Monday, November 30, 2009


The director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. John P. Holdren, is a major player in the Climategate e-mails debacle, which may be the biggest scandal in the history of modern science.

Holdren is a global warming activist who has had no time for antagonists. He openly contends that questioning “has delayed – and continues to delay – the development of the political consensus that will be needed if society is to embrace remedies commensurate with the challenge.”

The Canada Free Press last week revealed that the former Harvard professor and Al Gore global warming adviser figures prominently in the volumes of e-mails and other files made public after the hacking last week of a computer server used by the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit. Those files reveal a pattern of deception and statistical misrepresentations deliberately designed to support the global warming theory in order to force Cap & Trade legislation and other unnecessary environmental reforms on an unsuspecting American public.

You just can’t trust a single word, fact or figure released by Obama, the White House or the Administration. Their existence is built around a full house of lies.

Q. I saw an article that says the State if New York is on the verge of bankruptcy. What’s next in this endless parade of bad news and governmental mishandling of things?
(Penny – Primm, NV)
A. California. There will be several more states if the Senate gets its way and saddles states with several hundred billions of dollars in health care costs being hidden in the Medicaid program.

Q. Why isn’t Tiger Woods talking with the Florida Highway Patrol?
(Ivan – Hollywood, FL)
A. I think he’s teed off.

Q. Did I hear correctly that a California State legislator is going to introduce a bill to ban divorce?
(Nick – Stockton, CA)
A. Yes. His reasoning is that, since those who voted against gay marriage want to preserve the sanctity of marriage, they should have no problem with banning divorce. I would banish him to a zoo, except that all of the monkeys would probably get up and leave.

“The global importance of the Middle East is that it keeps the Far East and the Near East from encroaching on each other”
~ Dan Quayle
(He would've made a good President....)




One female and three male police officers were gunned down execution-style in a Lakewood, Washington coffee shop yesterday. The police eventually named one Maurice Clemmons as a “person of interest” and served search warrants on several locations in Pierce County. Clemmons has an extensive criminal history in Arkansas and was recently transferred to Washington State for an unknown reason. He is also currently in trouble with law enforcement in Washington on other, non-related charges.

So, why is it that violent criminals with bad records are often set loose by a broken judicial system that is in far more serious need of repair than our health care system, but President Obama, a lawyer, seems to be more interested in his Health Care Plan that specifically does not address malpractice awards?

Q. What do you think about the proposed new California rule that all gun shops would have to have digital fingerprinting machines where ammo purchasers would have to give their thumbprint every time they buy ammo and an instant check will tell whether or not they are a felon who can be sold ammo?
(Frances – San Gabriel, CA)
A. Who is going to pay for the reader, the computer, the telephone line? Who is going to stop the guy from crossing state lines to get his ammo? Maybe they’ll build ten foot fences to keep that from happening? What about all of the ammo that everyone already has? This is about the dumbest idea since pet rocks.

Q. What do you think about the snowfall in San Diego?
(Buck – Alpine, CA)
A. This global warming simply has to stop. And, by the way, the Gore family should be run off to jail for their deliberately faulty science. Under a pet rock in Guantanamo would suit me just fine.

Q. What do you think about Iran saying they are going to build more facilities to refine uranium in? Isn’t this situation getting really dangerous?
(Arlene – Yankton, SD)
A. There’s nothing we can do about it. We need to save all of our money to pay for Obama’s Government-Run Health Care Plan.

“It never fails. Just when you think your stomach can’t take any more bad news coming out of Washington, along comes a guy in a tux and a lady in a red dress.”
~ Unknown Scribbler



Sunday, November 29, 2009


One of Iran’s rulers has warned that they may pull out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a result of the U.N.’s resolution to censure the country over its refusal to come clean about its nuclear ambitions. More than one leader has suggested the withdrawal may be in the works, and such a move virtually removes the U.N. power to do anything to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons. "The parliament, in its first reaction to this illegal and politically-motivated resolution, can consider the issue of withdrawing from the NPT," Mohammad Karamirad was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency, referring to the treaty. "The parliament ... (also) can block the entry of IAEA inspectors to the country."

The United States will not take any action for at least 90 days; that’s how long our President takes to make major decisions, such as what to do about Afghanistan troop levels.

Q. Any word on how the retail sales were on Black Friday?
(Sly – Farmingdale, NJ)
A. Early reports are about the same as last year…an increase of ½%. And last year, if you remember correctly, went on to be a very bad retail season.

Q. I just read that the number of handguns per person in the United States is at an all-time high. How does that compare with the number of violent crimes committed?
(Garwin – Truth-or-Consequences, NM)
A. The percentage of violent crimes has plummeted. Here’s another interesting statistic: Vermont, which is acknowledged as being the easiest state to buy handguns in, and a state where you can carry concealed handguns without a permit, the percentage of violent crimes is lowest; in California, where gun regulations are very strict, the number of violent crimes involving guns is highest.

Q. What’s the hottest selling electronic gizmo this year?
(Myrna – Huntington Beach, CA)
A. Clue: It’s not CB Radios or electronic weegie boards.

“I don't think that Iran with a nuclear capability will be just the problem of the state of Israel. This is a matter that concerns the whole world.”
~ Moshe Katsav



Saturday, November 28, 2009


REUTERS reports that at least 22 people were killed and 55 more injured when a Russian train crashed yesterday in what may have been an act of terrorism. Four carriages of a luxury train traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg were derailed near the town of Bologoye, about 200 miles from Moscow. “A one meter-diameter hole has been found next to the railway track. Witnesses heard a loud slap before the accident. All of this could point to a possible act of terrorism.”

When, if caught, the Russians send the perpetrators off to a Siberian prison and the RCLU, (Russian Civil Liberties Union), complains…I wonder if Putin will bring the terrorists to Bologoye for trial. Oh… there IS no RCLU?

Q. Tim Geithner has been so, so wrong in the many things he has done regarding our economic situation. How does he manage to keep his job?
(Irene – Augusta, GA)
A. As Secretary of the Treasury, he is over the Internal Revenue Service and the I.R.S. audits tax returns of those in political power. Shades of J. Edgar Hoover?

Q. Tiger Woods was in a car accident yesterday and they’re already saying he was driving while intoxicated. What do you make of that?
(Sally – Kerrville, TX)
A. Maybe that explains all of the new signs on golf course tee boxes: “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE?”

Q. I hear that there may be a “Cash for Clunkers” appliance stimulus?
(Benjamin – La Mesa, CA)
A. I wonder of that would apply to vibrators. That would surely keep a lot of businesses going under…pardon the lame-brained play on words.

“They say they don't know when but a day is gonna come. When there won't be a moon and there won't be a sun. It will just go black. It will just go back to the way it was before.”
~ Conor Oberst, From song Bright Eyes



Friday, November 27, 2009


A November 23rd front page NEW YORK TIMES report “warns that U.S. debt is rising so fast that the federal government is careening toward a ‘payment shock’ in the not-too-distant future.” The yearly interest alone on our national debt will be over $700 billion, up from the current $202 billion. Additionally, FDIC funds used to insure failed banks is $8.2 billion in the red and the number of banks in serious trouble has increased from 416 to 552.

We cannot continue to ignore the warnings: This country is in deep, deep trouble. It is entirely possible, and growing more probable every day, that we will enter a depression next year that could surpass the “Great Depression.” If retailers start to file bankruptcies and close stores, commercial foreclosures will sap what little bank capital there is left. This sure as hell is NOT the time to be adding fuel to the fire with more massive spending. And, given the fact that this country could be brought to its knees, any member of Congress who votes for the new health care bill should be charged with treason.

Q. I heard there’s a member of Congress who is suggesting tax increases to pay for additional troops in Afghanistan and that Obama is planning on spending another eight or nine years there. I don’t understand.
(Amie – Park City, UT)
A. This is an overt attempt to make Americans want to get out of Afghanistan so that more terrorists can be trained there.

Q. Where do they raise all of the turkeys?
(Brette – Hanford, CA)
A. Washington, DC.

Q. Even though we could use the help, I don’t understand how they can add a $300 million payment to help Katrina victims to a health care bill.
(Xavier – Morgan City, LA)
A. They can do anything they want. Shut up and get out of the way.

“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”
~ Gen. George S. Patton



Thursday, November 26, 2009


Let this be a day of renewal, where we can be with friends and family and give thanks to our forefathers who made this day possible. Let this be a day where we can draw strength from each other to face the difficult times ahead of us, because what we are enduring is certainly going to get worse before it gets better. Let this be a day when we commit to never again allowing our government to do to us what they have been doing to us and are now doing to us.

May peace, comfort and joy be yours, because... I get the drumstick.

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.”
~Erma Bombeck


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


As in the case with more and more cities, counties and states, San Francisco is facing serious budget cuts due to declining tax revenues in a worsening economy. Mayor Gavin Newsom’s response to the crisis has been to cut 500 jobs from city payrolls and the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) took to the streets in rush hour traffic demanding that Newsom change his mind. Police made dozens of arrests.

No group or faction of American society deserves to be immune from the adverse effects of government mismanagement of our economy, and that includes close friends and associates of ACORN.

Q. Why is the price of gold and even silver soaring?
(Skylo – Burlingame, CA)
A. Because there is a lot of dental work being done. Actually, Americans don’t trust their own dollar. If the government is going to print large volumes of money, inflation is going to kick off; it’s already starting. With interest rates at banks being low, the stock market rising again to unsupported levels and real estate in the tank, the only real hedge against the declining value of the dollar is investment in precious metals. In other words, the smart guys know that more bad, and possibly disastrous financial times are coming.

Q. What does John McCain mean about Congress selling out to special interests?
(Marie – Prescott, AZ)
A. Congress and the President have been ignoring the will of the people who elected them to office and abiding by the wishes of the special interests that financially supported their elections. Although he was pointing his fingers at the Democrats, the Republicans have historically been just as guilty. We need to get fresh blood into the halls of Washington to change the laws and restore the ethics.

Q. What do you want for Thanksgiving?
(Billy – Fall River Mills, CA)
A. I’d like to see Americans give Congress the bird.

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”
~ Abraham Lincoln


Nothing worthy of comment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Retail spending over the Christmas holidays was very “off” in 2008 and a recent AP-GfK poll shows that 93% of Americans are planning to spend much less or about the same as last year. This seems to be due to a lack of credit, high unemployment and under-employment, and fears about the massive national debt and what it will do to America.

Although the stock market is up, it will probably plunge in January as major retailers and manufacturers cut more jobs or go out of business altogether. I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to get past the gloom and Washington is not giving us the straight scoop about anything.

Q. The news yesterday is that Major Hasan may plead insanity in the Fort Hood Killings. It seems to me that the insanity defense is sure used a lot.
(Prentice – Savannah, GA)
A. If you use a gun in the commission of a crime, you surely must be insane, right?

Q. I was reading about a guy who was supposedly in a coma for 23 years and they just discovered that he was quite aware, but totally paralyzed after an accident. I wonder how many other people are in the same circumstances.
(Blanche – Marion, IL)
A. There’s about 500 of them in real comas on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

Q. What’s with all of the student demonstrations in California?
(Lana – Cloverdale, CA)
A. The state is virtually bankrupt. For decades, it has operated under the “tax and spend” philosophy. In this economic climate, people and businesses are leaving the state in droves and no one is willing to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done. The University system can’t operate unless it raises tuition. Students can’t afford higher tuition. Frankly, the only real solution is to shrink some campuses and close others to cut expenses, but no one wants to bite that bullet.

“We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as Americans.”
~ Nancy Pelosi


The 9/11 terrorists are switching their pleas from guilty to innocent, reportedly so that they can use their trials as stages for spreading their messages, something Holder promised would never happen.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Major national retail chains are releasing heavier than usual volumes of Christmas ads this year and many carry misleading specials designed to draw business into their stores and then to switch them to higher priced merchandise. The ads will carry a “Holiday Blowout” price for popular items, as well as the small, small print that says, “Limit – Three Per Store.” The retailers apparently hope to lure customers into their stores with the “bait” and then to sell them the advertised items at higher prices, or to “switch” them to other brands or similar items.

Why any American is shopping for any thing this Christmas Season, I don’t understand. Unemployment continues to rise, Congress is poised to pile on unprecedented spending and taxes, the “stimulus” is not working and a major French Bank is predicting we may have a global collapse of the economy. Nevertheless, if you are going to shop this year, I recommend rewarding a small local store with your business. The “big box” boys have obviously not learned that business goes where it is well respected and well treated.

Q. I’ve heard several members of Congress say, with respect to the health care bills, that “doing nothing is not an option.” Do you agree?
(Sandee – Bronx, NY)
A. No. That is the most fallacious argument I have ever heard for passing purely rotten legislation.

Q. What do you think of latest news that Iran is practicing war games and test missile firings?
(Al – Arlington, VA)
A. Obama needs to do something about his constipation problem.

Q. First they say mammograms after 40, then they say after 50, then they go back to 40. Then, they talk about cervical exams and change that back and forth. What is going on?
(Sylvia – Palo Cedro, CA)
A. Here’s the bottom line: If you can’t hold a job in the civilian sector, go to work for the government. Have you ever tried to get a straight answer or to get something done by a government bureaucrat? Just wait until they take charge of your health care.

“As citizens of this democracy, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law-givers and the law-abiding, the beginning and the end.”
~ Adlai E. Stevenson

Is this how Obama Pays Attention to the American People?

Germany will send an observer to the New York trials of the 9/11 conspirators. Justice Ministry spokeswoman Katharina Jahntz has confirmed a news report that a German observer will attend the trial to ensure that no evidence provided by Germany would be used to apply the death penalty.

Isn't that sweet?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


The Senate voted 60-39 to allow floor debate on the Senate version of “Obamacare,” the government-run health care plan. The vote came after Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, announced they would join in clearing the way for a full debate and after an “earmark” of $100 million was added to the bill for Louisiana. The vote virtually guarantees passage of the Senate version.

Reid bought Senate votes with our money. This is what our country has come to? And we are going to sit down for it?

Do you think there will be civil disobedience on a national scale if the Health Care Plan is signed by President Obama? (Candice – Petaluma, CA)
A. Yes. This whole thing, the way it is written, is blatantly unconstitutional. I’ve never been so passionately against anything in my lifetime.

Q. Has Obama said anything about the false jobs figures on the website?
(Marlys – Hollywood, CA)
A. He basically said to “shut up and get out of the way,” and that it has nothing to do with anything.

Q. Do you think any of the 9/11 conspirators might get off?
(Bernice – Vail, CO)
A. In all honesty, at least Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should get off, under our laws that will apply in New York. President Obama said the other day that Mohammed will be found guilty and will be executed. In doing so, he prejudiced the entire national potential juror pool and any Judge who knows anything about our system of law will be duty-bound to dismiss the case. Let’s see how it plays out.

“The right to revolt has sources deep in our history.”
~ William O. Douglas



Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm going to put this up now and leave it through the weekend.

1. I cannot and will not support government paid abortions, as the bill allows for.

2. The financial burden of this bill cannot be met. A major French bank has come forth with a statement that a global meltdown of the economy could be just around the corner.

3. I cannot and will not support a health care law that specifically does not cover Native Americans.

If this bill passes and ends up in any where near its present form on the President's desk, I will quit paying taxes.

I've had enough of this "change."



“You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.” That’s what Jesse Jackson had to say to Representative Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature government-run healthcare bill.

Jesse wants to stir up hateful racism and take us back to the Civil War. He should get his black ass out of this country. I’m wide open to comments on this remark; if Health Care is going to be a black vs. white issue, we need to get it out in the open.

Q. With as many people as there are out of work, why is there a hotel strike going on in San Francisco?
(Carl – Saratoga, CA)
A. Travel is down, and that means hotel occupancy is down. People are lucky just to have jobs. But, you have to consider their mentality; they’re the same people who elected Nancy Pelosi.

Q. Why doesn’t the President want Congress to investigate the Fort Hood shootings?
(Francine – Albuquerque, NM)
A. He doesn’t want politics to get in the way. Don’t laugh… That’s the reason he gave.

Q. Are you concerned about the number of Muslims in this country?
(Cindee – Springfield, IL)
A. Yes. If they all left, there would be more jobs for the illegal Mexicans.

“Every unskilled illegal immigrant who enters the United States for work drives up healthcare costs for every American. And, every illegal immigrant we turn a blind eye toward weakens the rule of law our country is founded on.”
~ Elton Gallegly


Nothing worth mentioning.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Construction of new homes dropped to a six month low in October, providing more evidence of the economy's continued troubles, while a surge in the cost of new and used vehicles lifted consumer prices and inflation took an unhealthy jump.

This Administration has me very, very concerned about what’s coming next. I so much fear that we are just one straw short of the one that will break our backs.

Q. What is with these people walking around the Bay Area carrying guns on their belts?
(Vance – Fremont, CA)
A. They’re “cool, tough guys.” Remember the good old days when guys rolled up their short-sleeved shirts and stuck a pack of cigarettes there, so people could admire their arm muscles and brand of smokes at the same time? They’re also dimwits and a severe discredit to those of us who respect guns and our rights to own them.

Q. Obama sat down for an interview with Fox News?
(Bobbie – Moapa, NV)
A. Yeah! Unbelievable! It got rid of my constipation, too.

Q. Is there anybody in Washington who you trust?
(Frank – Mineola, NY)
A. Only the veterans buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

“But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?”
~ Robert Kennedy

(Maybe He’ll invite me over to his back yard for a beer with Joe?)


Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before a Senate committee yesterday to defend Obama’s decision to try the five top 9/11 terrorists in New York City. Holder acknowledged that the country is at war with terrorism, but persisted that the 9/11 conspirators also violated criminal laws. "We need not cower in the face of this enemy. Our institutions are strong ... and our people are ready."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The President of the United States, embroiled in a growing series of controversies and embarrassments in Washington, elevated himself to being the leader of the entire world while in China yesterday. With China’s leader at his side, Obama promised he will take immediate action to rally the world to a solution of global warming. Obama has been pushing for a global climate treaty that could cost the United States many hundreds of billions of dollars on top of the costs of Health Care, stimulus, and bailouts already being spent. The money would be used to mitigate the effects of global warming allegedly being caused by developing nations and would be in addition to Obama’s proposed domestic Cap & Trade legislation.

Is this nothing more than a blatant redistribution of general American wealth, already mortgaged to pay for future tax increases, from the United States to other countries and one step closer to creating a World Order Government with Obama in charge?

Q. I hear that Tim Geithner is been fingered for mismanaging the bailout funds authorized by Congress at the end of last year?
(Dawn – Spokane, WA)
A. The former tax-cheat claims that he was too busy in his job with the Federal Reserve and in handling the complexities of the financial mess, and therefore should be excused for his incompetence. At least one financial institution, AIG, was grossly overpaid during the TARP bailouts and there is finally a move on in Congress to shut the program down before the end of the year in order to keep Geithner from further bungling.

Q. I was reading your website, MY AMERICAN OPINION yesterday. It says that the Administration has been misrepresenting the number of jobs “saved” by the stimulus package. In light of all of the facts and figures that have been released by the White House in the past and subsequently changed, how can we trust anything Obama and the White House says?
(Gretchen – Corte Madera, CA)
A. We can’t.

Q. Do you think that all of these revelations about the White House, about the people working there, about its associations with ACORN and SEIU and Maoist teachings and phony math are all deliberate, or is Obama just surrounded by nitwits?
(Chet – Maxwell, CA)
A. It kind of reminds you of the comic strip, “BIZARO,” doesn’t it?

“Most consequential choices involve shades of gray, and some fog is often useful in getting things done.”
~ Timothy Geithner


The Administration announced that those Guantanamo terrorist detainees not being sent to New York for trial will be transferred to a northwestern Illinois maximum security prison, and sent a delegation to visit the prison to examine security systems and to confirm that it would be acceptable. The Illinois government went into a state of chaos, with the Congressional delegation against it and the Governor for it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


In response to a question about why we are bringing the 9/11 terrorists to New York for trial, Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano says we should trust our government.

They keep lying to us about the cost of the new Government-run Health Care…we get a new figure every day and it’s always higher than the last one. They asked us to trust them on the H1N1 vaccine and look at how they screwed that up. They asked us to trust them on the Stimulus Bill, the bailouts, Cap & Trade, ACORN….I’d have to buy another website to list all of the “trust” they have already betrayed. There’s not a damned single one….not one…. of those idiots that I trust. They lie, cheat, manipulate, steal, mislead, misinform, disinform…and then they smile demurely and ask you to trust them.

TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS: Q. Do you really believe that Barney Frankfarter doesn’t know what pot looks like?
(Arlene – Casper, WY)
A. Yes. You have to believe whatever a government official tells you. Janet Napolitano says so.

Q. I heard a blurb on T.V. yesterday that there are a lot of miscellaneous tax hikes that are being sandwiched into other bills and that relate to the new Government-run health care plan, so that they won’t have to divulge the actual cost. How can they do that?
(Myron – Schenectady, NY)
A. By writing 2,000-page bills that you can’t decipher. But, don’t worry about it. Trust them; they know what they’re doing to us.

Q. Will Sarah Palin run for the Presidency in 2012?
(Gladys – Yreka, CA)
A. She has a problem; more and more Americans despise both political parties. On the other hand, the odds of winning as an Independent or 3rd party candidate are greatly diminished. If she’s going to run and win, she needs to get a 3rd party up and running now, in time to get some candidates running for office in 2010. And, she’ll need to surround herself with totally fresh faces on the political scene.

“Trust no one.”
~ Spock


The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security says the President and Attorney General Holder know what they are doing in bringing the terrorists to trial in New York Federal Court.

Monday, November 16, 2009


There is growing indication that Americans are fed up with “change” the way it is being delivered. The skyrocketing national debt, the health care bill, the background news coming out about Fort Hood, the pending cap and trade legislation, unemployment, the failed stimulus plan, and the Administration decision to bring top terrorists from Gitmo to New York for trial… all decisions that have been made against prevailing public opinion… are contributing to an up swell of criticism of Obama and Congress.

The theft of other American rights such as Freedom of Speech, and the marginalizing of Freedom of Religion, are adding to the disgust. It is nice to see some new people step forward, such as Carly Fiorina former CEO of Hewlitt Packard, to announce that they are going to run for office in an effort to run this worse-than-senseless-beings out of Washington. I urge more new blood to get out there now, Democrat or Republican, to get the incumbents fired. The earlier you start, the better your chances and, if you are a genuine American Patriot who is willing to put country and the people first, you should be a shoo-in.

Q. What do you think Obama will accomplish in China?
(Prentice – Daly City, CA)
A. Gosh, wouldn’t it be too bad if they decided to hang on to him as collateral for our debt?

Q. Do you think there is any chance that any of the top terrorists being brought to trial in New York could get off?
(Manny – Las Vegas, NV)
A. Yes. There are a whole lot of very left leaning and liberal Federal Judges in New York.

Q. The anti-gun lobby is screaming for gun control because of the Fort Hood shootings. What is your opinion?
(Felix – Montecito, CA)
A. If those who got shot had been armed, I don’t think Major Hasan would have even thought about doing what he did.

“But the basic difficulty still remains: It is the expansion of Federal power, about which I wish to express my alarm. How easily we embrace such business.”
~ Everett Dirksen


The decision was announced Friday, November 13, 2009, to try 9/11 terrorists in New York in Federal Court. This new addition to the Burney Mountain Hermit will have updates until the last trial is over. As of this date, Americans are very upset with the decision which was made although public opinion has been predominantly against it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Scientists have verified that there is water on the moon as a result of results beamed back from its instrument crash on to the moon’s surface.

If they’re worried about having water on the moon for colonization and further scientific exploration, all they need to do is to take along a few politicians, who have ample water on the brain.

Q. Is there any particular reason to make the announcement now that they are bringing terrorists from Guantanamo to be tried in New York as opposed to, say, announcing it in December or January?
(Ina – Bangor, ME)
A. You are astute. The President’s Government-Run Health Care Plan is in trouble and, by letting the trial cat out of the bag, Obama may be trying to refocus our angst so that he can have a better chance of getting his health care passed.

Q. Do you really think that the anger about the economy, health care, and cap and trade goes beyond the Republican Party?
(Karl – Vista, CA)
A. I just visited a very blue state that has voted Democrat for decades. Everyone I met there is ticked off about losing liberties and about the economy and they all said they would not hesitate to vote Obama out of office, if given the chance.

Q. Since Obama seems to be ducking the terrorism issue in the United States and vacillating on the Afghanistan decision, do you think he would approve of Truman’s decision to nuke Japan?
(Kyle – Tallahassee, FL)
A. Don’t ask Obama; he’ll duck that question. Something tells me that he would not use the A-Bomb, even if Japan invaded the U.S.A. mainland. Such a move would upset Jeremiah Wright.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “Historically, terrorism falls in a category different from crimes that concern a criminal court judge.”
~ Jurgen Habermas


Saturday, November 14, 2009


We need to investigate such things because we need to know our enemies.

Q. What is your opinion of bringing 9/11 terrorists to New York for trial?
(Ben – Frankfort, KY)
A. My first motion would be to ask for a dismissal of the charges against them on the basis that they cannot get a fair trial in New York. This is just about the dumbest move I have ever seen any President make, second only to reading the Miranda Rights when taking a prisoner on the battlefield.

Q. What does Obama expect to gain by taking this trip to Asia?
(Candy – Mound House, NV)
A. A change of daily news from the constant discovery about his mismanagement of our country to something more pleasant? Maybe he wants an oriental massage?

Q. You were asked the other day about why Obama is refusing to decide on Afghanistan. You gave a flippant answer. What’s the real reason?
(Anna – Roseville, CA)
A. I think he’s conflicted between his Muslim roots, the Nobel Peace Prize, and the teachings of Nidal Hasan.

“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.”
- Napoleon Bonaparte


Friday, November 13, 2009


Fifteen states are in an economic crisis. Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin are teetering on the verge of insolvency. Official unemployment is at 10.2%; counting those who have drawn all available benefits and are still out of work, and those who are working part-time but who need full-time, the figure may well be over 20%. The number of houses in various stages of delinquency or foreclosure is at its highest since such records were kept. After nearly a year of telling us how great his “strategy” is, Obama has finally decided to call together some people to talk about jobs; but that won’t be until next month. Whether that will be before, or after, he decides what to do about Afghanistan, is not known.

Happy Friday 13th.

Q. What is the purpose of Obama’s visit to Asia?
(Neil – Tempe, AZ)
A. He needs to have a secret meeting with Dr. Frankenstein to find out what to do about his Health Care Plan.

Q. Are you superstitious?
(Homer – Brooklyn, NY)
A. I didn’t used to be. One day, I broke a mirror by mistake. That night, I met my now ex-wife.

Q. Why is Mike Tyson such as ass?
(Janice – Covington, KY)
A. I met Mike once; I have my picture with him hanging on the wall. He was a pure gentleman. To shake his hand was like shaking hands with a country doctor. He was soft spoken and very polite. The very next night, he won his first major professional bout at the Las Vegas Hilton. What changed him? Ask Don King.

“Kill her, mommy! Kill her!”
~ From the movie, “Friday the 13th.”


Thursday, November 12, 2009


The new American fascist movement, now under the leadership of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, will have the storm troopers knocking down your doors sooner than you think. Americans who don't maintain acceptable health insurance coverage and who do not to pay a fine/tax of up to 2.5 percent of income will be subjected to fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's health care reform bill.

If that ticks you off or scares the hell out of you, it should. However, you also need to know that Pelosi doesn’t care what you think or how scared you are; neither do her friends. In my opinion, they are daring Americans to stop them. Do they plan on lining us up against the wall and shooting us? Did you know that only 29% of Americans are now in favor of this health care plan? But, they are going to pass it anyway.

Q. I heard Tuesday that Obama was ready to add troops to Afghanistan, and then I heard yesterday that he’s tossing out all options he has been given so far. What’s going on?
(Wendy – Orange, CA)
A. He doesn’t know what in the hell he wants to do, so he is floating trial balloons so he can see what reactions he’s might get from the public.

Q. Are you a veteran?
(Amber – Moses Lake, WA)
A. Thank you for asking. I was wearing a baseball cap with the American Legion logo on it yesterday and a fellow walked up to me and thanked me for my service to my nation and apologized for the mess that our country is in.

Q. How do you think this year’s retail Christmas Season will be?
(Antoine – Bethesda, MD)
A. Banks who are still issuing credit cards are jacking up interest rates and fees like crazy. Others are cutting credit lines. Unemployment….real unemployment…is around 20%. The value of the dollar is declining as our government prints more money to try and finance its lavish spending. More homeowners are going through the foreclosure process right now, with badly delinquent loans, than at any time in the history that I can remember. All-in-all, people just don't have money. I think that this will be the worst Christmas Season in decades. Forget large-ticket items, I see us trying to keep the Christmas spirit by buying trinkets and deeply discounted items. I think that the discount stores will feel the pain less than the others, but I think we will see many major retailers going out of business or filing for bankruptcy right after the first of the year.

We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights.
~Felix Frankfurter


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


A Gallup Poll taken yesterday, November 9th, indicates that only 29% of Americans now support the Health Care Plans as now proposed. 36% said the proposed plan would make their current situation worse, while 31% said the plan would make no difference and 26% said the plan would make things better. Overall, 2/3 of Americans say the new proposed plans would not improve things.

And 60% say Obama is failing at addressing the budget deficit. Yet, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama seem to be more than content at what they have accomplished, regardless of what we think.

Q. What do you think of Obama’s refusal to grant clemency for the Beltway Killer, John Allen Muhammed?
(Richard – Portsmouth, NH)
A. That’s twice Obama has done the right thing since taking office. Don’t ask me what the other one was….it was months ago. I halfway expected Obama to do nothing…neither to grant or deny.

Q. How do you select what questions to answer in your blog?
(Gwyn – Cleveland, OH)
A. The National Association of Hermits does not allow us to reveal all secrets.

Q. Chris Dodd has proposed legislation that would require businesses to pay employees who take time off due to the swine flue. What is your reaction to that?
(Marianne – Sebastopol, CA)
A. My knee-jerk reaction is that Dodd never ceases to display his total ignorance of how things really work. If the employee has been on the job long enough, and if the business provides for sick or annual leave, the business has set aside money to cover such absences. Otherwise, the idea imposes an unanticipated financial obligation on a business owner who is strapped due to the rotten economy that Dodd is directly complicit in creating. Faced with such an unfunded mandate, I would choose to lay the employee off.

“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
~ Benjamin Franklin


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hugo Chavez has warned that his country is prepared to go to war against neighboring Columbia if the United States attempts to provoke conflict. Chavez asserts that the presence of U.S. troops in Columbia hints at a possible attempt to seize Venezuela’s oil fields. He wants U.S. troops out of Columbia and obviously believes he can threaten Obama into compliance.

Isn’t this just ducky? We have a sawed off little runt in Korea, an Iranian kook, the Taliban, and now a Venezuelan despot all shaking their fists at Obama while Obama seems to be impotent.

Q. Where can I can a list of the Representatives who voted for Health Care H.R. 3962?
(Joey – Yankton, SD)

Q. I heard they are thinking of another stimulus bill?
(Rolf – Paducah, KY)
A. Unemployment is up to 10.2% and another 28 million (17.5%) people are under-employed, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and GMAC all want more bailout money, retail sales are projected to plummet this Christmas, and Obama is running around saying that his policies have saved the nation. He’s simply got to put our money where his mouth is.

Q. Why don’t we just run all Muslims out of the country?
(Federico – Tucson, AZ)
A. Then, who would be President?

“Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care? All it will do is confuse and dispirit Democratic voters and it will encourage the extremists.”
~ Barack Obama, November 7, 2009


Monday, November 9, 2009


Those who take delight in the fall of individual liberty are the enemy.

Q. Given your military service, what is your opinion about the status of our country today?
(Floyd – Mosinee, WI)
A. I’m not very encouraged.

Q. If the country keeps heading in the same direction as it is, what do you think will happen?
(Sandi – Fairchance, PA)
A. The prospects are frightening.

Q. Do you think religious freedom in America will be attacked?
(Martin – Ventura, CA)
A. It is already under attack. There are many venues where Christians and Jews cannot pray, but Muslims can. Ask yourself, "Why is that?"

“Passivity is fatal to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive.”
~ Mao Tse-Tung

TODAY’S VIDEO: Is this why Obama can’t deal with Afghanistan or Iran?

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Iran yesterday flatly rejected any suggestion that it send its uranium to Russia to be enriched for peaceful purposes and returned to Iran. Prominent Iranian lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi said Iran will not ship its uranium under any circumstances. At the same time, the IAEA reports that its investigation discovered engineering drawings of advanced nuclear warheads capable of reaching Israel or Europe when placed atop existing Iranian missiles.

The day is imminent when Iran has a nuclear weapon as well as the ability to deliver it. At the same time, the United States has a President who appears to be incapable of deciding what to do with Afghanistan and who has been soft-peddling the Iranian crisis since before he took office. To a casual observer, Obama would seem content to allow Iran to bomb Israel as long as he gets his domestic government-run Health Care Plan. The danger to the free world is heightened and the President of the United States is suffering from impotency.

Every day that goes by, President Barack Hussein Obama validates more and more that he is unfit to be the leader of a Cub Scout Pack, let alone our nation.

Q. Do you really think that they will foist this rotten piece of health care legislation on us? Why won’t they listen to us?
(Paul – Lancaster, PA)
A. You are but a lowly pissant. You are a terrorist. You are a worse than senseless being. Congress and the President have no reason to listen to what you have to say because you do not matter. Shut up and get out of the way. While you’re at it, bow and kiss my feet.

Someday, soon I hope, we’ll get the courage as a nation to stand up together and run these people off.

Q. Are you married?
(Shelly – Watkinsville, GA)
A. No. And don’t go there.

Q. Why is it that other parts of the country have already been hit hard with winter and we are basking in sunshine in northern California?
(Barbara – Redding, CA)
A. Ask Al Gore. He invented the profession of being a hermit and he sits on top of a mountain in Tennessee. You can easily recognize it in the winter because all of his hot air that keeps the snow from sticking around the top.

“The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy”
~ Charles de Montesquieu


Saturday, November 7, 2009


The Louisiana State Attorney General’s Office raided ACORN’s New Orleans Headquarters and seized computers yesterday in connection with an investigation into tax-fraud and embezzlement. Allegations were circulating that ACORN employees had been removing computers and data from the offices. As of yesterday afternoon, ACORN was declining all comment.

This is a major breaking development that has been all-but-buried as a result of Thursday’s and Friday’s terrifying shooting rampages.

Q. Do you think that radical Islam is to blame for Thursday’s rampage at Fort Hood by a Muslim Major?
(Tim – Kenosha, WI)
A. To the extent that their radical teachings demand radical actions against Americans, yes. Whether or not he was suffering from psychological problems, those teachings still had an influence.

Q. Will there be a bigger push now to outlaw the right to bear arms?
(Greg – Crestline, CA)
A. Undoubtedly. As a card-carrying Life Member of the NRA, I can guarantee you that there is not a one of us who does not abhor these events. But, I believe that the absence of guns owned by law-abiding citizens would not have prevented them from happening.

Q. I heard that Glenn Beck, who supposedly had appendicitis, was actually poisoned. Is there any truth to that?
(Margie – Austin, NV)
A. No. And, while we’re at it, Amelia Earhardt did not shoot John F. Kennedy, either.

“A great wave of oppressive tyranny isn't going to strike, but rather a slow seepage of oppressive laws and regulations from within will sink the American dream of liberty.”
~ George Baumler


Friday, November 6, 2009


Two major things have oozed out in Washington circles. (1) Eleven new videos have been uncovered that are to be used nationwide in schools to indoctrinate elementary students in Obama politics. Students are being required to memorize songs of praise and poems of support for Obama. These are not isolated incidents; it is a nationwide thing. Ask your schools. (2) Bank presidents in New York State have been called by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and told what wages they are allowed to pay management. The banks called have taken no government money and most are not on the “at risk” list. When protesting that this move is unconstitutional, bankers were flatly told that they would either comply or they would have a full audit and “Who knows how long it will take or how many auditors we will need?” Since audits are conducted at the banks’ expense, we’re talking about millions of dollars.

Shut up and shine your boots.

Q. How do Reid and Pelosi get away with all of the dirty, filthy, rotten things they do?
(Steph – Midland, MI)
A. You left out “asinine.” After you steal the power from the people, you can do anything you want.

Q. Do you really think there is a grand plan to overthrow the government, as Glen Beck would suggest?
(Bob – Sayreville, NJ)
A. When you see government activity such as described in today’s lead headline, when you see a White House infiltrated with avowed Marxists and Communists, when you see a callous disregard for citizens, when you see government takeover of banking and 1/3 of the nation’s economy… When you compare these things to what has happened in world history, you cannot help but to visualize Russia and even Germany before their respective revolutions and fall to repressive and oppressive regimes. We are closer than you might imagine, my friend, and only you and I can stop it.

Q. I just wanted to mention that America Legion Post 441 has a breakfast in the Burney VFW Hall Sunday morning. It’s a great place to visit, and it’s a great fundraiser, too. The Post is one of the most active in northern California.
(Bruce – Old Station, CA)
A. And, you can buy a chance to win half a pig or a cord of wood at the same time. They’re giving away both halves of the pig, so you actually have three chances to win and it’s for a good cause. Do you want the front half or the back half?

This may be why politicians have no souls: “If you’re going to walk into a house full of snakes, be sure to leave your soul outside.”
~ Unknown Scribbler

How Pelosi intends to win on the Government-Run Health Care Plan:

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Gay marriage opponents have now prevailed in 30 straight, (no play on words intended), elections to prevent legalized gay marriage. Maine had previously enacted gay marriage in May with the signature of the Democrat / Catholic Governor, John Baldacci. The vote in Maine, however, can be reversed by the State Legislature. Activist Mary Bonauto vows to win, even if she has to make a Federal case out of it.

Enough is enough. This is no longer a simple matter of gays wanting the sanctity of marriage previously and historically reserved for straights. It has transformed itself into a fundamental right of the majority to rule that applies not only to the issue of gay marriage, but to other issues as well. The minority left has pushed its agenda against the so-called “silent” majority again, again, and again. With the nation ready to drag corrupt, unethical, crooked politicians out of Washington kicking and screaming, and with the national realization that the radical left has led us to the brink of Marxism and social and economic disaster, I don’t think that the gay marriage agenda stands a chance in hell of being passed anywhere at this time. Plainly put: If you don't like majority rule, get off the island.

Q. Do you think that Tuesday’s results in Vermont and New Jersey will have any effect on Congressional plans to pass Cap & Trade and the Health Care Plan?
(Spencer – Quincy, CA)
A. No. They believe that the public uproar will die away as it has always done in the past. But, from what I hear in the heartbeat of America, they’re in for a rude awakening.

Q. Did you know that Rick Keene got reelected in California’s District 3 State Senate race?
(Dotty – Pena Blanca, NM)
A. Uhhh, yeah. Maybe you should stay in New Mexico. And, I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t let you in on the fact that that particular election occurred in 2006….. But, you’re from New Mexico, and that explains a lot. Really. No problema.

Q. T-Mobile cell service went down again, and I hear there’s a big war going on between Verizon and AT&T. Is there going to be another shake-out in the cellular phone industry?
(Pamela, LaPlata, MD)
A. T-Mobile and Sprint might fall out. Verizon is carrying a T.V. ad that contains a map depicting a ton of coverage throughout the U.S. and sparse coverage for AT&T. The fact is that AT&T has just as much, if not more coverage through agreements with other carriers. And, the fact that Verizon has doubled its early termination charges has a lot of their customers seeing red because Verizon’s reputation for customer service isn’t all that great lately.

"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials."
~ Newt Gingrich


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday that the Congress may not be able to debate and pass President Obama’s cherished Government-Run Health Care Bill by year’s end. In the timing of things, each House must debate and pass its own version, and then leaders of both Houses and presumably White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel will hammer out final compromise legislation behind closed doors again. The final Bill will then have to be debated and passed by both Houses and, with the holidays fast approaching, Reid thinks they won’t have time to get it all done.

Keep your eyes open for an end run. Reid talks out of both sides of his mouth. Besides, Obama is losing patience; he wants his way, and he doesn't care who has to pay the penalty for it.

Q. What do you think about yesterday’s elections?
(Skip – Santa Cruz, CA)
A. I’m disgusted. Sure, there were only county and local district school board seats up for grabs in Burney, but I went to the polls at noon and they told me that I was only the sixth person to show up all morning to vote. Yet, we don’t hesitate to moan and groan when someone gets elected who does a crappy job. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Q. What do you think about Warren Buffet’s purchase of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe?
(Scott – Bernalillo, NM)
A. I think it’s great…the best news we’ve had in decades. Word has it that he actually thinks we’re going to be able to run all of the nation’s politicians out of the country on the railroad.

Q. Do you really think that there’s a chance a third political party could win major national offices?
(Morgan – Laredo, TX)
A. Right now, I would dare say that anyone who has never been in politics before could win elective office running in a party that believes in restoring the power to the people and in ending corruption in Washington. I think such a party could win every single office in the country that it is able to find candidates for.

“I'm tired of hearing it said that democracy doesn't work. Of course it doesn't work. We are supposed to work it.”
~ Alexander Woollcott


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


For weeks now, Generals Petraeus and McChrystal have been sounding the alarm about the need for more troops in Afghanistan. “If we don’t get more troops now,” they echoed, “all gains will be lost and we could lose this thing.”

For days on end, Obama refused even to speak with McChrystal. Finally, apparently bowing to mounting pressure, Obama announced that a decision would be made November 7th, “after the Afghan elect
ions.” Yesterday, the runoff election ended early and Karzai was pronounced the winner. The White House immediately announced that a decision on Afghanistan would not be made for several weeks.

If last year’s Presidential elections were being held today, Obama wouldn’t even be a candidate. Hopefully, the Republicans would have had more sense than to put up McCain, too, but I doubt it. One thing I do know, however, is that the welcome mat is out for another Al Qaeda terrorist att
ack in the United States.


Q.What do you think about the new Naval Ship, the destroyer U.S.S. NEW YORK? (Char – Fresno, CA)
A. She’s a majestic ship. Made of scrap from the World Trade Center, it is an ironic pity that she got her commission on the same day that Obama announced he’s not going to make a decision on Afghanistan for several more weeks.

Q. What do you think of that new ocean cruise ship, THE OASIS OF THE SEAS? (Don – Hansville, WA)
A. She’ll hold 5,400 passengers and a crew of 2,000. That’s 7,400 illegal immigrants we can ship out. Only 14,992,600 more to go.

Q. What do you want for Christmas this year? (Clarissa – Escanaba, MI)
A. Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate.

“Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.”
~ Author Unknown


Monday, November 2, 2009


Contrary to recent claims by the Administration that the economy is on an upturn, unemployment continues to rise; nine more banks have failed, bringing the total to 115 already this year; CIT is filing bankruptcy; the national debt continues to rise at unparalleled levels; and Congress is poised to add the straw that will break the camel’s back with the Health Care Plan. Congress will allow income tax rate cuts enacted during the Bush Administration to expire, amounting to an immediate tax increase to all levels of Americans at a time when the printing of more money is on the verge of sending inflation skyrocketing.

And, they want to know why we are holding on to every dollar we can find. A second, thunderous crash looms just around the corner.

Q. Isn’t there some way we can stop those idiots in Congress from going ahead with the Health Care plan as it is written, and to force them to write one that will cap malpractice awards and lower prescription drug costs without destroying the quality of our health care?
(Lucille – Iowa City, IA)
A. Call, write, Fax, email… Do whatever it takes to get in their faces. And remember what they are putting us through now in the 2010 elections.

Q. Are there any elections in the Burney area this November?
(Sara – Montgomery Creek, CA)
A. School Board elections for the Fall River School District and Shasta County on Tuesday, November 4th.

Q. I’m thinking about buying a pistol for self-protection. What is your recommendation?
(JoAnne – Lake Charles, LA)
A. I prefer the Glock .40 caliber or 9mm. Do not buy used, but go to a reputable dealer in your area who can also provide training. Plan on spending a lot of time at the range so that you and your new weapon become thoroughly acquainted with each other. Learn how to retrieve and use your weapon in various everyday circumstances….from being awakened in the middle of the night to being surprised in your kitchen. Get a CCW Permit. Practice and promote gun safety.

‘‘Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.’’
Thomas Jefferson