radiation has reached the East Coast. In my opinion: Although levels remain low, anything above normal increases risk.

Q. What’s this about the government wanting to tax drivers by the mile? And they want to install devices in your car that tell them where you drive? I already pay gasoline taxes and I don’t want some government pervert following me around. (Janice ~ Lexington, KY)
A. This government doesn’t care what you want. If you don’t like the way they are running this country, move someplace else. Just be sure to have your device installed so they can track you and collect their taxes.

Q. I hear the Tea Party might divorce itself from the Republican Party. What would they do then? (Pauline ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. The only people who believe the Tea Party is part of the Republican Party are the Republicans. The Tea Party maintains political indifference and many Democrats are members. They seek to support candidates of either party who espouse Tea Party objectives, and I’m quite certain they will survive and thrive without the Republican Party. So, the message to Congress is clear: cut the budget, cut the deficit, cut all of the nonsense and do your jobs or you will be history in 2012.

Q. What did you think of Obama’s speech last night? (Todd ~ Cottonwood, CA)
A. Since I don’t believe or trust a word Obama says, I didn’t listen. I don’t like to waste my time and energy with half-wits, nincompoops or falsifiers.

“A president either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him. I never felt that I could let up for a moment.” ~ Harry S. Truman


Monday, March 28, 2011

JAPANESE REACTORS: Misinformation and Disinformation

Just one day after revealing that the worst radioactive leak so far had bellowed forth from reactors, Japan is now saying they made a mistake and it wasn’t that bad. The entire episode has been one of stories told and stories retracted or modified. No one in the world knows what to believe.

Believe this: It is a very, very serious problem and the Japanese don’t like to be embarrassed. I hate to say it this way, but even I don’t have a yen to go there.

Q. Donald Trump is leading a renewed demand for Obama’s birth certificate. What do you think? (Myron ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. This has been smoldering for over two years now and could be simply resolved by the release of the birth certificate. Obama flatly refuses to do so. Why? I’m reasonably certain he has not had a sex change operation, so why does he refuse to release it or to discuss it? The Governor of Hawaii was going to release it and he got told he’d better stifle it, or else. Why? Why? Why?

Q. I’m so tired of politics. We just finished the mid-terms and now we’re already starting on the Presidential. When is all of this going to end? (Val ~ Redding, CA)
A. I couldn’t agree with you more. The smear campaigns, the dirty ads, the telephone ringing at all hours of the night… It’s all so sickening. But, look what happens when we don’t pay attention: We get a health care plan that we don’t want, debt that we can’t repay, a war that we don’t want, and positively the worst President this country has ever had.

Q. Who is George Soros? (Zula ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. He’s a ruthless, Hungarian-born financier with a far, far left agenda for the world, and he has made it abundantly clear that you had better not get in his way. He put up millions to try and silence Glenn Beck and is rumored to be the real power behind Barack Obama.

“At a time when U.S. jobs are heading overseas at a record pace, and amidst increased sanctions on our manufacturers and producers from other countries, it's imperative that we do all we can to provide our businesses a climate to operate successfully.” ~ Blanche Lincoln


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Reuters is reporting that Japanese engineers are struggling to pump radioactive water from a crippled nuclear power station after radiation levels soared in seawater near the plant. Tests on Friday showed iodine 131 levels in seawater 30 km (19 miles) from the coastal nuclear complex had spiked 1,250 times higher than normal but it was not considered a threat to marine life or food safety, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.  "Ocean currents will disperse radiation particles and so it will be very diluted by the time it gets consumed by fish and seaweed," said Hidehiko Nishiyama, a senior agency official.  

This is misleading. The closer the fish are to the plant, the more radiation they will consume. Fish swim, often great distances. Radioactive fish could be miles from the site by now, already. Evidently, the Japanese government has the same opinion of plain, ordinary people that our government does; they think we’re stupid.

Q. With all of the fears about Japan’s nuclear radiation reaching the United States, now comes the word that a lot of U.S. radiation monitoring sites are not working. What in the hell is going on? (Hank ~ Port Angeles, WA)
A. Out of 124 monitors, 20 were not operating last week. That sounds dangerous, but it also means that 104 were operating. The real question I have is, how reliable are they? They’ve been outside, exposed to the weather, for at least ten years depending on where they are located. How often are they calibrated? Still, if there was danger, at least one of them would show it, and that’s not the case so far. However, the BIG radiation has just been leaking a couple of days and it takes five days to get here.

Q. I cannot believe that Bill Maher lowered himself and his network enough to call Sarah Palin the “C” word during a live broadcast. (Jan ~ Sepulveda, CA)
A. Some people in this world are not only disgustingly vile; they seem to wallow in it. It's a shame that a network like HBO carries his show. 

Q. Supposing, with all of the unrest and riots and protests in the Middle East, radical Islam actually takes over. Is there really a possibility that radical Islamists within the U.S. would try to start a coordinated uprising here? (Don ~ Chester, CA)
A. Yes.

“You people are telling me what you think I want to know. I want to know what is actually happening.” ~ Creighton Abrams


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Canadian opposition parties brought down the Canadian government in a no confidence vote yesterday, triggering a new election. The opposition parties held Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government in contempt of Parliament in a 156-145 vote for failing to disclose the full financial details of his tougher crime legislation, corporate tax cuts and plans to purchase stealth fighter jets. 

I know our Constitution doesn’t allow such occurrences, but right now I sure wish it did.

Q. What do you think the chances are of Obama being reelected? (Lorraine ~ Idaho Falls, ID)
A. With this guy, it could be that the votes have already been counted.

Q. Just how many Republicans do you think are going to run for President? (Tippie ~ Santa Ana, CA)
A. All of them.

Q. How can Obama issue permits to Brazil to drill for oil in our waters when he is denying U.S. based companies such permits? (Bart ~ Sparks, NV)
A. Oh, it was all part of a big trade deal, and that makes it okay. Plus, that also helps the Brazilian unemployment problem. So, if you need a job, move to Brazil.

“Big girls need big diamonds.” ~ Elizabeth Taylor


Friday, March 25, 2011


The uproar over the U.S. entry into joint action against Libya without Congressional approval led to a quit attempt on the part of the Administration to put command into the hands of the French and/or the Brits. Then came the “realization" that neither nation has the best experience to head up this kind of action, so the fast shuffle has put NATO in charge.

Just who do you think is the main player in NATO? Who was instrumental in forming NATO? Who led NATO actions in Kosovo? Yes, the U.S. will still be in charge, but they’ll call it NATO command. It’s just another game of smoke and mirrors on the part of Obama and his entourage.

Q. Any more word on the threat of Japanese radiation reaching the west coast? (Allan ~ Mesquite, NV)
A. Just the original above average levels last week. It’s been okay since, but we’re not out of the woods by any means. I recommend staying inside with a bottle of gin.

Q. There are really some people who say Obama should be impeached for going into Libya without Congressional approval? (Midge ~ Yuba City, CA)
A. So much ado about nothing. All he did was knowingly and intentionally ignore the Constitution. But, he’s Obama. He’s the messiah. He’s the man for change. He walks on water and drinks beer in the garden. Kiss his feet and shut up.

Q. I hear that North Korea is poking fun at Ghadafi and Libya for scrapping its nuclear program. On what basis? (Gwen ~ Dunsmuir, CA)
A. They say that, if Libya had nukes, nobody would interfere with them. In the meantime, Kim Jong-Il’s son, U-Makeme-Il, has been officially named #2 top dog in North Korea.

“Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be.” ~ Sydney J. Harris


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Bombs in Pakistan and Israel punctuated the spreading protests and Libyan war yesterday. Israel immediately bombed Hamas positions in Gaza; five Pakistani police died in Hangu.

The time is drawing near when we are going to have to deal with these orangutan Muslim terrorists once and for all. And any so-called peaceful Muslim who refuses to join us should be considered to be the enemy as well.

Q. Should the President have asked Congress for permission before we went into Libya? (Juanita ~ National City, CA)
A. Only if he wants to obey the provisions of the Constitution. While he refused even to consult with Congress, he did manage to consult with the United Nations and Arab states.  Maybe he feels we should be subservient to the Nation of Islam?  I’ve said, even before he was elected, that he thinks our Constitution is in his way, and this is not the first time he has ignored it. But, thank God, even the liberals are waking up to that fact, believe it or not.

Q. Now that they have power at Japan’s nuclear sites, will everything get under control? (Wylie ~ Truckee, CA)
A. Take a look at the video below and you will have a better understanding of what they are up against. A lot of pumps are not working, and that means continued trouble. Now, even Tokyo has radiation in the water. The news, however, is being buried on page three while we pursue Ghadafi, or Gawdawful, or Meathead, or whatever you want to call him.

Q. I hear that the pressure for public employee unions to give up some pension benefits is causing more people to retire early under the theory that their benefits can’t be touched once they retire. Won’t that increase the budget strains in those states affected? (Doyle ~ Redondo Beach, CA)
A. Yes. Something has to give, and they all want it to be you and me. I don't know about you, but I gave at the office. 

“Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.” ~ Ogden Nash


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


DuPage County in Illinois has approved the building of a controversial Muslim mosque. A conflict between the religious group's right to practice its faith and the local community's concern about over-development gave way to compromise when the County Board accepted a scaled-back proposal for the mosque.

It occurs to me that opposing views can come to good conclusions when those involved put forth serious effort to accomplish things. Those in New York City could learn from this example.  

Q. I know there’s a big ruckus about us being in Libya, but Obama insists that we are handing over control to the British and the French and will no longer be involved. (Evola ~ Compton, CA)
A. Wanna make a bet?

Q. I never realized that we have tons and tons of radioactive rods in storage pools in this country, like the one that is giving Japan problems. Why? (Kerrie ~ Pasco, WA)
A. Because there is no other place to store it, each nuclear reactor has to store its own spent fuel rods. There is a place in Nevada, the Nevada Test Site, that is highly radioactive, where these things could be stored without adding anything more to the danger than already exists, but you’ll have to ask Harry Reid about that.

Q. According to and Forbes, three young men have become millionaires by the age of 22 through their own entrepreneurial efforts. Jason Brian, Joshua Dziabiak and Milun Tesovic all started their own businesses as early as age nine and are now millionaires. Isn’t it great to live in a country where that can happen? (Lyle ~ Auburn, CA)
A. Not according to Barack Hussein Obama. They should have been heavily taxed and given a substantial portion of their income to the poor in order to make things more equal. Why should they be able to make and keep that kind of money when you and I cannot?

“Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.” ~ Dale Carnegie


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Coalition forces, clearly led by the U.S., bombarded Libya for a third straight night Monday, targeting the air defenses and forces of Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi, stopping his advances and handing some momentum back to the rebels, who were on the verge of defeat just last week. Libyan rebels were ecstatic at the show of support and force.

In the international theater, coalition forces have a right under U.N. sanctions to take action in Libya. The U.S. has tried to downplay its leadership role, but it has the gun power and the savvy to carry on such an operation. Obama has been quick to say that we are going to turn the job over to Britain and France in short order because he lacks substantial support back home. I am ambivalent; I suppose, strictly from a humanitarian standpoint, that we are doing the right thing. I’ve heard the argument that, although Ghadafi is a horrible dictator, we might end up with someone worse in charge in Libya; does that excuse Ghadafi’s behavior or that fact that he murders and butchers? But, we cannot afford to get mired down in another Iraq or Afghanistan, either from the standpoint of available troops or money. The danger of our getting drawn into a protracted conflict is high, and we need to make known the fact to Washington that we do not want to get very deeply involved.

Q. I heard that a guy in Texas has a face transplant. I’ve never heard of such a thing. (Ali ~ Schenectady, NY)
A. He had been disfigured in a power line accident. This is the first procedure of its kind. But, I guess he won’t have to pay for it; when they go to collect, they won’t be able to recognize him.

Q. For days on end, we’ve been hearing that they are “racing to connect power” at the Japanese nuke plants. If they’re racing, what’s taking so long? (Karla ~ Redding, CA)
A. Japanese people have shorter legs. Stop and think about it. If there have been several explosions and the big earthquake shook things loose, what are the odds that pumps will work anyway? This problem is not going to quickly go away, and the danger is far from over.

Q. I hear that California Republican Party is in a shambles. Is that true? (Pete ~ Fullerton, CA)
A. That’s the understatement of the year. Party registration is at a rock-bottom 31 percent of registered voters; Republicans are divided on immigration policy; a sizable chunk of Latinos say they would never vote for a Republican; GOP state legislators are split on whether to cut a deal with Gov. Jerry Brown or stonewall his plan to balance the state's budget through a combination of tax extensions and budget cuts. No Republican holds a state office. If they are going to gain any credibility, they need Charlie Sheen to lead them.

“I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.” ~ Unknown


Monday, March 21, 2011


Some ten days after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the word comes that two nuclear sites are under control. Units 5 and 6, which were not really posing much danger anyway, have their fuel rod pools covered and their reactors safe. But, they continue to struggle with the others, particularly Number 4. An unexpected rise in pressure inside a troubled reactor set back efforts to bring Japan's overheating, leaking nuclear complex under control Sunday as concerns grew that as-yet minor contamination of food and water is spreading. The pressure increase means plant operators need to deliberately release radioactive steam. 

Will this horrible tragedy ever end? It is clear that more lives will be lost, particularly if one of the sites that is loaded with plutonium explodes. Radiation is contaminating food and water as far away as Tokyo. Any precipitation there is likely to be laced with radioactivity. It’s an ugly, ugly situation, I don’t care what anybody says. 
Q. Do you think it is possible that we will end up in a war in Libya like we have been having in Iraq and Afghanistan?” (Sy ~ Sparks, NV)
A. Anything is possible but, if we do, Obama can kiss his Presidential fanny goodbye.

Q. What will happen to our national budget “savings” now that we’re in Libya? (Jennifer ~ Napa, CA)
A. It’s probably going to go up in smoke, pardon the play on words.

Q. What is the purpose of Obama’s trip to Brazil and other South American countries? (Myra ~ Alturas, CA)
A. You don’t know either, huh? I think it has something to do with trade; he’s run out of Brazil nuts.

“Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.” ~ Unknown


Sunday, March 20, 2011


The advent of military action in Libya has seemingly pushed the tragedy in Japan off to the wings. Major news channels yesterday focused on events in the Middle East and Libya in particular, while news about the nuclear problems and earthquake/tsunami recovery operations began to play second fiddle.

Obviously, sitting on the edge of your seat watching ongoing rescue operations and oozing radioactivity is nowhere near as exciting as the sound of gunfire and bombs. Now, suddenly, Japan no longer exists.

Q. I live fairly close to a nuclear reactor in southern Washington. Should I be worried? (Amanda ~ Chehalis, WA)
A. The event in Japan has everyone worried about that question. Let us remember that the reactors there were designed for a 7.5 quake and survived 9.0. It was the tsunami that knocked all of their backup power avenues down. I truly believe that our nuclear facilities are well-designed and well-maintained and I would not hesitate to live next to one myself. Of course, anything is better than living in a cave on top of a mountain.

Q. What kind of progress is the government making on illegal immigration? (Harvey ~ Anderson, CA)
A. None. In one statistic, out of some 447,000 illegals caught by the Border Patrol in 2010, 375,000 went free without being charged and without being deported. We have a total lack of leadership in Washington on this issue. Pretty soon, we’ll be calling ourselves the United States of Mexico.

Q. Do you think Ghadafi will give up, now that the international community is coming to the aid of the rebels? (Christopher, Laughlin, NV)
A. He might give up if the U.S. plopped another missile into his living room window; other than that, no. He will never be tried for the Lockerbie bombing; he’ll commit suicide first.

“All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian.” ~ Pat Paulsen


Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dane County District Judge Maryann Sumi granted a temporary restraining order to keep Wisconsin’s new law that curbs collective bargaining from going into effect. The plaintiff is alleging that the legislature violated the opening meeting law by rushing the law into passage and the Judge felt there was enough merit to the argument to warrant the TRO.

It is only right and proper that there is a method to keep laws that have not been properly passed from going into effect while legal challenges are heard. That’s why ObamaCare should be on hold. Only time and court hearings will determine whether or not Governor Scott Walker and his team did their due diligence in the procedures required to pass their law. In the meantime, the taxpayers are being held hostage.

Q. Why is Obama leaving the White House on a trip when there are so many troubling things going on? Other Presidents have even given up vacations and stayed at the helm under such circumstances to show leadership and concern for the people involved. (Garth ~ Williamsburg, VA)
A. Who cares what the people think? I’m sure they have golf courses in South America.

Q. Can Congress prevent Obama from sending in air strikes against Libya? (Mae ~ Carson, CA)
A. So far, Congress has not prevented Obama from doing anything he wants.

Q. Is Donald Trump serious about running for the Presidency? (Charlene ~ Eureka, CA)
A. Apparently. If he wins, then this country will be in the driver’s seat. He'll be able to trump anything.

“It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.” ~ Isaac Asimov


Friday, March 18, 2011


The United Nations yesterday approved “all necessary measures” to protect Libyan citizens from Ghadafi’s troops. The next step is to decide who will act and what measures will be taken. This comes after several weeks of delay and the U.S. did not join France and other counties in asking for the permission until the last minute. Rebels are now in serious possibility of losing their cause and any action may come too late.

President Obama has shown an outstanding lack of leadership on the issue. He should be congratulated for his artistic shucking and ducking. I wonder what he scored on the golf course.

Q. I see that the Congress is taking away federal funding for National Public Broadcasting. Why? (Samantha ~ Redding, CA)
A. NPR has for many years had an extremely politicized format. It is wrong to use public money for purely political purposes.

Q. The White House took great steps yesterday to assure the western U.S. that they are not in danger from Japan’s radiation. What do you think? (Tess ~ Weed, CA)
A. How often during his Presidency has Obama told the truth about anything? Historically, the more people he parades out there to echo his stance, the bigger the lie is that is being told. Now, I am not calling him a liar in this case; I just don’t believe a single word the man says.

Q. With Hillary Clinton stepping down at the end of Obama’s first term, do you think she might be planning to run against him in 2012? (Ted ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Nawwwwww. No way. She’s already said once that she has no interest in running for any future political office. But, she didn’t say it twice…

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” ~ Mark Twain


Thursday, March 17, 2011


The Chinese government is ordering all of its citizens in Japan to leave the country, amid fears the nuclear disaster there is unmanageable and that radiation levels are out of control.

As previously mentioned, governments are not inclined to tell the whole truth to citizens during major disasters and emergencies. China’s orders are, I believe, prudent under the circumstances. Japan continues to downplay the seriousness of the situation while the news gets worse by the hour. The U.S. military is having a difficult time trying to render assistance due to the apparent dangers of radiation. It would be interesting to find out what direction the radiation is heading toward after it leaves Japan, but that information does not seem to be forthcoming.

Q. With all of the worries facing the nation and the world right now, like in Japan and Libya, why is our President out playing golf? (Sandy ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. Everyone had their own priorities in life.

Q. Is the United States giving up on Libya, and if so, why? (Carla ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. It would seem that way. One of the unknowns is who would take over if Ghadafi is gone; it could get worse. There is a large and looming possibility that radical Islam stands ready to fill any void in leadership anywhere in that part of the world. We are also stretched very thin from a military and financial standpoint. Moving a U.S. warship into the area is probably more for show than anything else. I think we’re going to concentrate on trying to prevent Egypt from falling into radical Islamic rule. Just as a side thought, isn’t Ghadafi one of the multitudes of foreign leaders that Obama bowed to after he first took office?

Q. I see that boxing great Ali is asking Iran to free our hostages. Do you think that will work? (Izzy ~ Detroit, MI)
A. It’s a great gesture and I hope it does work, but I have my doubts. We need to send Mike Tyson over there to chew their ears off.

“Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.” ~ Steve Jobs


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The House passed a bill yesterday to extend temporary funding for three weeks while shaving another $6 billion in expenses.

Let’s see… They did two weeks the last go-around and cut $4 billion, so that makes $10 billion and five weeks, or $2 billion per week they can cut. That’s .0001 of the national debt. Gosh, what progress! I think I’d rather watch the grass grow.

Q. Why are they having so much trouble in Washington getting a budget passed? (Steve – Reno, NV)
A. Show me a politician who is willing to quit spending our money and I’ll show you a politician who’s been dead at least 1,000 years.

Q. Starting yesterday, we hear some scientists saying there is nothing to worry about with the nuclear power emergency in Japan. Who’s right? (Lenora ~ Susanville, CA)
A. I’ve heard comparisons to Chernobyl, that only a relatively few people were affected, maybe 1,000, and only ten deaths. If you remember back, the Russians were keeping a top secret lid on casualties and cancers. I don’t think I believe these light numbers. However, if it turned out to be a massive problem, I think that would have leaked out by now. Scientists will tell you that any radioactivity above normal has increased danger to some extent and, when a situation is bad, governments have a tendency to withhold the facts. As for me, I’m staying away from Japan; my personality is glowing enough already.

Q. Obama’s popularity keeps hitting new lows. Is he finished? (Warren ~ El Monte, CA)
A. Not yet. Snakes don’t die easily.

California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange. ~ Fred Allen


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Within hours of the news that the Japanese nuclear power plants were in trouble, and within minutes after the Gore Group claimed it was all due to global warming, those against nuclear energy in this country started beating their drums against future U.S. nuclear plants. Every minute, the news becomes more ominous and the drum beating grows louder.

Coal and gas fired power plants are just as dangerous, if not more dangerous for the workers, than any other kind of plant. They spew their toxic particles into the air religiously. Only hydro plants, geothermal, wind and solar pose little danger. On the other hand, electricity itself is a very dangerous commodity. People get shocked to death every day by electricity. Fires start. Transformer explosions occur. So, the real argument should be about outlawing electricity. That would solve everything…no more pollution, no more nuke plants, no danger, no energy crisis and the price of gas would certainly come down. But then again, how could you pump it?

Q. Did WikiLeaks really cause any damage to the U.S.? (Jodi ~ Westminster, CA)
A. Absolutely, and the true damage won’t be known for several years. It could even be worse than dog leaks.

Q. Is Obama really against guns? (Shelly ~ Evanston, WY)
A. Does cherry pie ala mode taste good? Yes, I know that he issued a carefully worded diatribe in an Arizona newspaper about how we need to make sure we have more responsible gun owners, but his past track record, (read his speeches and remarks before he decided to run for reelection), indicates a deep hatred for gun owners. I think every NRA member agrees with better enforcement of the existing laws and better methods to prevent “nuts” from gaining access to guns. By the way, the criminals don’t care one way or the other.

Q. Since they are so much alike, do you think Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen will ever get married? (Martha ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. That would certainly be a match made in heaven. The paparazzi would be beside themselves.

“It wasn't about the money. I just wanted them to admit it was their fault.” ~ Barry Sheene


Monday, March 14, 2011


The nuclear problems in Japan could adversely affect the United States. Radiation is being leaked into the atmosphere. The prevailing winds blow from west to east. The U.S. is in the path. Radiation can mix with rain and permeate streams and lakes and affect wildlife and humans. Radiation leaks from underground nuclear tests in Nevada are known to have caused an increase in cancers in Utah, Wyoming and points east in a widening plume, mostly through milk from cows.

Everyone is currently saying, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not radioactive enough to do any damage.” It seems to me that’s what they were saying in the 1950’s and 1960’s, at the height of the U.S. nuclear program. I don’t know that we should panic, but we certainly need to be aware.

Q. Did I hear correctly, that Bill Clinton has come out and knocked Barack Obama? (Milo ~ Des Moines, WA)
A. Yep. Former Presidents Bush and Clinton were speaking at a recent closed meeting. Bush was talking about oil policy and Clinton chimed in that delays in issuing gulf permits to drill are ridiculous, given the current state of the economy and the energy problems. You don’t suppose Hillary is getting ready to run against Barack in 2012, do you?

Q. Did I hear that the state of Illinois is going to publish the names of every gun owner in the state? (Chris ~ Alhambra, CA)
A. Yes. To legally own a gun in that state, you must have an identification card. The attorney general is asking for the list to be published, which is an outright invasion of privacy. The reason is, obviously, that they want anti-gun organizations to be able to individually go after every gun owner to intimidate them. In the meanwhile, of course, I’d be willing to bet that not one Illinois criminal has one of those identification cards. Not one.

Q. Are the Tea Parties still a viable political force? (Celeste ~ Elk Grove, CA)
A. Yes, and they’re getting stronger. Now, they’re targeting not only national issues, but state issues as well. As a matter of fact, one way to clear out a Congressional hearing is to walk in with Michelle Bachman.

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” ~ David Brinkley


Sunday, March 13, 2011


This blog originated with a different and daily format. There came a time when my professional life demanded too much time to maintain that writing schedule, and I changed the format into being an unscheduled publication as time and circumstance allowed. I have been inundated with requests from readers to return to the highly popular format and have elected to put another blog, WE’RE NOT TO BLAME, into hibernation and to resurrect the original daily HERMIT. Here we go! Spread the word!

The recent 8.9 earthquake in Japan was a record setter, being the seventh largest in recorded history and the largest ever recorded in Japan. The resulting tsunami took only moments to crash onto Japan’s seashores and crushed much of what was left standing. All of this tragedy was punctuated by the ominous threat of meltdown in at least two nuclear energy facilities; a radioactive cloud spewed from one as a containment building erupted in a massive explosion.

Mother Nature is often as explosive as segments of human societies. I can’t help but to compare it to the union demonstrations in Wisconsin… sheer, ugly pandemonium without explanation.

Q. What causes earthquakes? (Barry ~ Tehachapi, CA)
A. Although earthquakes have been around on all astrological bodies since the beginning of time, there are those in the U.S. who claim they are being caused by global warming. Makes you want to be a Democrat, doesn’t it?

Q. When you lose weight, where does it go? (Mona ~ Apache Junction, AZ)
A. Nobody likes a smart ass.

Q. Will Ghadafi stay in power? (Chet ~ Yonkers, NY)
A. He’s already said that he will not leave power alive. Therefore, he has no reason not to come down on the populace with every weapon in his possession. The people mostly don’t have guns and ammunition; what weapons they do have, they managed to steal from the army. Without international sanction, we have no legal right to intervene. It’s an ugly situation, and the rebels seem to be on the short end of the stick.

“Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.” ~ Mark Twain


Saturday, March 12, 2011


That 8.9 earthquake in Japan had not even finished its first rumble before Al Gore and his pals started hollering that the quake was caused by global warming. It never ceases to amaze me how these imbeciles can take an event, any event, and spin it around to fit their own agendas. Where I come from, up here on the mountain, we generally refer to such mutterings as “pure, unadulterated bullshit.”

Those voices are the same ones who blamed gun owners and right wing extremists for the Tucson shooting rampage. Just as they were trying to make hay with their agenda over that tragedy, they now seek to take advantage of the quake. Frankly, people who make such an open display of their ignorance do not belong on this planet.

That’s bad enough. But, their contemplation that we Americans are dumb enough to fall for their statements is an outrageous assault on our intelligence. Here in Burney, we’d just laugh them out of town. The folks over there in Hat Creek would string these guys up to the nearest telephone pole. On the other hand, up there in Wisconsin they’d probably be able to join the union. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The Hermit took a day off.  Here's a redo of a posting Friday, November 27, 2009


A November 23rd front page NEW YORK TIMES report “warns that U.S. debt is rising so fast that the federal government is careening toward a ‘payment shock’ in the not-too-distant future.” The yearly interest alone on our national debt will be over $700 billion, up from the current $202 billion. Additionally, FDIC funds used to insure failed banks is $8.2 billion in the red and the number of banks in serious trouble has increased from 416 to 552.
We cannot continue to ignore the warnings: This country is in deep, deep trouble. It is entirely possible, and growing more probable every day, that we will enter a depression next year that could surpass the “Great Depression.” If retailers start to file bankruptcies and close stores, commercial foreclosures will sap what little bank capital there is left. This sure as hell is NOT the time to be adding fuel to the fire with more massive spending. And, given the fact that this country could be brought to its knees, any member of Congress who votes for the new health care bill should be charged with treason.

Q. I heard there’s a member of Congress who is suggesting tax increases to pay for additional troops in Afghanistan and that Obama is planning on spending another eight or nine years there. I don’t understand.
(Amie – Park City, UT)
A. This is an overt attempt to make Americans want to get out of Afghanistan so that more terrorists can be trained there.

Q. Where do they raise all of the turkeys?
(Brette – Hanford, CA)
A. Washington, DC.

Q. Even though we could use the help, I don’t understand how they can add a $300 million payment to help Katrina victims to a health care bill.
(Xavier – Morgan City, LA)
A. They can do anything they want. Shut up and get out of the way.

“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”
~ Gen. George S. Patton


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Two major events have occurred in the last ten days or so that command my attention from the top of the mountain. One is Obama’s ruling on the gay marriage issue and the other is the Supreme Court ruling on the First Amendment and the Right to Free Speech no matter who gets hurt.

To be clear, the first issue has nothing to do with the pros and cons of gay marriage. What is really in contention here is whether or not any government official except the Legislative body, which can write and change laws, or a Judge, who interprets laws, has the authority to ignore law. I assert that Barack Hussein Obama has no right, not one, to arbitrarily refuse to uphold the law of the land. In fact, as an attorney and as President of the United States, he has sworn under oath to faithfully uphold the Constitution and, thereby, the laws of the United States. As an officer of the Court, he has no choice in the matter.

This President also flagrantly violated the Constitution of the United States by insisting on passing a law that requires citizens to purchase a product whether they want to or not, (ObamaCare). Both of these actions are grounds for stripping Obama of his license to practice law and, in actuality, impeachment charges should be brought against him. He is just as guilty of misconduct as Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton and he should be treated accordingly and no, I don’t care what color he is.

Now as to the Supreme Court. The Westboro Baptist Church has been showing up at military funerals and spewing forth with ugly hate speech. The Court ruled that the First Amendment right to free speech trumps anything the offenders might say. In voting 8-1 that Constitution protects the group’s self-expression, the court acknowledged the far reach of the First Amendment and asserted a faith in Americans’ ability, independent of any government action, to condemn loathsome speech.

Well, I’m sorry, but that is a lame excuse for exercising a poor Judgment.

As a journalist, I support the right to free speech. Joe Wilson, for example, popped off by shouting that Obama was a liar while he was giving a State of the Union speech. He had that right, as distasteful as the words were at that occasion. On the other hand, it is a settled principle of law that you can’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater when there is no fire, either. The reason, of course, is simple: people can get killed in trying to rush out of a burning theater.

I assert that people can get killed under the circumstances of yelling hateful speech at a funeral, too. Had one of those family members gone after and severely beaten one of the miscreants, I find it difficult to believe that a Court would send him off to jail. Inciting a riot is not protected, and this activity certainly inflames human passions.

I understand and subscribe to the theory that any infringement on the right to free speech invites further undermining of that fundamental right. I can also understand why the Supreme Court ruled the way it did, although I believe they were dead wrong. While they have a duty to interpret the law and to apply the Constitution, you would expect that the Supreme Court would also exert discretion under these circumstances. Justice Samuel Alito, the lone dissenter, said the protesters "brutally attacked" Matthew Snyder to attract public attention. "Our profound national commitment to free and open debate is not a license for the vicious verbal assault that occurred in this case," he said. I agree.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Every Wednesday, I tell about some of my past escapades in the gaming business.  

One of my friends at the Desert Inn back in the 1970’s worked in the Accounting Department. He was a young guy of Lebanese descent and bald as an eagle, except for a little fringe around the surrey on top. He was a little porky, but not overly so. He also was one of the suave guys who didn’t wear underpants. He’d recently purchased a new toupee that actually looked halfway decent. But, in those days, it was not stitched to his scalp.

One day while in the Accounting Office, he needed something from the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet. Well, down he went and his trousers couldn’t take the sudden stretch; with a noise that could not be ignored, they ripped wide open and exposed everything he possessed for all of the world to see. And, I mean everything. And, just as all of the gals in the office focused their eyes on the event, his toupee unceremoniously plopped onto the floor. He took the rest of the day off.

The Landmark was one of the tallest and skinniest buildings in Vegas. Up on the 29th floor, we had some nice suites where we put the big rollers. There was a boxing event going on in town and only one suite remained. A good customer of mine by the name of Gunnar showed up and wanted a suite. I went to the Front Desk to secure to suite and was informed that it had been taken for a wedding party. So, I did the best I could and moved Gunnar to a suite in an adjoining building.

Gunnar was not a happy camper and, as soon as the wedding party was over, I moved him back into the tower. “Gunnar,” I told him, I’d be a little nervous up there if I were you. When the wind blows, that top portion sways back and forth and the engineers have told us that one of these days, it’s going to go all of the way over.” Of course, he laughed at that.

Unbeknownst to me, they were having an underground test at the atomic energy site north of Vegas the next morning. Went it went off, the ground in Vegas moved and the tower actually swayed back and forth. Gunnar ended up in the lobby in his shorts and with shaving foam on his face, screaming “Move me back to the room I had yesterday!”

One day when I was working at the Maxim, I had occasion to go to the top of the Dunes for lunch. On the way up the elevator, I ran across a customer of mine from Waco. “What are you doing over here?” I asked.

Of course, he was embarrassed. “Uh, I’ve got a friend who is getting married here,” he lied.

“Well, Jerry,” I told him, “Whenever you have chips to cash out at the Maxim, you always get paid, right? You never know about some of these fly-by-night hotels, and I hear the Dunes is in big money trouble.” Of course, he knew I was teasing him and he promised to come by before he left town to have dinner and play some cards.

The next morning, the Feds raided the cashier’s cage at the Dunes and Jerry, who had won $10,000 there the night before, was unable to cash in his chips. Yes, those things happened in those days, and I had made a believer out of Jerry.

More of my wild, wild tales of the past next Wednesday. See you then, but don’t forget to catch my weekend gab.