Monday, April 5, 2021

Our Healthcare Crisis Dwarfs Covid-19

A critical shortage of medical professionals, coupled with an aging population, is threatening to bring our healthcare system to a grinding halt. Tens of thousands of frustrated and over-worked medical professionals have recently retired or become ill themselves. Looking forward, the number of students entering medical schools is in sharp decline.  

The shortage among specialists, such as cardiologists, oncologists and neurosurgeons is staggering. Already, patients are waiting weeks if not months to see life-saving physicians. There currently seems to be no attempt to address the ominous problem. 


Yesterday was Easter Sunday, a religious holiday traditionally involving church, egg hunts and family ham dinners. At least one church in Canada was in for a rude awakening when the cops showed up and tried to shut down services because attendees were not wearing masks. To his credit, the attending priest chased the cops out the door while chastising them for their actions on such a religious day. "Don't come back until you have a warrant!"

Joe Biden flew transgender flags at the White House last Wednesday to celebrate "Transgender Day of Visibility." There's only one flag that should be flown at the White House: the American flag. Biden is no patriotic American! 

Around the world, every minute of every day, three million used Covid masks are tossed out! Let that sink in. THREE million masks containing unknown quantities of nasty germs and snot are tossed out every MINUTE! And they don't all end up in landfills, either! Check around your tomato plants! 

Hunter has emerged from his hole in the ground. Now, we'll have six more weeks of bullshit! 

Conservatives take note: Every time you are in proximity of a liberal, your blood pressure goes up by 30%. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D THAT: "With my tax and spend plan, everyone in America will soon be dependent upon the government for their very survival. And... there's not a damned thing they can do about it!" ~ Joe Biden 

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