Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Corruption of the FBI Is Not New

In the day, they did everything they could to shut Martin Luther King Jr. down. Over the years, the FBI has been caught multiple times planning terrorist plots for targets to foil. When the FBI has trouble getting an informant to cooperate, it simply frames them. They have ignored the laws against conducting surveillance without warrants, or have altered the facts in order to obtain warrants.   

They watched Marilyn Monroe for her ties to the Kennedys, John Lennon for his anti-war activism, and Charlie Chaplin, who was an outspoken anarchist. Even the world’s most famous figures cannot escape FBI scrutiny if they are promoting a change to the status quo. Historically, the FBI is also known for making the lives of whistleblowers a living hell. During the 1970s and 80s when it was prosecuting gangsters, it made a point to prosecute some and not others. Why? Because those it protected were paying them off or providing information on other gangs. 


Contrary to what liberal Democrats would have us believe, we need to put our faith and trust in God, and not in them.   

Janet Yellen wants to help Uncle Joe push us into a global government. She wants to start by having all countries raise their taxes by 25%, which would coincidentally make it easier for Joe to raise corporate taxes in the U.S. by declining the threat of having businesses move overseas.    

The two teenage girls charged with carjacking and murdering an Uber Eats driver in Washington, D.C., last month have reportedly reached a plea deal with prosecutors ensuring they won't spend any time in a prison facility. Isn't that nice? 

Hundreds of male California inmates are claiming they're actually female, and they're demanding transfers to women's prisons. California is, of course, accommodating them.   

California's illustrious Governor Newsom, on the verge of being recalled, pledges that the state's economy will be fully open by June 15th, but mask wearing and social distancing will continue.  

Antifa is threatening nationwide terrorist attacks if Derek Chauvin isn't sentenced in the George Floyd case. Citizens should arm up and be prepared to defend themselves, because the cops could be overwhelmed.    

Hunter Biden was addicted to drugs. Therefore, he is not guilty of anything?  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Trump was right." ~ 81 million Americans who supposedly vote for Biden. 

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