Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Pissing Up a Rope

Sens. Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Mark Warner (D-VA) are pushing for a national law restricting anyone from buying more than one handgun per month. Can anyone explain to me how that will reduce gun crime, especially when you can buy as many guns as you want off the street? And you can only shoot one gun at a time, anyway! Even if you have 16 handguns, only one will fit into your hand at a time. This isn't about gun control or reducing gun crime; it's about pissing up a rope. 


George Bush keeps pushing for amnesty for the illegals. Maybe they gave him a new serape? 

Coke is raising its prices. Since everyone quit buying it, profits are down.  

Scientists in Israel identified six cases in a new study of patients developing a skin rash known as herpes zoster, or shingles, after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, according to a study in the Rheumatology journal. 

If you work for the government, you are forever barred from using the words, "illegal," "alien," "Wuhan," or "election fraud."

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Illegal, alien, Wuhan virus, election fraud!" ~ Patriotic Americans


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