Sunday, August 29, 2010


The Hermit will return September 1, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Tuesday, the government announced that the sales of existing (used) housing fell to its lowest point in recorded history, sometime in the early 1990’s. Yesterday, news came that new housing sales are at their lowest in recorded history going back to 1963. More bad news is expected when the latest unemployment figures are released.

I just heard Sean Hannity ask on national T.V., “How many more jobs must be lost before this President wakes up?” I’ve got news for you, Sean: This President IS awake. Given that scenario, what must you conclude about his actions? That they are deliberate? Or, do you think that those of us who grumble and shout about the things he does are lunatics?

Q. What do you think of Tiger Woods and his imminent divorce? (Juanita ~ Milwaukee, WI)
A. Well, I’m saddened, but it’s really none of my business.

Q. Will Huckabee run for President again? (Anthony ~ Trinity, CA)
A. If you’re asking for my best guess, yes. My initial concern is what is going to happen in November.

Q. Do you really think Iran will invade Iraq? (Wally ~ Redding, CA)
A. They’re just waiting for us to get all of the way out. In the meanwhile, they announced yesterday that they are prepared to start selling weapons to Lebanon. Obviously, they are gearing up for something to do with their nuclear plants and military hardware, and I don’t think they’ll be heading to a Mexican restaurant, either.

“The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely reverse their own deliberate decisions.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sales of used homes plummeted 27.2% in July to its lowest level since they started keeping track over a decade ago. Fewer housing purchases translates to fewer purchases of housing-related consumer products and means that consumers might spend less overall, even if their income rises. The report is a strong indicator that the economy is again faltering and the fact that sales have reach a historical low, coupled with other recent downward trends in other sectors of the economy is ominous.

Hold on to your girdles and jockstraps; things are about to get even tougher than they were last year. This is not the time to be buying anything that you do not absolutely require.

Q. I hear Dell is getting into the phone cellphone business? (Alvin ~ Mound House, NV)
A. Maybe they’ll make it easier to contact their customer service department with complaints about their lousy tech support?

Q. I get so much email in the form of advertisements and other garbage that it takes me all day to read my email! How can I stop this? (Raven ~ Compton, CA)
A. You need a minimum of four email addresses: (1) one for merchants that you normal like to do business with, (2) for businesses and others you never really want to do business with again, but that demand an email address when you are ordering something, (3) for personal family and very close friends, and (4) for all others. I have nine email addresses. Every once in a while I’ll quit using one until the spam dies down. One merchant was obnoxious and simply refused to remove my email address; I finally changed it to and I’ve never heard from him since.

Q. Why no news about that Sherrod woman who worked for the U.S.D.A. and got forced to resign? (Ilene ~ Blythe, CA)
A. You’re timing is good. She was just offered a new position at the U.S.D.A. and turned it down. It’s ironic, but I guess she’s become one of those people Reid says are getting unemployment and just simply don’t want to work anymore.

"I've had many, many requests from around the country from people who want to hear from me. "I'd like to hear from them, because I'd like to know about efforts that are being made in communities that are dealing with racism and discrimination, and I'd really like to highlight them. ... That's what this country needs. We're a great country, and there are people who care. We're hearing too much from those who would want to point out the negative right now, and I really would like to concentrate on the positive." ~ Shirley Sherrod


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The word coming out of Iran is that it is developing a drone aircraft capable of delivering a nuclear warhead over significant distances. 

What is notable in this revelation is that Iran is relying less and less on the technology of other countries as it builds its weapons program.  In doing so, it becomes less susceptible to sanctions; who cares if they can’t get aircraft parts if they can manufacture their own?  This is an ominous sign and does not bode well for the future.  But then again, neither does the fact that this country chose to allow Iran to progress with its nuclear program. 

Q. Isn’t it dangerous for Americans to be in Mexico right now?  (Benjamin ~ Johnson Park, CA)
A. Yes, and it’s not just the water. 

Q. The tenor has changed dramatically in recent weeks.  Now I hear openly that certain factions within this country have joined those who claim that the United States bears significant responsibility in the 9/11 hijackings.  Where do they come up with this stuff?  (Carolyn ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. The fact that our government has frequently done dirty deeds over the decades lends some credence, on the face of it, to such speculation.  One such fact is that very heavy steel beams in the towers were melted by the heat of burning jet fuel, which is essentially kerosene; such fuel does not burn at high temperatures.  This has not been adequately explained away and conspiracy theorists have been coming out of the woodwork.  The problem with this line of thinking is that it would put us in collusion with Osama and his pals to bring down the Trade Center, and I find that difficult to believe, even after being into the scotch. 

Q. You keep saying the economy is going to tumble again, and it will be a disaster this time.  Has your position changed?  (Lance ~ Redding, CA)
A. No.  I don't like being the harbinger of bad news, either.  Don’t pay any attention to what the liars and manipulators in the White House are saying; learn about economic indicators. 

“Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.” ~ Milton Friedman


Monday, August 23, 2010


Fox News has discovered at least one verified incidence of Chairman Barack and his cronies hiding the truth from the public. I.C.E. figures are posted on their website and reflect a bigger crackdown on illegals and more deportations. What the site does not say is that the figures are from the Bush Administration, that the Obama Administration has more current statistics that are not posted, and that those latest statistics show a sharp decline in arrests and deportations.

The Obama Administration has been hiding the real statistics and math for virtually every program from day one. They have been caught repeatedly misrepresenting the facts and even posting totally false figures in an effort to bolster their positions. For example, they marched out figures showing that ObamaCare was going to save the nation money, but now quietly admit that it’s going to cost us an extra $1.5 trillion. People who lie continuously are despicable and pathological.  Besides that, they suck. 

Q. I just got a bill in the mail for my new health insurance premium. It went up by about 38%. I can’t afford this. I’ve taken a wage cut and am getting fewer hours and my wife got laid off. What am I going to do? (Kenny ~ Boise, ID)
A. You’ll probably vote all of the incumbents back in who voted for this health care system and you’ll probably vote for Obama again in 2012. I’m sorry I’m in a bad mood. People all told me I was crazy when I posted these things were going to happen; now, they are happening and they are griping to me. Let me say this; if you fail to vote this November and if you fail to vote the bad guys out, you should be ashamed of yourself. Sixty lashings with a wet noodle.

Q. Am I crazy, or is it cooling down early this summer? (Wanda ~ Redding, CA)
A. It seems to be milder this summer. As for whether or not you are crazy, I would prefer not to answer.

Q. I’m thinking about buying a new laptop and I hear that I shouldn’t even think about a Dell? They have a terrific financing deal. (Lorene ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. If you want hours of heartache and bull when you need service, buy a Dell. If you want to pay an exorbitant rate of interest, buy a Dell. Otherwise, buy a Toshiba, a Vaio or an Abacus.

“A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers.” ~ H. L. Mencken


Sunday, August 22, 2010


It’s not enough that New York Mayor’s endorsement of a Muslim Mosque had ticked off 80% of Americans; now he has alienated Native Americans as well. In a conversation last week with Governor David Patterson, the subject of the Senecas and cigarette taxes arose. Bloomberg told Patterson, “You know, get yourself a cowboy hat and a shotgun. If there’s ever a great video, it’s you standing in the middle of the New York State Thruway saying, you know, ‘Read my lips – the law of the land is this, and we’re going to enforce the law.’” The image of cowboys and Indians all over again stirred the Senecas to file a human rights violation and a hate crime complaint with local, state and international bodies against Bloomberg for making “derogatory racial statements” against the nation and its citizens.

Bloomberg should pack up his money and leave the country. He’s an ugly, hateful man who obviously enjoys pissing off the world.

Q. If the Iranian reactor is designed only to produce electricity, why aren’t there any power lines leading away from it? (Reggie ~ Van Nuys, CA)
A. I don’t know, I haven’t seen any photos. Maybe they are going underground with the lines? They are very, very advanced, you know. (Please pass the gray poop-on.)

Q. Just what do Tea Parties really stand for, anyway? (Angelina ~ Waco, TX)
A. They want the government and rest of the country to comply with our Constitution; they want a smaller federal government and the restoration of states’ rights; they want to contain government spending and reduce taxes; they want people to have individual rights, responsibility for their actions and, above all, integrity. No wonder Team Pelosi hates their guts.

Q. I’ve seen you use the terminology “Chairman Barack” many times. What’s up with that? (Midge ~ Round Mountain, CA)
A. Well, Chairman Mao is dead and some left-wing extremist has to carry his torch. Obama seems to me to be doing a pretty good job of that.

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” ~ Joseph Stalin


Saturday, August 21, 2010


Target and Best Buy allegedly have donated $150,000 to an anti-gay candidate for Governor of Minnesota. This has led to immediate consumer boycotts and some investor concerns. MoveOn claims over 250,000 Americans nationwide are protesting the contributions as are shareholders who collectively own less than 1% of the company.

What this report does not discuss is 300 million Americans and the +99% of the shareholders who are not boycotting or raising hell. Nor does the report discuss the fact that MoveOn is a radical left-wing organization dedicated to the destruction of liberty and justice in this country. Nor does the report discuss the right of any person or corporation in this country to support political candidates of their choice. Nor does the report say that the donations were made solely because the candidate is anti-gay, only that he IS anti-gay, so the donations could have been made on the basis of other candidate attributes. This is all about radicals who insist on forcing their minority views on the majority. Michael Moore and his Raggedy Ann doll should go suck an egg.

Q. How is that Federal program doing that helps people prevent foreclosure? (Ian ~ Redding, CA)
A. About 1.3 million homeowners signed up for it and about 50% have quit the program. This program was funded at $75 billion and most economists are calling it a failure. Foreclosures are up, housing sales are down, housing values have tanked and Obama is in Martha’s Vineyard for a ten day vacation.

Q. How can over 500 million eggs be infected and it’s not caught? (Karla ~ Klamath Falls, OR)
A. Both plants could have a rodent problem, or both plants could have gotten hens that were already infected, or feed that was contaminated. The Feds say that it is not that easy to detect the disease in the hen house. Miraculously and as of post time, Obama has not yet blamed Bush for the problem.

Q. I know there were several hundred bank failures last year and don’t hear about any this year. Isn’t that a good sign? (Paulo ~ LaMesa, CA)
A. There have been 114 bank failures so far this year. The most recent with Chicago’s Shore Bank. The reason you have not heard about these bank failures is that the Administration is trying to cover up negative financial news. Yes, they do have their hands full, don’t they?

“Have you noticed the debt is exploding? And it's not all because of Medicare.” ~ Ron Paul


Friday, August 20, 2010


Iran is now only a few days from firing up its nuclear reactor and had already announced that it will build more. Russia, which has partnered in the project, has made gestures that it will back Iran if Israel tries to destroy the new reactor. Obama has done everything possible to coerce Israel into sitting tight. Ahmadinejad has made it abundantly clear that he wants Israel annihilated. Israel fears being nuked by Iran.

That’s the scenario in a nut shell. The world is halfway holding its collective breath; Israel has done it before, will they do it again? In the meanwhile, President Obama is off on a 10-day vacation to Martha’s Vineyard with the family. Have you noticed that, any time there’s a real crisis Obama heads to the golf course or goes on vacation? Thank God we’ve got Joey Biden looking after things.

Q. The big story floating around yesterday was that 25% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim. What do you think? (Cecil ~ Lincoln, CA)
A. He was born a Muslim. He was raised a Muslim. In one of his books, he wrote if he had to make a choice, he would side with the Muslims. Unlike other Presidents, he does not attend Sunday church services in Washington. He just advocated for the building of a Muslim Mosque at Ground Zero. What do YOU think? The sad part is that it should not matter, but in his case it does.

Q. The figures coming out of the Obama Administration seem always to be wrong. Now, we find that their claims of economic growth have been greatly exaggerated. Why does ANY American continue to listen to him? (Ahmad ~ Detroit, MI)
A. Sometimes, if we deny the truth then we think we’ll never have to come to grips with it.

Q. I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate your humor, sarcasm, and wit. But, more than that, you do answer a lot of our questions. The other day, after Obama took a dip in the Gulf and pronounced it clean, you said that all of that oil could not possibly have been cleaned up that fast. Now, they find this underwater oil plume, 22 miles long and 3,000 feet down. You sure nailed that one on the head.
A. Thank you very much. It’s sad to say, but you have to question everything you hear from Washington these days. The odds are 50% that you’ll discover what you have heard is untrue and 50% that it’s a lie.

"Freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one's religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state in our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. That's why the United States government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab and to punish those who would deny it.” ~ Barack Obama


Thursday, August 19, 2010


Dr. Laura Schlessinger, guru to millions of Americans, (mostly women) on her national radio talk show, has decided to call it quits at the end of her contract. In one recent show, she allegedly used the “N” word 11 times in an effort to deal with the subject of racism with a caller. Schlessinger said she's not retiring or quitting. She said she feels stronger and freer to say what she believes needs to be said. "I want to be able to say what's on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry — some special interest group deciding this is a time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates and sponsors," she said.

While I agree in the First Amendment, I also understand the need to temper your use of free speech in some cases. I’m not familiar with the particulars, but there are words I would never use on the air and that is one of them. On the other hand, there are those left-wing radical bigots who would control my speech and my writing and limit my First Amendment rights. I often think that we have allowed them to have too much influence in what we say and write. If Schlessinger feels constrained, she should quit. As for the “N” word, I still don’t know why those left wingers get so upset when I call them “Numbskulls and Nitwits.”

Q. What’s this “Team Pelosi” thing I just heard about? (Clarice ~ Big Bear, CA)
A. It’s obvious that they can’t deal with the Tea Party. The Tea Party is a growing phenomenon that has its message correct and, try as they might, the left-wingers have not been able to effectively counter it. They hope they will start their own movement with the Team Pelosi thing that will gather people together like the Tea Party has. Here’s the problem. Only 13% of the county thinks Congress is doing a good job. Pelosi leads more than half of Congressional Members, so her overall popularity among the public is in that 13% range. I personally think “Team Pelosi” is dead on arrival, just like liberal talk radio. The funeral will be held November 2nd.

Q. If Obama is all uptight about the Tea Parties, why doesn’t he go talk to them? (Ginger ~ Kingman, AZ)
A. Because they ask honest questions.

Q. There was a court case in Utah where they had erected crosses along the highways to recognize fallen state troopers and the Court told them that’s unconstitutional. Any reaction? (Bart ~ Sun Valley, ID)
A. But, they can build a Muslim shrine temple next to the World Trade Center site? Don’t you get the message? I agree with religious rights, but I’m very sorry about this type of bullshit.

“Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.” ~ Henry A. Kissinger


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


About two months or so ago, it was discovered that there was a subsurface layer of oil in the gulf that could be enormous. Now, the Obama Administration is claiming that the major portion of the spill had already been cleaned up. That claim does not in any way mesh with the history of the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska. Researchers are warning that the spill is a bigger mess than the government claims and that a lot of crude is still lurking deep below the surface, some of it settling perhaps in a critical undersea canyon off the Florida Panhandle. There is thinking that as much as 80 percent of the spill is still in the Gulf.

Don’t you get tired of the same old routine of lie, lie, and lie? Why is it that we Americans have to read between the lines of everything anyone says in the press or media? Why do we have to question everything? The fact is that either the oil went someplace, or it is still there. They have not cleaned up a mess so much larger than the Exxon Valdez spill in a matter of weeks when it took years in Alaska.

Q. What do you make of the Blagojevich verdict? (Brittney ~ Grand Rapids, MI)
A. The evidence was not convincing or the prosecutors were inept, or both. Let’s face it, the guy is no peach. On the other hand, if it is true that he refused to name Obama’s pick to the Senate seat, the whole prosecution could have simply been political retribution. I think he should now demand his governorship back.

Q. Did I hear there’s a Greek Orthodox Church in New York City that was destroyed during 9/11 that has been trying to rebuild, but keeps getting thwarted by city officials while the Mosque project moves forward? (Chevy ~ Alamogordo, NM)
A. Yes. Suffice it to say that Obama is not a Greek Orthodox.  

Q. Now they want to put a sculpture of Obama on Mount Rushmore? (Gordy ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. Why not? Shouldn’t the Messiah be immortalized?

"Iran will have achieved something that no other opponent of Israel, no other enemy of the United States really in the Middle East has, and that is a functioning nuclear reactor." ~ John Bolton


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Although the openly gay federal Judge who heard the recent gay marriage appeal in California and who ruled California’s Prop 8 to be unconstitutional subsequently decided gay marriages could go ahead, a three-Judge panel of the 9th Circuit Appeals Court put an indefinite hold on gay marriages until the issue is ultimately decided.

Like I said a few days ago, that is the only correct answer, from the standpoint of legal principles. The Judge should never have heard the case and should be impeached for doing so; I do not believe he could be impartial under the circumstances. We need to straighten out our judicial system in this country as well as our Congress. He needs a real bad spanking.

Q. Do you think Obama stands a chance of being reelected? (Lorenzo ~ San Dimas, CA)
A. No. I think he will not finish this term, especially if he keeps showing his radical Muslim roots.

Q. What’s our best opportunity, if we have one, of resolving our horrible economic crisis? (Lars ~ Boise, ID)
A. Like it or not, we have to break Chairman Barack’s stranglehold on this country, and that means that the Republicans have to win at least one Congressional house in November. Otherwise, all things will continue to get worse, and worse, and worse. Already, he’s so low in the polls that Mel Gibson could beat him, (was that a play on words?).

Q. Why is Robert Gates resigning as Secretary of Defense? (Yogi ~ Rosemont, IL)
A. Don’t read anything into this; it’s rare that a cabinet-level person stays from one administration to another, let alone when there’s a switch in parties. I don’t think he would have stayed, had we not been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, so his departure is really expected. As for Robert Gibbs, we don’t know for sure that he’s leaving, but I hope not. He’s the only guy in that group who makes me laugh every time he opens his mouth. He’s like a spider; you never know what he’s going to spin next.

"Construction of a new uranium enrichment site will begin by the end of the year (March) or early next year. The new enrichment facilities will be built inside mountains." ~ Ali Akbar Salehi, Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (regarding plans to go on line with Russian plant this week).

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Chairman Barack lights it up?)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Heavy torrential rains have caused the worst flooding even seen in that country. The floods began more than two weeks ago and have hit about one-quarter of the country. Huge swaths of land remain under water, and hundreds more homes were flooded over the weekend. Some 20 million people have been affected.

Regardless of one’s opinion about the Pakistanis, and although Osama Bin Laden is strongly rumored to be there in a Pakistani safe-haven, your heart has to go out to the innocent people who live in poverty anyway; this must be a horrible tragedy for them to bear. Thanks so much, Mrs. Clinton, for kicking in your $10 to the relief fund.

Q. What is your opinion of the United Nations? (Hester ~ Saratoga, NY)
A. Not very good. I suppose the argument can be had that the intentions were noble when it was formed; the proffered thought process was that, if we can get nations talking to each other across the table, maybe we can avert future wars and work together on mutually common problems. What it has become, however, is a stage for tyrants of the world to voice their agendas and a platform from which liberals can advance their objectives. Obama and his Czars are working quietly behind the scenes to negotiate some treaties with the U.N. that would theoretically trump various provisions of our Constitution. Of course, that in and of itself is unconstitutional, but Obama and his regime have already made it clear that they are willing to litigate anything at the drop of a hat, even when they are wrong.

Q. If a conservative Supreme Court Judge leaves office, that gives Obama the power to appoint another liberal and the Court then swings left. With a leftist White House and leftist Congress, couldn’t he then proceed to totally take over this country? (Mo ~ San Antonio, TX)
A. Theoretically, yes. That is what is so dangerous about the present situation. But, I think Americans would take up arms to keep that from happening. I would suppose that is a good argument for turning at least one of the Houses out of the hands of the Democrats. As the days go by and the more I see, the more inclined I am to vote Republican and then to hold their feet to the fire. Ouch.

Q. I know there a many anti-gun laws pending around the U.S. What’s their status now that the Supreme Court ruled in the McDonald vs. Chicago case that the right to bear arms cannot be changed by and state or municipal government? (Jeb ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. No anti-gun measures are slowing down, even in Chicago where they enacted a new law within days after this Supreme Court ruling in an effort to circumvent the 2nd Amendment and ban guns. In California, they are trying to ban shipments of ammo into the state and to require in-state purchasers to provide complete I.D. each and every time they purchase, including thumbprint, date of birth and social security number. Ammo shops must keep this information forever, and this poses risk of identity theft and privacy invasion. The anti-gunners figure that will be enough to keep people from buying ammo and gun use will therefore dry up and blow away. Up theirs.

“There is no time like the present to ask for November 2nd as a day off, so you can vote and help transport those who can’t drive to the polls. It’s time to take back our country, and every vote counts.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


Sunday, August 15, 2010


President Obama said Friday in an acknowledgement of Ramadan that he supports the building of the Mosque near 9/11 Ground Zero in New York City. "I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground." But The Chairman was firm and unwavering in his belief that the project should go ahead as planned. A political firestorm quickly evolved. Yesterday, he backtracked and tried to spin his Friday statements into support only for the right to build, and not for the wisdom. "I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there," Obama said. "I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding.”

I think he is hoping that the Mosque will open on that site as planned on September 11, 2011 so that he can try Khalid Sheik Mohamed in a Mosque at the site of 9/11 on the tenth anniversary. You may have voted for this guy, but I most certainly did not. I try to pay attention to what is going on in my country. 

Q. I didn’t know illegals could get driver licenses in this country. Where and why? (Kelly ~ Barstow, CA)
A. New Mexico, Utah and Washington. Obviously, those states think illegal aliens have rights. Some propose that letting them have driver’s licenses means they won’t be driving without insurance. I guess they are naïve enough to think that illegals who have broken the law by coming here will obey it if they get a driving license. The numb-skulls don’t realize that all we have now is illegals with some form of identification that would be accepted anywhere as evidence of legality, and they are really still illegal and still driving without insurance. Why do so many people in this country need glass stomachs in order to see their way around? I put my feelings where my mouth is: I just canceled my trip to my 50th high school reunion in Utah and am no longer speaking to my sons who live in Washington or my brother who lives in New Mexico. Please pass the gray poop on.

Q. How is it possible for city leaders in a town like Bell, California, to get away with paying themselves such exorbitant salaries and benefits? (Oliver ~ Arroyo Grande, CA)
A. How did we allow our government to evolve into what it is? Same reason; we’ve been sitting on our duffs watching television and surfing the Internet when we should have been paying attention to what is going on in our country.

Q. I cannot believe that Janet Napolitano says that the $600 million in new border security money is enough to do the job. All it gives them is 1,000 agents are two drones to cover 2,000 miles of border. (Lucy ~ Burney, CA)
A. At the rate they are wasting money on other things, this makes you angry, doesn’t it? Between 1997 and 2003, the defense department alone spent over $100 million in airline tickets it never used. In just one year, Federal employees wasted over $146 million in first-class airline tickets they are not eligible to use. How about $8.5 billion tossed down the drain in earned-income overpayments? Obviously, money grows on trees in Washington and when they harvest it, they don’t spend it where it justifiably needs to be spent.

“Beaches all along the Gulf Coast are clean, they are safe, and they are open for business.” ~ Barack Obama


Saturday, August 14, 2010


There’s a clarification to the Judge’s ruling staying gay marriages until next week. Judge Vaughn Walker says he doubts that backers of the ban can appeal his ruling that gay marriages CAN resume next week. Early reports muddied the waters as to what the decision meant. The decision was that gay marriages can resume and that he stayed that decision for a week to allow backers of the ban time to appeal it. Now, he’s saying he doesn’t think they can appeal his ruling since they would not be affected by or responsible for implementing his ruling. Further, Walker insisted that those gays seeking to marry are being denied their constitutional rights every day the ban is in effect.


Once again, the liberal left over rules the will of the people and rubs their faces in it. If you recall, twice an overwhelming majority of Californians has voted gay marriage down. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, anytime the will of the people is thwarted by some dimwit, radical, left-wing, activist bimbo, our Constitutional Rights are being violated. The day is coming when we will have our revenge.

Q. Now, Iran will have a nuclear plant? (Claudine ~ Norman, OK)
A. The Russians have been working on it for years. It finally appears it will go on line, but the jitters are not about nuclear weapons but about the safety of this reactor. Evidently, it has all of the makings of a meltdown. The plant, when completed, will only provide power. Ahmadinejad is all aglow….

Q. Is the gulf oil well now at last sealed and over with? (Pete ~ Whiskeytown, CA)
A. No. There’s still a lot of underwater pressure. They want to drill another well into the reservoir to relieve that pressure and to keep the new cap from blowing. They’ll probably use the oil from the new well to pay their way out of the mess they created.

Q. Finally, I hear Obama is spending $600 million on border security. What are we getting for our money? (Sissy ~ Redding, CA)

A. The new law will pay for the hiring of 1,000 more Border Patrol agents, as well as more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. It provides for new communications equipment and greater use of unmanned surveillance drones. The Justice Department gets more money to help catch drug dealers and human traffickers. Is it enough? 1,200 National Guard troops plus 1,000 new agents equals 2,200 more people to cover 2,000 miles of border, 24/7.


The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts. ~ Omar N. Bradley


Friday, August 13, 2010


The Canadian Navy yesterday boarded a Tamil refugee ship headed to Vancouver and suspects that some of those aboard may be members of the Tamil Tigers terrorist organization. The ship is off the coast of Vancouver Island and is traveling at a slow rate of speed.

Do you think we would know if the same ship was headed for Tijuana? Who knows what they were up to, but they presumably would head into the U.S. and their track record indicates that they like to kill government officials. Thank God for the Canadians. Maybe I’ll start watching hockey.

Q. I keep reading and hearing about the U.S. negotiating to join into a U.N. Treaty that would abolish gun rights in this country. Is that possible? (Merv ~ Helena, MT)
A. I would not be surprised if they proceed along those lines. Assuming our President signs the treaty and then tries to enforce it against our Constitution, he’ll be faced with about 50 million madder-than-hell Americans with guns and ammo standing on his doorsteps in Washington.

Q. Do I understand this correctly? If 484,000 people filed for first time unemployment benefits last week, but 525,000 people actually also ran out of benefits last week, the unemployment rate would go down and the number of people unemployed would go up by 484,000 to 1,009,000 but the number of people on unemployment would go down by 41,000? (Maxine ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. Essentially, that is correct. Given the same figures, you could also have 25,000 people go back to work. In that case, the net change of people on unemployment would be minus 66,000, but more people would be unemployed. Yes, it’s confusing and they want it to be.

Q. I’m wondering what yesterday’s ruling on California’s gay marriage issue means? (Charlie ~ Westchester, NY)
A. It’s just a temporary stay to keep gay marriages from occurring for another six days while the Appeals Court decides whether or not to issue a more permanent stay pending the appeal process.Do you suppose they can keep on demonstrating in the streets of San Francisco that long? 

“Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.” ~ Dalai Lama


Thursday, August 12, 2010


The State Department plans to send Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the controversial ground zero mosque, to the Middle East as part of a public diplomacy mission to explain how Islam is perceived in America. In the meantime, Gov. David Paterson said yesterday that developers of the mosque have flatly rejected his offer to help them find a different site.

Chairman Obama has obviously decided to put the weight of the White House behind the plans to build an Islamic shrine next to the site of the World Trade Center disaster. Hillary Clinton, the would-be next President, apparently agrees with him.

Q. Judge Walker is supposed to rule today on whether or not California gay marriages can resume until the appeals are heard by the 9th Circuit Court and the Supreme Court. How do you think he will rule? (Marvis ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. It doesn’t matter; he should not be ruling at all. He’s an openly gay judge ruling on a gay marriage issue. No matter how he rules, he should have recused himself and should therefore be impeached. Activist judges should all be removed.

Q. What’s your opinion of the House passing the $26 billion additional spending bill Tuesday? (Lance ~ Laughlin, NV)
A. They’re Johnny-on-the-Spot to protect union and government jobs and everyone else gets the unemployment shaft. More of their “divide-and-conquer” strategy. The bill itself is flawed from the very beginning and was passed during a recess to prevent the American public from having an opportunity to digest it and repel it.

Q. Why doesn’t every ticked off American march on Washington and raise holy hell? (Denise ~ Fall River Mills, CA)
A. Pick the date, start the movement and I’ll be at your side.

“I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.” ~ Barack Obama

TODAY’S VIDEO: Lunacy In Action?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Nancy Pelosi went on the muscle yesterday, commandeering House Members home in the middle of a pre-election recess to do as she says.

Like sheep to the slaughter they go.

Q. Did I hear that they plan to drill another well into the same area as the bad Gulf Oil Leak? (Rhonda ~ Scottsdale, AZ)
A. Why not, as long as it isn’t BP ARCO drilling? The safety record held by other companies far exceeds that of BP. Remember that the next time you head for an ARCO station.

Q. If the Mexican border is 2,000 miles long, what good will 1,200 troops do? (Lester ~ Sand Point, ID)
A. I’ve said it before on this blog. These guys can only work so many hours a week, definitely not 24. Even if they work 12 hours on and 12 hours off every day of the week, which is inhuman, there will only be 600 troops on the line at any one time. That’s one every three or so miles. Why even bother sending them down there? It’s a flat political farce.

Q. I hear that the Federal Government, under President Obama, is planning to require everyone who uses the internet to have a registered identification. Is this George Orwell, or what? (Cynthia ~ Redding, CA)
A. They’re supposedly looking into it as a means to identify financial transactions. That is a lie. We already have tight security for our on-line transactions. Chairman Barack and his Czars want to tie you up so that you cannot blog about anything under an alias, such as “The Unknown Scribbler.” They want to use this as a tool to control speech and content on the Internet, plain and simple. Karl Marx, Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao and Adolf Hitler would be proud of them.

“A politician's goal is always to manipulate public debate. I think there are some politicians with higher goals. But all of them get corrupted by power.” ~ Dean Koontz


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Over a million people were on the phone last night to air their complaints about Washington to Michele Bachmann and the Tea Party Caucus. The level of frustration about immigration, about spending, about jobs, about the deficit and many other things was at a crescendo. The main topic to be underscored: people want to know what to do and how to go about it.

I’ve said many times on my other blogs, “Folks, this is not going to be any picnic.” We’ve been complacent far too long. We’ve been politically correct, we’ve been the silent majority and inch by inch the left-wind radicals in this country have pushed their agenda to the point of a de facto overthrow of our Constitution. What we need to do now is to stand together as Americans, shoulder-to-shoulder and elbow-to-elbow, to arm ourselves with the truth and to resolutely and defiantly take back our country. We can do it. We must do it. It won’t happen tomorrow, it won’t happen in November. It may take a decade or even two. But, we have to take the stand now and we have to do it together.

Q. Why, when this nation is in such dire straits, does the First Lady take such an extravagant and outlandish trip to Spain? That’s really rubbing our noses in it. (Norma ~ Gallup, NM)
A. I think she got sick and tired of seeing Nancy Pelosi getting away with it and decided it was time for her own little junket.

Q. With all of this unemployment, I think I heard the Pentagon is now planning to close bases and lay off thousands of more people? (Butch ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Yes, that’s what has been decided. Don’t you just love this Administration?

Q. So, why is Congress so intent on spending $26 billion more of our money that they have to spend another hundred or so million to call the House back in the middle of a recess, and why aren’t they using some of that unspent stimulus and TARP money that they flatly refuse to give back to the treasury?
A. Because they know you won’t do anything about it. Besides, they need that money to keep the stock market propped up going into the November elections.

“For many members of Congress, the time for choosing is near - do what the party leadership demands, or do what the people have asked you to do. If my colleagues don't mind some advice from a newcomer, I'd suggest going with the will of the people.” ~ Scott Brown


Monday, August 9, 2010


The man charged in the Virginia case, Carlos A. Martinelly Montano, had two prior drunken driving convictions, but was not required to serve any of his 30-day sentence for the first one and was not deported. A Prince William County judge required Montano to serve only 20 days of his approximately one-year sentence on his second conviction, and he was not deported. Two other nuns remain hospitalized.

As far as I am concerned, this death lays at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama and the Congress of the United States and the damned Judge.  

Q. Several years ago, I read somewhere that scientists had been able to go back in time and establish four basic roots of DNA, but that they had not been able to narrow it down to two, being from Adam and Eve. What’s the latest? (Mack ~ Douglas, UT)
A. There are more theories than there are scientists. The predominant theory now is that Adam and Eve lived on different parts of the planet thousands of years apart. That would seem to blow the Biblical story of begot and begat. There is other evidence to show that mankind existed before Adam and Eve and that some event caused the extinction of that species. There is also supposedly a 5th DNA that has only been found in parts of Michigan. Whenever they do figure it all out, they will undoubtedly discover that Nancy Pelosi has no DNA.

Q. I understand that Arnold Schwarzenegger now wants the courts and the law to allow same sex marriages again, even when the recent court decision is up on appeal to the 9th Circuit. What’s your opinion? (Walker ~ Tyler, TX)
A. As long as there is an appeal process underway, I do not believe the status quo should be changed; you’re only opening the legal can of worms about what to do with those who marry if the Supreme Court upholds the voters’ mandate. Arnie should stick to the movies; he obviously doesn’t know how to govern and knows even less about the fundamental principles of law.

Q. Who do you like in the California Governor’s race? (Sandy ~ Bella Vista, CA)
A. No one.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” ~ Adolf Hitler


Sunday, August 8, 2010


Winston Churchill ordered a cover-up of UFO activity during World War II according to information coming out of the National Archives in England. Churchill, then the prime minister, apparently ordered a cover-up of an encounter between a Royal Air Force bomber and an unidentified flying object during the war. The reason: Churchill feared that news of the incident would create public panic and a loss of faith in religion. He is reported to have made the orders during a secret war meeting with U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower, the then commander of the Allied Forces.  He ordered that the information remain secret for a period of 50 years.

There is growing evidence that UFO activity has occurred around the globe for centuries. More recently, there has been an abundance of activity in central Texas that cannot be explained as being experimental aircraft or of other earthly origin. And, I suppose the White House would be quick to deny that Chairman Barack was born on a UFO and would insist that he was actually born in Hawaii?

Q. I think you should acknowledge Hillary Clinton. She’s been a good Secretary of State and already, she is at the forefront of relieve efforts for flood victims in Pakistan. (Barbara ~ El Centro, CA)
A. I agree that she seems to have done a good job at State. That does not, by any means, make her Presidential material in my book. As for her relief efforts, she has been outspoken and even announced that she and Bill have contributed personal funds. “I just texted a contribution myself, because we know from our own experience, particularly in Haiti, small donations can add up to make a big difference,” Clinton told reporters. Her contribution? $10. How much was that wedding?

Q. What do you make of all those BP ads talking about how they’re cleaning up the oil spill? (Clyde ~ Houston, TX)
A. I wonder why they’re not talking about all of those “great” cleanup efforts they’re putting forth at the Yerington Anaconda Mine Site in Nevada. They have a lousy, lousy, lousy track record environmentally. This is just an effort to diffuse the nasty news that is going to come out when the investigation gets under way. And no, I am not buying any ARCO gas.

Q. I heard yesterday that the Immigration Officials, ICE, are releasing convicted illegal aliens back into local societies; they are not even sending them back to Mexico under those circumstances? (Cornelius ~ Trenton, NJ)
A. You heard right. They’re not enforcing their own immigration laws, they brought suit against Arizona for writing their law, they’re only sending 1,200 troops to help on the Mexican border and that’s not until October, and they’re releasing convicted illegals back in to our society. What does that tell you about Chairman Barack’s agenda for this country?

“Therefore, if we are a Nation of laws and a Nation of immigrants, immigration should occur within a legal framework, not through the machinations of illegal schemes and scams that threaten our national security.” ~ J. D. Hayworth


Saturday, August 7, 2010


U.S. Navy officials are coming to grips with an ominous new weapon being developed by China. An unprecedented new missile called the Dong Feng 21D, that can be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most technologically and physically advanced moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 900 miles, is nearing production. Analysts say final testing of the missile could come as soon as the end of this year.

See how the interest on our national debt is being put to use by China? Does it comfort you to know that we are in bed with our enemy?

Q. I read that the New York mosque project is doomed because no one in the United States will finance the project and no construction company will build it. (Lynda ~ Thousand Oaks, CA)
A. The claims of failure for lack of money or a construction firm are bogus on their face; that they even said it is an insult to my intelligence. They can get all of the money they need through their associates in the Middle East. We have no legal grounds to prevent them from using that as a source. As far as construction goes, the permitting process will go forward under Bloomberg’s watchful eyes and they can form their own construction company, (probably already have), with their own workers to build the mosque. Does it disturb you that the idea for this mosque at this site was hatched after Americans raised objections to Khalid Sheik Mohammed being tried in New York City at almost that same spot? That should make it obvious what their plans and intents are and Obama will certainly thwart any attempt to stop it. Are you angry? I’m outraged. See today’s MY AMERICAN OPINION.

Q. Last year we had a disastrous California fire known as the Station Fire. I understand it is now under a federal investigation. What’s up? (Maurice ~ Shingletown, CA)
A. The Forest Service Dispatch Center withheld several hours of early recordings on the fire from investigators and despite a Freedom of Information Act request from the L.A. Times. It is not yet known what was on the tapes, but there is no reason to withhold them unless they show some misfeasance or malfeasance on the part of the dispatch center. It is being alleged that the recordings do contain some telephone calls that were not known to the parties involved.

Q. There are some states where there are three candidates running for an office, Democrat, Republican and Tea Party. First, I didn’t know the Tea Party had become a political party and second, I understand that Democrats in those states are helping the Tea Party candidate in the hopes that they can diffuse the votes and take away from the Republicans and thereby win? Isn’t that dirty politics?
A. Let me start from the end. Politics is never clean. Politics has gotten way down into the sewer in recent years, but it has never been clean. Now, back to the beginning: There are many tea parties in the United States, not just one big party. The parties have, by and large, decided not to get into politics at this time; I think they are waiting to see what happens in November and may become politically active for 2012. In some cases, the party (ies) doesn’t feel that either the Republican or the Democratic candidate meets their objectives and they are fielding their own candidate. Finally, the Democrats fail to recognize there are many people in their own political party who are Tea Party advocates; so, in trying to back a Tea Party candidate in order to take votes away from the Republican, they will also be taking away votes from their own candidate. I guess, just because you’re a politician and just because you are a Democrat doesn’t mean you can’t be stupid.

“It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen.” ~ George MacDonald


Friday, August 6, 2010


The Labor Department said yesterday that new claims for unemployment benefits rose by 19,000 to 479,000. Analysts had expected a small drop. Claims have risen twice in the past three weeks. Foreclosures are up, the Federal Reserve is almost out of money, the Congressional Budget Office is predicting economic disaster, housing sales are down.

Look at what he’s done to this country in just 18 months. What is he going to do to us in the next 30 months? Oh… I know. Blame Bush!

Q. Southwest Airlines refused another flight. First, it was a fat guy, this time it’s a guy on an oxygen machine. What gives? (Charlotte ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. It sounds to me as if the guys at the top are losing touch with their customer base. They built a reputation on cheap flights and smiling service over many years that they are now willing to throw away in a day. Under the circumstances, one would be inclined to fly Greyhound.

Q. What do you think about that huge referendum in Missouri where 71% of the voters said they want nothing to do with the new Health Care Plan? (Midge ~ North Hollywood, CA)
A. It doesn’t matter what you or I think. The vote could have been 100% and Obama and his sick cronies in the Congress would just give you that “holier-than-thou” smile and tell you how sweet and wonderful it is. Obama is arrogantly prepared to be facing a Republican Congress in January and he will veto any attempt to overturn it. That could be one reason why he will not finish his first term.

Q. It amazes me some of the things our government spends our heard-earned income tax money on; they are stupid and dumb. But, they never stop it, they never justify it. How can WE stop it? (Teddy ~ Montague, CA)
A. Give them their final paycheck. Vote them all, every last one of them, out of office. Make sure you get the janitors, too, because they should have been cleaning this crapola up.

“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.” ~ William E. Simon


Thursday, August 5, 2010


California voters originally voted gay marriage down, and the issue went to the Courts. Eventually, the California Supreme Court ruled that the ballot initiative was within the framework of the state constitution and that gay marriage was therefore legal, regardless of the vote. A new initiative, passed overwhelmingly in 2008, amended the state constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. The issue again went through the court system to a Federal Judge, Vaughn Walker; Walker is one of three federal judges in the country who is openly gay. Walker ruled the ballot initiative to be unconstitutional because it takes away a right already granted and also violates the equal protection clause. He has temporarily stayed his order to Friday, August 6th, to allow attorneys to file motions for a permanent stay pending appeal to the 9th Circuit of the Federal Appeals Courts. It will undoubtedly proceed eventually to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This is another case of the Federal Government blatantly infringing on state rights. Voters in the state have said they do not want gay marriages in their state; they have said it loud and clear. A minority doesn’t give a damn what the majority wants; they are bound and determined to have their way and to shove it where the sun does not shine. They have a gay activist judge on their side; there’s no way in our system of justice where this should have been heard by this particular judge and he should have recused himself. It is a foregone conclusion what the 9th Circuit will do, so the case will end up at the Supreme Court level to be diced in another three or four years, presuming they agree to hear it. It doesn’t matter what my views on the subject matter are; the hearing was fraud, the decision is wrong, it’s a state decision and the voters DO have rights in this country.

Q. A news report yesterday says that only ¼ of the oil spill in the gulf remains. That’s very quick! Have they managed to clean all of the rest up already? (G.B. ~ Kansas City, MO)
A. They claim to have captured a bunch of oil with the containment cap, skimmed a lot of oil and the rest naturally degraded. I am as amazed as you are and wonder if the missing oil won’t show back up right after the elections.

Q. Why is Pelosi calling House Members back from their summer vacation? That doesn’t seem right in this case. (Cheryl ~ Toledo, OH)
A. It’s not anything that could not be handled after the vacations. I’m not fully cognizant of everything in the Bill, but the Senate is set to pass a Bill today regarding war funding, job funding and aid to states. From the Senate, the Bill must go the House to be passed before it goes to the President. History shows, however, that Pelosi has been inclined to call the House back during a vacation when there is a large opposition to a Bill, in order to force the Members to vote for the proposed legislation or give up the rest of their vacation. That’s dirty politics, plain and simple. I’m sick and tired of dirty politics.

Q. A recent poll shows that only 15% of Americans think that the new Health Care Plan should be implemented as it is written. Why, why are they going ahead with this atrocity? (Arlene ~ Redding, CA)
A. It’s the same thing as the gay marriage issue. A minority is bound and determined to tell the majority what to do and, in this case, they got the Congress, Pelosi, and Reid to back them up. More and more I’m coming to the conclusion that the majority is going to have to stomp the shit out of the minority in this country at some point. It’s time to stop being “politically correct” and to stand up and fight for what we believe in.

“As we peer into society’s future – you and I and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


New York City has dropped the historical designation of the property where the Muslim Mosque is going to be situated, clearing the way for the new religious center near the World Trade Center attack; opponents are outraged at Mayor Bloomberg, who favors the project. Daisy Khan, wife of the imam, said, “We’ve heard and felt their pain, and we’re extending ourselves. We want to repair the breach and be at the front and center to start the healing.” Backers are offering to build a 9/11 monument at the mosque complex.

I’d feel a lot better about things if the Muslims in this country would come out with a strong and unified statement condemning terrorism and the 9/11 attacks. They have made some low-key remarks against the 9/11 event, but that’s about it. Everyone in this country is aware that there are many mosques being used to harbor terrorist activities. I think that the original depiction of this mosque as being a slap in the face to all Americans at the site of the worst attack ever on U.S. soil is right on target. It’s time we citizens started standing up for what we believe in; the Bloombergs of the world are hereby cordially invited to move to Islamabad.

Q. I understand that the Northern Lights are going to be making a showing. Will I be able to see them on the Florida Keys? (Jenifer ~ Key West, FL)
A. Yes. Check your local cable company for time and listings.

Q. What’s your opinion of Bristol Palin? (Marie ~ Coeur d’Alene, ID)
A. As messed up in the head as she is, she’s probably a closet Democrat.

Q. Virginia is about as far from the Mexican border as you can get, but they’re getting into the immigration battle? (Todd ~ Oxnard, CA)
A. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says Virginia law enforcement officers are authorized to ask about the immigration status of any one in the state who is stopped for another reason – provided it does not significantly add to the overall time of the stop. I really think they’re going after illegal border crossers and cross dressers from West Virginia.

“The Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind.” ~ Justice Hugo Black

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Federal Government has unlimited authority to do anything?)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


A federal judge has ruled that Virginia may go ahead with its lawsuit challenging ObamaCare. U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson in Richmond yesterday denied a U.S. Justice Department request to throw out the suit and rejected arguments that the state had no right to sue. “While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to regulate -- and tax -- a citizen’s decision not to participate in interstate commerce,” the judge decided.

I believe that Virginia, as the more than 25 other states which have filed against ObamaCare, will prevail. To hold otherwise would be totally against the Constitution. No one, no one in this country, can compel me to buy something I do not want. Now, if someone were to buy me a hooker, something I do not want, I would have to relent because I might want to run for Congress someday and you can’t run for Congress unless you are friends with a few hookers.

Q. Last week, I was asked about the status of the Memorial Cross in the Mohave Desert. After a long court battle against atheists and anti-Christian groups, the Supreme Court had ruled that the cross could stand. It was promptly torn down in the middle of the night by “unknown vandals.” It was then replaced with a replica, but the National Park Service took it down and the Justice Department refused to allow it to go back up. After a great deal of research, I have an answer. (Burney Mountain Hermit - Unknown Scribbler)
A. The VFW is in the process of getting title to the land. When that transfer process is complete, the cross will go back up. Mr. Eric Holder, Deputy Chairman of the Regime, refused to budge and openly snubbed the Supreme Court.

Q. Lindsay Lohan is out after only two weeks? (Kitty ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. Are you insinuating that she got out early because of her celebrity status? Perish the thought. Our government and our judges are as fair and honest as the day is long. Trust me.

Q. Obama says he is meeting his promise to get all American troops out of Iraq by the end of this month. Yet, he’s leaving 50,000 troops there? (Barry ~ Montgomery Creek, CA)
A. Well, they are no longer going be to combat troops. They will now be called a “transitional force.” Does that explain things to you?

The man’s “sole contention is that the District of Columbia’s firearms statute violates his constitutional rights to keep and bear arms. I am not sympathetic.” ~ Elena Kagan’s opinion on a 1987 law case now before the Supreme Court


Monday, August 2, 2010


Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said three Americans jailed a year ago should stand trial on charges of illegally crossing the country's borders.

I don’t disagree. A nation has the right to protect its sovereignty. It’s just too damned bad that this country insists on letting illegal border crossers tell us how to act.

Q. You were right; there’s been a memo surfacing about White House plans for granting amnesty to illegals and going around Congress. What do you think will happen now? (Lilly ~ Laughlin, NV)
A. The same as always happens when the White House gets caught. The Republicans will make a lot of noise and accomplish nothing. The day after the election, Obama will do his amnesty plan and the Democrats won’t stop him. It’s all a phony rumba.

Q. I hear the New York Democratic Party is out raising money for Rangel? (Stan ~ Montpelier, VT)
A. It’s his 80th birthday. Come on, give the crook a break.

Q. Why wasn’t Chairman Barack at Chelsea’s wedding? (Maureen ~ Cottonwood, CA)
A. He wasn’t invited. Only friends were invited.

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Chairman Barack and Deputy Chairman Holder announced in November that KSM and his four accomplices would be tried in New York City, post haste. The national uproar could be heard around the world. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman relented, and now the five are holed up in Guantanamo, held without charges; they are in a political and legal limbo and the liberal left is fit to be tied.

Gosh, such a shame. You know, they only killed 3,000 and most of them were infidels anyway. I think we should take up a collection and take out an ad in the HUFFINGTON POST or the NEW YORK TIMES to protest the situation. Yeah, right. 

Q. Why so much media talk about the Chelsea wedding? (Bernie ~ Sioux Falls, SD)
A. Obviously, people are starving to talk about anything…. Anything at all except Barack Obama.

Q. I hear Sacramento is missing $17 million. What’s the story? (Cleo ~ Davis, CA)
A. The IRS says it hasn’t been paid $17 million in payroll taxes. The payroll company handling the payroll isn’t talking. I think citizens of Sacramento are going to be holding an empty bag.

Q. I just heard that there are some charges pending against Maxine Waters. For what? (Marla ~ Redding, CA)
A. Waters allegedly attempted to arrange meetings between Treasury Department officials and minority-owned banks, including representatives from OneUnited Bank. One of the sessions was held to ensure that the banks received a share of bailout funds from TARP, and OneUnited got $12.1 million in TARP money soon after the second meeting. Waters reportedly did not tell officials that she had personal and financial ties to OneUnited; HER husband had served on the bank's board of directors and owned shares in the company worth at least $500,000. Waters has said that she was simply trying to help minority-owned institutions get their fair share from the government. Popcorn, anyone?

“Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.” ~ Al Gore