Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Too Damned Late

A Michigan judge ruled last week Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) broke state law when she unilaterally issued rules related to absentee balloting, legitimizing a key claim made by the Trump campaign in its legal challenges to the 2020 election. So what? It's too late? 

The Washington Post has admitted Trump didn't demand Georgia officials to "fix" the 2020 election. So what? It's also too damned late!


Biden is planning on the biggest tax hike in at least 30 years!  

So a group of Republicans traveled to the border for a photo op and to demand that Joe Biden do something about the border crisis? As if he's going to cave right in? Come on... give ME a break! 

Now, Uncle Joe is going to make a quick trip to the border to see what HE can see!  We already know he won't see anything, because there's no problema esta el bordero! 

Uncle Joe also says he's going to have his first full-blown press conference on March 25th. Kamalalala and Jillllll will be there, of course, as will the White House technicians ready to create a "loss of signal" should Joe stumble or someone ask a forbidden question.   

So what's the answer for a guy who got the first $1,200 stimulus check, but didn't get the next $600 check or the $1,400 latest check? The website provides no answer! Is this another weaponization of the IRS against conservatives? 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "For St. Patrick's Day, I'd like to lead all of the snakes out of Washington!" ~ Donald J. Trump

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