Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Truth About January 6th

President Trump says he requested 10,000 National Guard troops be in Washington on January 5th, because he could foretell there was going to be a huge crowd. Nancy Pelosi, however, nixed the idea. Left unchecked, she probably saw the impending riot as a way to blame Trump!   


Although Trump wants to see the Republicans reunite, as opposed to starting a new party, early indications after CPAC are that a united Republican Party is not in the cards. Piss on them!  

Just like Mitt, Nikki Haley rebuked Trump. But now that she's thinking of running for office again and needs his support, she says he's brilliant. If she wins, she'll dump all over him again.  

Biden's DHS Secretary Mayorkas says there is no border crisis. Things are calm and normal, and you can't see those thousands of illegals wanting to storm the gates! . Now, sit down and shut up!   

OAN's Christina Bobbs ponders where all of American's courageous leaders have gone? Ask George Soros, who funded their campaigns? 

Dr. Seuss never existed. 

Maybe Kamalalala's not talking about the Cuomo sex charges because she has something to hide?  

Why would Michigan Governor Whitmer's Health Directly abruptly resign for no reason, and then get paid a huge amount of hush money? 

Although marijuana can dull the senses and make workers more susceptible to workplace accidents, California is on the verge of banning pre-employment drugs tests! 

In an effort to cut down on the costs of prison phone calls, California's planning on giving each prisoner a tablet.   

Is it true that somebody beat the crap our of Mitt Romney? 

John Brennan says he's increasingly embarrassed about being a white male. Why doesn't he just get his Black ass out there and start picking cotton? 

Why is it that Andrew Cuomo and Mr. Potato Head are the main subjects of today's news? 

I never thought I'd see the day that Dr. Seuss would become persona non grata. How much more of this crap are we going to take? 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "I don't think we're going to take much more of this crap." ~ American Public

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