White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that Joe Biden, supposedly a "devout" Catholic, and the White House “respectfully disagrees” with the Catholic Church on the use of aborted fetal tissue for research. They say it's fine to spend taxpayer dollars to fund research on aborted fetuses. Such a stance means that Biden thinks it's perfectly okay for women to deliberately get pregnant, obtain an abortion and sell the baby tissue.
Well, remember that Hitler used to make lamp shades out of human skin.
Whenever cops are responding to what could turn into a violent scene, such as a domestic violence call, they always have backup. Nevertheless, a cop in Yorkshire Estates in Delaware was severely beaten when he was forced to report alone to a fight over a house. The department says it couldn't send a backup officer due to lack of funding. I hope the cop sues the pants off the town council.
Time's Man-of-the-Year is probably going to be John Kerry.
Liz Cheney gives all Americans a bad name.
Uncle Joe says the January 6th Capitol protests were akin to another "Civil War." The dumb ass doesn't realize that when you're in a civil war, you show up with guns and ammo.
Nineteen-year-old Sage Curry has pleaded guilty to the savage knife murders of two Florida women. It's time for more gun control.
The ratings for Biden's speech the other night were actually far lower than a snake's belly.
The Epoch Times has been banned from the Congressional Press Pool.
THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "We're going to shut down the Maricopa County election audit!" ~ Joe Biden